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Can't deadlift for toffee

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TannhauserIconCan't deadlift for toffee07-01-2008 @ 17:28 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 17.07.2009 @ 00:40 AM by Tannhauser

This is a good place for me to store my current best lifts, where I can find them:

Update 10th May......Update Nov...update Dec

Bench Press 140 X8 or 150 X 160 paused X 1.
Close grip bench press 137.5 X 3
Squats 192.5 X 3 (or is it 195 X 3?) 190 X 6
Squats 210 X 220 X 1
Deadlift 232.5 (sans straps) 245
Farmer's walk with DBs 40kg 25 s 90kg for 22m
Push Press 115....unchanged
Military 105....unchanged
Clean 117.5
Curl 67.5 X 3 (crap form)

Update Dec 08

Push Press 107.5 X 2
Military 70 X 12
Bench 152.5 X 6 or 140 X 9
Front squats 140 X 3
Low beltlessbox squats 180 X 2

Update Apr 09

Military Press 70 X 14
Deads 227.5 X 4, 212.5 X 6

Update Jul 09

Front squats 170 X 1
Deads 227.5 X 5
Squats 182.5 X 8

Monday 7th

This workout didn't go according to plan, for two reasons. Firstly, I started testing my grip strength on deadlifts, to see how this was progressing now that straps are banished and got carried away. Secondly, my workout was interrupted by an ugly man who wanted help moving a photocopier. This turned out to be the world's heaviest photocopier, constructed out of lead and osmium, and it took five of us to shift it. After doing that I hadn't got time for the pressing. If he comes in again, I'm going to hide, or pretend I'm German.


Squats: 145 X 8, 8 (v. good depth)
Deadlifts: double overhand 130 X 1, 140 X 1
alternate grip 150 X 1, 160 X 1
alternate grip + chalk 170 X1, 180 X 1, 190 X 1

Chins (shoulder blades retracted, chest to bar) 4,4,4,4

I'm really heartened by the deadlifts, because I feel I could have got another 10-15kg without my grip giving out. It's better than I had hoped for.

I could hardly hold onto the 160kg, so for me, chalk gives me a minimum of 30kg extra and possible much more.
BoarIcon...07-01-2008 @ 18:41 
Nothing left in the tank.
Member 5, 25592 posts
LOL, the photocopier workout !!

and an ugly man too !! double trouble ..

nice one mate, get stuck in !!
BazIcon...07-01-2008 @ 22:36 
Weak training is still training.
Member 63, 260 posts
SQ 135, BP 110, DL 195
440.0 kgs @ 78kgs UnEq
Lol why did he pick you? was it a case of you were the biggest in the gym and he thought you must love to lift things? I think that genetic knee condition is found in the sugden centre too, its called curtsy squat-itus here Happy
Good luck with your training.
TannhauserIcon...07-01-2008 @ 22:45 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Baz said:
Lol why did he pick you? was it a case of you were the biggest in the gym and he thought you must love to lift things? I think that genetic knee condition is found in the sugden centre too, its called curtsy squat-itus here Happy
Good luck with your training.

It's because I have "Sucker, ready to exploit" tatooed on my forehead.

Curtsy squat-itus, that's the one. Very good.Tongue
TannhauserIcon...10-01-2008 @ 18:12 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Thursday 10th.

This seemed to take forever. I've been squatting three times a week for the past five weeks or so and gone from 170 X 5 to 185 X 5. ut I think I'm starting to top out on this - I was struggling to get five. Also, my hips are starting to suffer (in terms of pain, rather than appearance). Still managed to go very deep, however.

Squats - worked up to 185 X 5

Bench Press (paused) 130 X 2,2,2,2,2

Seated military Press (80 degree incline on Smith): 110 X 4,4,4,4

Face pulls "12" X 9,9,9

Farmer's walk with embarrassingly small DBs
TannhauserIcon...12-01-2008 @ 13:08 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.01.2008 @ 13:19 PM
Saturday 12th Jan

OOps - edited to put weights into kgs.

Missed out seated DB press today as I can only just clean the 40s by myself and there was no one there capable of lifting one up for me. I could have asked the gym manager, but seeing as I don't have a pair of breasts, he is reluctant to expend any energy helping me.

Hips and ankles are now definitely suffering from squatting three times a week. I think I need some squatting shoes.

Squats 187.5 X 2,2,2,2,2
Seated hammer curls 25s X 8,7,6
Lying DB tricep extensions 20s X 8,8,8
Static hold with bar 4 sets
Pinch grip lifting 1 set
HEX DB hold 1 set.

Here's a vid of the third set of squats - I'm not quite getting the depth that I was at 170-180, but I think it's OK. Any pointers welcome. Can I point out that I look like a fat bas***d for, er, some other reason other than me actually being a fat bas***d. Honest.
RobIcon...12-01-2008 @ 13:14 
Does f*ck all for
Member 1, 7173 posts
SQ 182.5, BP 110, DL 205
497.5 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
That is some very nice squatting and good depth, your deeper ones must have been REALLY deep Happy
tbenchIcon...12-01-2008 @ 13:16 
addicted to bench press, needs help
Member 80, 1384 posts
SQ 175, BP 160, DL 240
575.0 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Squats look great to me but i know f all about squats lol.Nice jobCool
mishimaIcon...12-01-2008 @ 13:42 
pink french superstar beard
Member 26, 4030 posts
SQ 190, BP 0, DL 205
395.0 kgs @ 75kgs UnEq
Hey there, your squats look great to me mate. Some very nice lifts you have there too.
Martin1956Icon...12-01-2008 @ 13:57 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7868 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
No depth problems there, mate!
TannhauserIcon...12-01-2008 @ 14:21 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Thanks guys, that's reassuring.

Rob, it felt like my slightly lighter ones were deeper, but I don't know for sure as I'm only going on 'feel'. I've never seen myself squatting before today other than in a mirror.
IainKendrickIcon...12-01-2008 @ 15:27 
some nice relaxing jazz.
Member 77, 12599 posts
SQ 265, BP 165, DL 280
710.0 kgs @ 93kgs UnEq
Nice. Depth not a problem!
JoniIcon...12-01-2008 @ 17:04 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
looking really strong there mate! You are repping your PBs like nothing Grin
TannhauserIcon...12-01-2008 @ 17:32 
fighting woo with woo
Member 206, 1491 posts
SQ 227.5, BP 165, DL 260
652.5 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq
Joni said:
looking really strong there mate! You are repping your PBs like nothing Grin

Thanks, Joni. Yeah, I have to be very cautious about squatting near-maximal weights. I try to avoid any loads that I'm not 99.9% confident with. There usually isn't anyone around who can spot me effectively and some days there just isn't anyone within earshot. The perils of training in a commercial gym with a mixed clientele Happy
JoniIcon...12-01-2008 @ 18:32 
left the country satisfied
Member 10, 19241 posts
SQ 240, BP 150, DL 270
660.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
yeah i know what you mean man. Hope you will find some people though, i think there are strength focused folk in all crappy gyms, just hiding... waiting... Grin

Actually thats how this sugden thing started as well, bunch of us were training in a s**tty university gym and started training together.

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