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SawyersIcon08/04/201208-04-2012 @ 21:08 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Rotator cuff stuff

DB shoulder press
5 x 10 @9kg

Lat pull down close grip
4 x 12 @Full stack(14)

Rack pushups (pin 6)

Barbell rows
3 x 10 @30kg

Military press
3 x 8 @30kg

Tricep rope pushdowns
3 x 10 @6

fctilidieIcon...08-04-2012 @ 21:15 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
Looked strong yesterday matey.

Did you see them 2 lads benching near me when I was doing split jerks at the end? The first lad had a go with 60kg, stopped about 4 inches from his chest and failed to lock it out so the other guy spotted it, and he proceeded to help him do another 7 reps like that. So the guy that was spotting does a few with 60kg stopping about 5 inches from his chest each time, then he get up adds another 40kg and does a few more half reps with the 100kg. Then he turned to the guy that had to have his help to do 60kg and said do you think you can go heavier? The guy says probably, so they put 80kg on the bar and this time he can't even stop short of his chest as its too heavy and it just rests on his chest, so the guy again grabs it and helps him do about 5 reps. My mind was blown!
SawyersIcon...08-04-2012 @ 22:20 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
fctilidie said:Looked strong yesterday matey.

Did you see them 2 lads benching near me when I was doing split jerks at the end? The first lad had a go with 60kg, stopped about 4 inches from his chest and failed to lock it out so the other guy spotted it, and he proceeded to help him do another 7 reps like that. So the guy that was spotting does a few with 60kg stopping about 5 inches from his chest each time, then he get up adds another 40kg and does a few more half reps with the 100kg. Then he turned to the guy that had to have his help to do 60kg and said do you think you can go heavier? The guy says probably, so they put 80kg on the bar and this time he can't even stop short of his chest as its too heavy and it just rests on his chest, so the guy again grabs it and helps him do about 5 reps. My mind was blown!

Cheers! And yourself with that log..

I saw the bar loaded to 100kg and thought this isn't going to end well.. Didn't bother watching, some people just won't listen anyway! It's ridiculous what some people are doing but each to their own eh! Are you down again this weekend?
fctilidieIcon...08-04-2012 @ 22:33 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
I've honestly not witnessed that type of thing before, I've heard people say it happens but mainly training at home I don't get to see it.

Yeah I'll be in on Saturday as usual.
SawyersIcon...08-04-2012 @ 22:47 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
fctilidie said:I've honestly not witnessed that type of thing before, I've heard people say it happens but mainly training at home I don't get to see it.

Yeah I'll be in on Saturday as usual.

One day you should come to fitness first... 1/4 rep benching 100kg is the usual, needles hanging out of most the guys. I've yet to see anyone there squat more then 2' deep either. On the plus side, squat rack is free the majority of the time!
SawyersIcon9&10/04/201210-04-2012 @ 20:18 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
No training
No idea food or weight
Getting frustrated with my body at the min but I will rectify that over the next few weeks,
SawyersIcon11/04/201211-04-2012 @ 18:54 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Am -
20min cycle
15min run

Pm -
Safety bar squats
1 x 5 @85kg
1 x 5 @95kg
1 x 5 @107.5kg
1 x 10 @65kg

DB shoulder press
5 x 10 @10kg

Military press
2 x 10 @30kg
1 x 10 @20kg

Close grip pull downs
2 x 15 @Full stack

Rope push downs
2 x 10 @7

Rack pushups
Pin 5 x 20 @BW

Rotator cuff stuff
30min cycle.

SawyersIcon12-13/04/201214-04-2012 @ 11:38 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 14.04.2012 @ 11:39 AM by Sawyers
Deadlifts (double overhand hook grip)
1 x 10 @20kg
2 x 5 @60kg
1 x 5 @80kg
2 x 5 @100kg

Close grip pulls downs
4 x 10

Dumbbell rows
4 x 10 @20kg


No training, went out on the night, didn't drink any alcohol but had a little to much caffeine during the day!

My pec is feeling great now, still dont want to rush anything though. I've got a scan in 3weeks to get a definitive answer about my bicep.
SawyersIcon14/04/201215-04-2012 @ 19:42 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Sbs (no belt)
1 x 3 @25kg
1 x 3 @65kg
1 x 3 @90kg
1 x 3 @100kg
1 x 3 @115kg
1 x 3 @125kg
1 x 1 @135kg
1 x 1 @140kg
1 x 3 @105kg
1 x 3 @65kg

Military press
1 x 10 @20kg
1 x 10 @30kg
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 5 @40kg

Close grip pull downs
2 x 15 @full stack

Rack pushups
Pin 4 x 20

30min cycling, 15min cross trainer.


Went out in the night again, had a few drinks
SawyersIcon15/04/201215-04-2012 @ 19:44 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 15.04.2012 @ 19:45 PM by Sawyers
Leg press
5 x 10
Leg extensions
5 x 10
Hamstring curls
5 x 10
Calf raises
5 x 10
Military press
1 x 10 @20kg
2 x 5 @40kg
1 x 3 @45kg

15min cross trainer
45min run

SawyersIcon20/04/201221-04-2012 @ 08:54 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Front squats (testing)
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 2 @60kg

Military press
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 5 @30kg
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 6 @40kg
5 x 10 @25kg

Shoulder width neutral grip pull ups
4 x 3 @BW - started to feel uncomfortable so didn't do 5th set.

Rack pushups
2 x 15 @Pin 3 

Bent reverse flys
1 x 10 @8kg
4 x 10 @10kg

Rope push downs
3 x 10 @7
SawyersIcon21&22/04/201222-04-2012 @ 22:36 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Thought I would give deadlifts a shot

Deficit deadlifts hook grip no belt
1 x 10 @50kg
1 x 5 @90kg
1 x 1 @130kg
1 x 1 @140kg
1 x 1 @150kg
1 x 1 @160kg (straps)
1 x F @ 170kg - as soon as started the lift, pec started being painful so abandoned lift.

Just rotator cuff/mobility stuff etc.

fctilidieIcon...23-04-2012 @ 07:30 
Grandad Goatse
Member 2494, 5035 posts
SQ 120, BP 110, DL 125
355.0 kgs @ 67kgs UnEq
Your deficits looked good. To think it's not long since your operation your progress is mind blowing.
SawyersIcon23/04/201223-04-2012 @ 18:21 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Cheers Paul!

Am - 5mile run

Deficit deadlifts, hook grip, no belt (160max)
1 x 5 @50kg
1 x 5 @95kg
1 x 5 @110kg
1 x 6 @120kg
2 x 10 @80kg

5 mile run

SawyersIcon24/04/201224-04-2012 @ 23:32 
Member 2713, 1887 posts
SQ 242.5, BP 140, DL 285
667.5 kgs @ 84kgs UnEq
Am - 6mile run

Military press
1 x 5 @20kg
1 x 5 @35kg
1 x 5 @40kg
1 x 3 @45kg
1 x 1 @50kg
1 x 1 @55kg - Left side pressed easier then right, so stopped there.
1 x 10 @30kg

Shoulder width neutral grip pull ups
3 x 4 @BW
Ran out of time but still got pressing & pulling done.

4mile run



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