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Adam i take it you do a series of warm ups of the deadlifts until you reach your top weight for that session? is this the same for you pressing and legs sessions?
Thing said:Adam i take it you do a series of warm ups of the deadlifts until you reach your top weight for that session? is this the same for you pressing and legs sessions?

Yeah man. I warm um in singles and doubles usually so I dont waste too much energy for my top sets. Deads is a legs session for me, but yes the same would go for my pressing and squatting sessions as well.
Was able to press today with no pain in the collarbone so I did some good pressing.

Strict press
10 sets of 3 with 102kg and 30 sec rest. All sets were easy but I didn't want to take it too heavy my first pressing session back.

Back squat with bands
125kg for 10 sets of 2 30 sec rest. This was also easy, didn't go heavier though because this lift is still a little hard on the collarbone for me.

Finished with some pumping stuff and called it a day. I'm stoked to get to press and squat again though. Training is gonna be awesome!
Good to hear the collar bone is on the mend.

Do you ever use bands on the strict press?
adamkeep said:
Yeah man. I warm um in singles and doubles usually so I dont waste too much energy for my top sets. Deads is a legs session for me, but yes the same would go for my pressing and squatting sessions as well.

solid, i took your approach to this with the deadlifts, front squats and over head stuff
You know what you've done to your collar bone mate?

Both my SC joints are permanently dislocated forwards. To say its a pain in the arse would be an understatement! Have to be very careful with my training because of them.
Sparrow said:Good to hear the collar bone is on the mend.

Do you ever use bands on the strict press?

No I don't. I use them on back squats, deads, some of the hammer strength machines we have, and the bench.
Cuddles said:You know what you've done to your collar bone mate?

Both my SC joints are permanently dislocated forwards. To say its a pain in the arse would be an understatement! Have to be very careful with my training because of them.

Yeah I just strained it really bad. It feels better though. I have been able to train pretty ell on it this week so I thik I am healing fine.
Well I have had a few workouts since my last post, just didn't have time to post them due to being too busy. But here is my latest workout from Spain. Oh yeah...I'm in Spain now.

Push press
worked up to 143kg for 3 and then did 10 sets of 1 with 30 sec rest between sets

Did 50 on my fatgripz in as few sets as possible, I don't remember what it was though.

Fatgripz dumbbell row
Did 30 reps with 38kg in as few sets as possible

Speed Deads against bands
125kg for 10 sets of 2 with 30 sec rest between sets

Ran a mile and did some assistance exercises. It was a great workout. The gym here is really good so I think my time here will be good, I wont have to miss any workouts.
Good workout today! Hams were seriously smoked from walking on the beach, but i was still able to hit it good. This was the first time trying out the collar bone on back squats with any real weight too and it held up just fine.

Back squat
worked up to 227kg for 10 sets of 1 dont know the rest time though since I forgot my watch, but I made them quick for sure.

Incline hammer strength machine with bands
2 plates per side plus bands for 12 sets of 2 and short rest periods.

Did some assistance and had to leave since the gym was closing.

Now off to the beach!
Great workout today. Pushed really hard and had a good lifting partner. He is an officer we have here with us in Spain and is training to be a Combat Rescue Officer. The dude is in seriously insane shape, think Navy Seal...but better. Little known fact for ya, the Navy Seals come to the Air Force for their water survival courses because our combat teams are seriously elite when it comes to survival techniques in any situation. Cool stuff.

Strict press
worked up to 125kg for 2 and then backed down to 110kg for 10 sets of 2, the rest was only enough time to swap the plates back and forth from his to mine so it was fast.

Back squat with bands
102kg for 10 sets of 2, same rest as the presses.

Weighted dips
bodyweight for 10, 1 plate for 10, 2 plates for 10, 3 plates for 10, and 4 plates for 6, then we finished with 1 burnout set where I only did 34 in a row. One of the other Combat Controllers we have did 50 straight and wasn't breathing hard at all. He didn't do all the heavy stuff before, but it was still impressive.

Did some shoulder raises and then 30 fat gripz pullups in as few sets as possible.

Gonna go to the beach now, get some sun! Work starts tomorrow, kickin ass time!
great training Adam and enjoy the sun! Grin beach season is upon the Mediterranean countries.
Ok been a while since I have posted anything. Workouts have been good and happening often. I am down a bit of weight though due to all the cardio I have been doing here. I am down to 103kg but my lifts are coming back up to where they were at 106kg that I was at 6 weeks ago. The collar bone is still an issue on some lifts, mainly back squat for some reason, but on deads if I keep my shoulders up and on pressing I keep my chin down then it doesnt hurt too bad. At 103kg and the bad collar bone I have hit a 142kg strict press, 325kg dead, 273kg shoelace dead for 3, and my squatting although still s**t is on the rise! I have dropped the speed work for a little bit to let the joints heal up some, not that they were sore, but I figure i would give it a rest just because.

Today was a lower body workout

Back squats (weight in pounds)
135x3, 135x3
225x3, 225x3
275x3, 275x3
315x3, 315x3
365x3, 365x3
405x3, 405x3
415x3, 415x3
455x3, 455x3
500x3, 535x1 All sets were pretty easy, but the upper sets did bug the collar bone a bit. I will be working with top weights soon enough though, just hard with the body weight loss and the bum collar bone.

Straight leg shoelace deads
135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 405x5, 500x5

finished with some assistance work and 30 min of cardio. Feeling good today. I liked doing so many sets with the lower weights. i think they are more common weights seen in contests and this will prepare my legs and core for stones and all that jazz.
Looks solid mate and cheers for the advice earlier.
Tony said:Looks solid mate and cheers for the advice earlier.

Of course man! I think we need to spread around as much advice to get the sport rolling! Better and more athletes is only going to do good things for us!


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