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HenkIcon...18-01-2014 @ 20:50 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
MrSmall said:Hello! How did your jaw give you back issues? Great log title!

I'll ask my chiropractor for a fuller description if you're interested, but basically a misaligned bite can affect C1/C2 and then cause issues elsewhere in the spine.

One of my TMJs is worn out, so my lower jaw has moved backwards. A specialist dentist fitted me with a retainer to move my jaw forward, and will soon mess with my teeth to replace that and improve it further.

It's working for me. both in reduction of pain and vertebral misalignment - plus I'm 20% stronger than of late, getting back to weights I've moved before.
HenkIcon...18-01-2014 @ 20:51 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Fatpete said:
I consider it to be a good thing, I find it helps with confidence.

Cheers Pete, I must admit I like to be in control of what I chuck about.
HenkIcon...20-01-2014 @ 22:29 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Mon 20 Jan - Squat

BW x 10
Bar x 8
60 x 8
80 x 3
100 x 1

120 x 1 (not in middle of bar, doh)
120 x 5
120 x 5
120 x 5
100 x 8

Made 3 sets at 120 (5 min rests), but not happy with form. Tried a few different foot positions and widths. Can't decide whether:
  • My Hamstrings are weak, so not much hip drive
  • I'm inflexible so I can't sit back
  • I have the bar in the wrong position
  • All of the above

To make matters worse, I have really inflexible shoulders, so if I want to raise my elbows to the rear to hold the bar in place I have to have my hands touching the collars inside the weights - I'm starting some flexibility exercises, any suggestions?

Will get a video up when I can to see if someone can point out my mistakes.
HenkIcon...22-01-2014 @ 21:12 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Wed 22 Jan - Bench

Bar x 15
40 x 8
60 x 5
80 x 3
100 x 1
120 x 1
125 x 1
130 x 1
132.5 x 1 (PB)
135 x f
100 x 9

Decided it's time to assess where I am with bench, having never done max singles before. Did this on my own, so no lift off and no spot. My arch was worse than usual tonight, felt pretty stiff which could be from squats on Monday.

The 135 stopped about a third of the way up, held it there for quite a while but it wasn't going up.

Tried for 10 at 100 afterwards (seemed like a nice round number), failed on the 10th about 2/3 of the way up.

Next week I'll do a lighter session, then decide how best to take forward. Need to decide whether to stick at 3 sets of 5, or change to 5 x 5 (I have some fractional weights now), or something else (maybe 5/3/1, which I have never tried).
HenkIcon...24-01-2014 @ 20:11 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Fri 24 Jan - Deadlift

No belt, double overhand
Bar x 10
60 x 10
100 x 5

Shoes off
140 x 2

Belt and straps
160 x 1
170 x 1
180 x 1
185 x 1 (PB)
190 x f
187.5 x f

Assessing my max on deads, was hoping for 190 but only got that 2 inches off the floor (and the same with 187.5 when I dropped to that). Think my head nearly exploded too.

The 180 was the best rep of the day, managed to remember all my cues at the same time for once.

I did 182.5 29 years ago the only other time I went for a max, so happy overall for now.
HenkIcon...27-01-2014 @ 20:05 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Mon 27 Jan - Squat

BW x 16
Bar x 8
60 x 8
80 x 3

100 x 3
125 x 5
125 x 5
125 x 5
105 x 10

Added 5Kg from last week and made all 3 work sets. Finally seem to be getting an understanding of proper technique. Worked out that having my feet around 15 degrees is better for me. I was also trying to engage my hamstrings without much success, but on the last working set I went a little lower with my upper body and felt power kick in from my rear chain on rising. Still struggling to remember all my cues at once, but getting there.

Also been working on shoulder flexibility, and am slowly getting my hands a little closer, as well as getting better support for the low bar. Have booked a fascial stretch therapy session for next week (I've been trying some of that on myself) to see if I can get a radical improvement. I'll also get him to look at my hips and lower back, to see if tightness is stopping me hitting the correct position.
HenkIcon...29-01-2014 @ 21:28 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Wed 29 Jan - Bench

Bar x 15
40 x 10
60 x 8
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5


Bar x 5
40 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 5
40 x 5
40 x 5


Light week for bench after last week's max, managed to keep to 60% ish. Tried to push faster, and only had short rests (not sure if I should be doing that).

My front delts were the most fatigued after last weeks bench - have been meaning to add pressing once I get better shoulder flexibility, and when I can work out where to slot it in (I think I quite easily overtrain shoulders), so tried my form on them today. Form broke down a bit at 60 (too much layback), probably a good idea to work around 50 for a while until I nail it.

Did some tabata at the end, been missing it out lately as it seems too much effort after squats or deads.
HenkIcon...01-02-2014 @ 00:22 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Fri 31 Jan - Deadlift

No belt, double overhand
Bar x 10
60 x 6
100 x 3

Shoes off
140 x 3

Belt and straps
165 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5

Added 5Kg from last 3 sets of five session (2 weeks ago). Increased time between sets to 7-8 mins. Made all the reps, though took around 5 seconds between reps on the last set.

Form seems to be quite good now, think I'm getting a nice vertical pull. Actually starting to enjoy deadlifts, think confidence is helping me to get the harder reps too.

Then off to the chiro to tweak everything back into place.
HenkIcon...02-02-2014 @ 21:00 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Sun 2 Feb - Squat

BW x 10
Bar x 8
60 x 8
90 x 3
110 x 3

130 x 5
130 x 3

Doing this workout a day early as I have an appointment with a fascial stretch therapy guy tomorrow.

Added 5Kg from last time. On the first set felt a little pull in my right inner thigh - perhaps because my feet were not in the right place. Could still feel it on the second set, so decided to stop mid set and go and ice it.
HenkIcon...05-02-2014 @ 21:44 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Had my first session with a soft tissue therapist on Monday. This session focused on shoulder flexibility, and was part KMI Structural Integration and part Fascial Stretch Therapy. He got some pretty amazing results for a single session, releasing my shoulders so that I can now get my shoulder blades much closer together.

He also videoed my squat to analyse afterwards, but straight off it looks like tight hamstrings are causing me to tuck my pelvis into a posterior tilt. Next session he'll release my hamstrings with FST, which will allow me to recruit my posterior chain on squatting, plus ought to let me arch more in general so will benefit bench too.
HenkIcon...05-02-2014 @ 21:56 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Wed 5 Feb - Bench

Bar x 10
40 x 8
60 x 5
80 x 3
100 x 3

120 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 3


Bar x 5
40 x 5
50 x 5


Am still deciding where to go next with bench workouts, so decided to do some triples this week (I've never done them before). Was going to do 3 sets, but got better with each set so did 5 instead. Finished with some light presses to practice technique.

Got a copy of the new revision of Practical Programming for Strength Training earlier in the week, so am reading that and trying to work out what will be the most effective routine for me at my age and ability.
HenkIcon...07-02-2014 @ 22:05 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Fri 7 Feb - Deadlift

Warm up on bike

No belt, double overhand
Bar x 10
60 x 6
100 x 3
130 x 3

Shoes off, belt
150 x 2

Belt and straps
170 x 4
167.5 x 4
167.5 x 4

No straps
140 x 8

Added 5Kg from last week, which in hindsight was a little optimistic. Only made 4 on set one, so dropped 2.5Kg, but only then managed 4's on the second and third sets (with a fair few seconds between reps 3 and 4 on the last set). Realised afterwards that I've also added in an extra warm-up set, with the last warm-up 10Kg above last week's.

140 felt light afterwards though, could probably have done 1-2 more reps but thought it best to not push too hard. Grip was OK too, seems to be getting stronger.
HenkIcon...11-02-2014 @ 21:43 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Had another session with the soft tissue therapist on Monday. This session he released my hamstrings with FST, and released my back with KMI Structural Integration. Once again I got some pretty amazing results - I can now arch my back somewhat (I couldn't arch at all beforehand), and getting into a full squat is easier and I don't appear to tuck my pelvis.

I'll be checking my form on squat tomorrow, and seeing if I can finally get a position I like that utilises my hams and glutes. I should also see some benefit on bench, plus a better position for deads. I've got hold of a copy of Supple Leopard too, and will work on my positioning from that.

Today I had a session with my chiropractor before the dentist built up some teeth to reset my jaw some more - hopefully not having to wear/remove a splint will mean I get less effect on my neck and less effect on my strength.
HenkIcon...12-02-2014 @ 22:03 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Wed 12 Feb - Bench

Started off with some light squats with someone videoing so I can assess form - 5 sets of 5 at 60Kg after a warm up.

Bar x 10
40 x 8
60 x 5
80 x 3
100 x 3

122.5 x 3
122.5 x 3
122.5 x 3
122.5 x 3

100 x 5


I was hoping my squats would be much improved after the soft tissue work, but looking at the videos it appears that my knees are still too far over my toes and I also don't reach depth. Will post a video to see if anyone can suggest how to improve things.

For bench I decided to stick with triples, and added 2.5Kg from last week. Everything felt heavy today, and I struggled with set up. I was aiming for 5 sets but the last rep of the fourth was a real grinder so decided to stick at 4 sets. Did a lighter set to finish but even that felt heavy.

I'm still mulling over what my routine will be for the next few months. I think for bench I'll switch to 5x5, one day per week. For deads I've been reading that 3 heavy sets of 5 every week may be too much, so I may switch to 1 heavy set of 5 or a couple of heavy sets of 3. For squats I think I'll start light and do them twice a week, adding presses on one of those days too. I need to decide whether to do that over 3 days or 4. Once I get used to the increase in volume I may add a lighter bench session in too - I'm finding it hard to work out whether I'm doing enough already at my age, or whether I could push myself a bit more.
HenkIcon...14-02-2014 @ 22:42 
Member 5095, 783 posts
SQ 200, BP 162.5, DL 220
582.5 kgs @ 119kgs UnEq
Fri 14 Feb - Deadlift

Warm up on bike

No belt, double overhand
Bar x 10
60 x 6
100 x 3
140 x 3

Shoes off, belt, straps
155 x 5
165 x 5
170 x 3
172.5 x 3
172.5 x 2f3

No straps
140 x 5

Reduced weight on my sets of 5, then added some heavier sets of 3. Everything felt heavy tonight, maybe because I was adjusting my form and trying too hard. I tried to increase torque, but that seemed to make everything feel a little strange on set up. Think I talked myself out of a third rep on my last set of 3 (failed half way up my shin), though I did grind the last rep on the previous set. Grip was going on lighter set at end so stopped at 5.

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