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Northwest Powerlifting Champs Dec 9th

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brynevansIconNorthwest Powerlifting Champs Dec 9th23-10-2007 @ 11:13 
Scotbasher - forever
Member 59, 2115 posts
Post Edited: 25.10.2007 @ 09:08 AM
The Northwest Counties powerlifting championships will take place at Rhinos gym in Oldham on Sunday December 9th. This should be the highlight of the years calender and we a hoping for a good turnout. As usual you can lift equipped or unequipped, one or two have asked to just bench which is fine and of course you may guest lift as well if you are not from the NW. I have some posters which you can display in your gym or club to help promote the event, you can email me for an "electronic" copy or I can post you a paper copy. New members welcome, anyone who is not a BWLA member can join and will benefit from an extended membership until the end of 2008! Martin pointed out to me that now you can renew your membership from November 1st for the following year as an incentive to rejoin early, but there may be a price increase after January, so join early!( I will clarify the situation with BWLA)

BWLA Northwest Counties
Powerlifting Championships
Sunday December 9th 2007
Rhinos Gym ,35 Ripponden Rd Oldham OL1 4EW
Weigh-in 09.00 till 10.30
Start approx 11am





Email Address______________________________________________

Gender M / F

Bodyweight category ______________kg

Age Category ___________________

BWLA Membership No_____________________

Please send cheque for £8. payable to NWCAWLA to:
Bryn Evans
94 Waidshouse Rd
Lancs BB9 0RZ


As usual we need helpers too so if you fancy doing a bit of spotting or filling in the scoreboard then please drop me an email. We aren't asking for you to work all day but if you could offer to do a couple of rounds then it would share the workload out and give everybody a break.
Look forward to seeing you at the event and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
FruitbatIcon...23-10-2007 @ 18:06 
slightly smaller bat
Member 15, 304 posts
SQ 135, BP 70, DL 147.5
352.5 kgs @ 63kgs Eq
When is the deadling for submitting an entrance form? It's just that I am thinking of going but not sure yet as I might just decide to slack off for a few months and hit it all fresh in the new year...
Martin1956Icon...23-10-2007 @ 18:21 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7906 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
I'll do the mike if required and am also available to weigh in the ladies.
HaydenIcon...23-10-2007 @ 18:23 
memories , like the corners of my mind ....
Member 49, 2298 posts
SQ 200, BP 132.5, DL 220
552.5 kgs @ 123kgs UnEq
Originally posted by Martin1956...
am also available to weigh in the ladies.

I will help you martin!
Martin1956Icon...23-10-2007 @ 18:32 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7906 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
I predict Fruitie will now slack off for a few monthsGrin
FruitbatIcon...23-10-2007 @ 19:49 
slightly smaller bat
Member 15, 304 posts
SQ 135, BP 70, DL 147.5
352.5 kgs @ 63kgs Eq
I think a few months' rest will do me good Grin
FatpeteIcon...23-10-2007 @ 20:52 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18404 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Originally posted by Fruitbat...
I think a few months' rest will do me good Grin

Like hell it will. Rest is one of the world's great evils. Seriously, unless injured, get off your harris and train, don't you hold records ? Well bloody well improve them, do you think the competition is having half a year off ?
brynevansIcon...24-10-2007 @ 00:46 
Scotbasher - forever
Member 59, 2115 posts
Post Edited: 24.10.2007 @ 00:47 AM
I think youve rattled Fat Petes cage there. I think you had better compete. I would like to have all the entries in for the comp a couple of weeks before just so i can order the correct number of awards. But I will accept last minute entries.
Martin I'd be happy to let you loose on the microphone but not in the ladies changing rooms!
FruitbatIcon...24-10-2007 @ 12:51 
slightly smaller bat
Member 15, 304 posts
SQ 135, BP 70, DL 147.5
352.5 kgs @ 63kgs Eq

Like hell it will. Rest is one of the world's great evils. Seriously, unless injured, get off your harris and train, don't you hold records ? Well bloody well improve them, do you think the competition is having half a year off ?

OY I am competing this weekend I will have you know!!! Tongue

OK I will decide shortly whether to enter Happy
Martin1956Icon...24-10-2007 @ 13:16 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7906 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
I think Pete missed the irony in Fruitbat's reply, and no doubt she will compete now that she knows Hayden and I won't be in the ladies chamging rooms. Unless she's so disappointed that we won't be that she decides to rest...
FatpeteIcon...24-10-2007 @ 20:31 
Hyper obese Pete
Member 70, 18404 posts
SQ 322.5, BP 205, DL 300
827.5 kgs @ 133kgs Eq
Originally posted by Fruitbat...
When is the deadling for submitting an entrance form? It's just that I am thinking of going but not sure yet as I might just decide to slack off for a few months and hit it all fresh in the new year...

200 kilos bench press and spotting irony in the above. Fat Pete fails at both. The 200 kilos bench was real, I have my doubts about the irony in this post. Or maybe I'm just very dim, well that sounds familiar, let's go with that one
FruitbatIcon...28-10-2007 @ 18:36 
slightly smaller bat
Member 15, 304 posts
SQ 135, BP 70, DL 147.5
352.5 kgs @ 63kgs Eq
OK OK Jim and others have convinced me not only to enter this competition but also to have a go with knee wraps on squats and maybe compete with them Happy Happy??? lol. Will download the form fill it in and send it to you Bryn. Also I have heard a rumour of a potential squad training session?
HaydenIcon...28-10-2007 @ 18:59 
memories , like the corners of my mind ....
Member 49, 2298 posts
SQ 200, BP 132.5, DL 220
552.5 kgs @ 123kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 28.10.2007 @ 19:00 PM
Is it ok if i give it to you jim instead of posting it??
IcepickIcon...29-10-2007 @ 17:51 
still a cock
Member 55, 1213 posts
SQ 50, BP 25, DL 55
130.0 kgs @ 0.1kgs UnEq
Originally posted by brynevans...
As usual you can lift equipped or unequipped,.

Is this competition registered as an unequipped competition as well and can unequipped records be set.
IainKendrickIcon...29-10-2007 @ 17:52 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
As per another thread I may do this comp. My grip comp to be held on the same weekend has been cancelled and the BDFPA comp the week after I may not do, so will have to think over nxt couple of weeks.


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