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» Pull 3 plates, learn to bench (Go to post)13-11-2011 @ 21:03 
Borked myself in pretty much every way. I guess the slightly sore knee put me lopsided on squats, and managed to bust my back warming up deads on Friday. Played football regardless, because I'm a prat, although I did take it easy. Pretty much sorted now. Also, 20kg GMs wrecked my hamstrings, I guess because they were deep.

Gave blood yesterday and wound up with a 2in square bruise, so should skips anything arm-y for couple days.
So, in the interests of not being tempted to idiocy, I'm skipping next 2 sess.

"Sense" is my middle name, but "complete lack of" is the first ones Happy
» Pull 3 plates, learn to bench (Go to post)10-11-2011 @ 21:13 
Leg raises gave me sore abs, wtf?
Squats, 80 5,4,5 not exactly sharp. Not nearly as bad as they used to be, but getting unacceptable. OTOH, this time last year, this was a 1RM, so I'm pretty happy.
Bench 50x2 failed a 3rd. Not much there after pressing yesterday.

Shoulder rotations stuff, and 1x50 curls with 4kg to get a bit of blood through the elbow.
Warmed up with shoulder dislocation stretch, seemed to help, as did chalking back and being careful with the grip posn.
» Pull 3 plates, learn to bench (Go to post)09-11-2011 @ 13:57 
More climbing yesterday at Ibrox. Really need to learn overhang technique, because I was resorting to pullups, and can't keep my feet on the wall. Dragged myself up a 6c and a 6b toprope tho' although I question the grade. Mojo returning, and has only taken 3 sessions Happy

Today; push press 40x2, 42.5 x2, failx2, 40x2,3 Not getting the leg drive right, prob because my legs are so tired at the minute.
strict press 30x4,3,4barely OK ish. Starting to get the hang of it, but shoulders very weak.
chins; pllelx3 on bars, then used the box-section of the rack instead because new bars are s**t, pullx3, chinx3,2, chin on strapsx1,1 Surprisingly easy to grip, esp after yesterdays arm destroying adventures.
leg raise 3x5 bent knees, and very hard; I think this is the strength I need for the overhangs, so will work on them.

swim 20min

Shoulder is hurting again. Don't know if it's structure or technique but it's def. a recurring problem I ought to damn well fix now.
» Pull 3 plates, learn to bench (Go to post)07-11-2011 @ 19:44 
Climbing at Ratho on Saturday, brilliant. Some combination of longer routes, closer clips and different setters makes Ratho much less intimidating to me than Ibrox, so way more fun. I'm happy figuring out moves, instead of constantly terrified of falling.

Today, strange session; between football, climbing etc, left knee was hurting anytime I got to parallel unweighted yesterday and today, stabbing pain in kneecap. So went in today expecting to call squatting after warmups. Then didn't hurt at all, so I had to do my worksets unexpectedly Happy
77.5 3x5 sets 2 and 3 5th reps were bad, slightly rounded and losing upper back. Better than expected tho'. GMing some on later reps, but butt was going upwards not back, and knees staying out, so not terrible.
bench 40 2x5 45x5,4, 40x5 Good, getting arch and big chest.
RDL 1x5, 70

Not sure how much further the linear squat progression can go, but honestly, this is as far as I was hoping for. If I can hit 80 with reasonable form, no belt, I'll be proper stronger than 2 months ago.
» 70kg female powerlifter (Go to post)07-11-2011 @ 11:43 
Yep, numbers are pretty irrelevant. My first comp last year I was 60ish kg, and got 82.5/45/105, and had a wicked time. I failed one lift, my first dead, because I mucked up the commands. I reckon body weight squat, 2/3rds bench and little over dead would be "good" in most people's eyes.
Good in PL terms? about 3/4s of the GBPF british records Happy
» Pull 3 plates, learn to bench (Go to post)04-11-2011 @ 15:02 
Sore adductors this morning. I hope that means they're begin used properly in squats now. Pretty tired too.
Deadlift 100x3, 1 rep DOH, pretty sure that's a grip PR. 110x1, 120x1 140xfailx3 100x1 barely.
Had to try it Happy but wasn't expecting much. Hips went straight up, whole back rounded and barely left the floor. Shouldn't really have tried again, either, but heh.
Curls 8kg 10,10,5(got bored) Seeing if these help the elbow deal, although it doesn't hurt ATM. Used a cheap tuby bandage for a reminder not to f it up, too.
Bench 50x3 fine. New benches are wider, took a session to get the hang of, but this was easy.

Football 1hr.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)04-11-2011 @ 14:53 
Deano at Warriors has a 100x5 oly back squat, and I think he's 12? I am jealous
» Pull 3 plates, learn to bench (Go to post)03-11-2011 @ 20:06 
Weds off. Really looked forwards to it, too.
squat 75 3x5 Better, but still not as good as I hoped. I think I'm divebombing a bit too. I'll try 77.5 next time, and try cutting the depth a bit. But while the knees were moving, only 2 reps of the 3rd set were really dodgy. After next week and hopefully an 80, I'll reset to 70, work back up for 2 weeks and hope to have got it sorted.

snatch balance, oh squats, power snatch etc etc, 20kg on shiny new womens bar.

chins, 4,4,2 wideish pllel grip. Gym has ditched the racks with the nice 45degree bar centres, I'm a good bit weaker on chins when the grip is wide.
» Super Log of Joy (Go to post)03-11-2011 @ 19:59 
I've been told there's more stuff coming, maybe a platform on the second rack. But yeah ditching the bench was dumb. Also noticed today there is nowhere to do chins. Every bar has a 12inch gap in the middle, which really sucks, and makes no sense.
» Diagnose my elbow/arm pain? (Go to post)03-11-2011 @ 13:01 
Post Edited: 03.11.2011 @ 13:03 PM by hrat
OK, so pretty much what I thought. It seems to get irritated, hurt for maybe an hour after, then be prone to going off again for a few days, sounds like tendonitis? Would chins or curls help or make it worse? The shoulder I can deal with, I've had worse before, but I want to fix this elbow before it ends up chronic, for which I guess not jerking my elbow on deads is the main solution Happy

Oh and ox, a stroke? Not this, but the few times I've had migrane aura, those make you wonder.
» Wacky endurance building idea (Go to post)02-11-2011 @ 10:45 
WILLSAN said:swimming 50m underwater is not difficult for any half decent swimmer. I can do about 35m in a 25m pool and im not a half decent swimmer! Grin

I've finally managed a 25m length on one breath, and felt pretty dizzy after. I know I'm not a good swimmer, but apparently I'm not much of an oxygen-user either...
» Diagnose my elbow/arm pain? (Go to post)02-11-2011 @ 10:27 
I'm getting pain in my left arm, but it's hard to figure out, because when it actually truly hurts its tends to be a deep ache from forearm all the way to my shoulder. Shoulder rotations and dislocation stretch don't hurt, but there is sometimes tenderness if I massage around the biceps tendon.

I've had pain after straight bar chins, when I can feel my wrists want to rotate; after letting a heavyish press slide down my chest a bit; after forgetting to lock the elbow on a deadlift, so I guess jerking it into extension. Also, after squatting (wideish grip, elbows fairly downwards) it hurts anywhere from elbow to shoulder and my middle finger gets pins and needles. Curls don't hurt, even when it's already hurting, deads and the like do.

Sounds to me like maybe it's a dodgy elbow and shoulder together. The shoulder clicks, and I've had rotator cuff, can't lift my arm up, issues before, although this is different. I guess I want to know, what would cause pain if it were what problem, so I can try and figure what it is.

» Pull 3 plates, learn to bench (Go to post)01-11-2011 @ 19:20 
My bench strength is flat. I've hit 45x5 before and still, on another day, failed 50x1 Happy TNG good for 50x2-3 at the minute tho'

Today; push press 42.5 2, 2fails, 1, 1 all triceps.
PC and jk 40 x2
strict press 27.5 3x6 Starting to get the tightness, but still sucks.
rows 45 3x6
curls 10kgx5, 6kg x10 trying to figure out the dicky elbow. these don't hurt.

swim 30min. managed a whole length in one breath. Dunno the distance.
» Pull 3 plates, learn to bench (Go to post)31-10-2011 @ 20:21 
Squat 75 3x5. Poor, unacceptably so. Ground out the reps but 4/5 of sets 2/3 were GMd and knees in. Just couldn't keep the hip tension I wanted. I'll repeat Thursday.
Bench 40 5x5 Fine. New bar so wobbly, new wider bench so upper back awkward. Meh.

Knackered and out of time.

Squat I think was a bad day, poor eating and sleeping over the weekend and a pint on Sat. Hopefully repeating the weight will get things moving again.
» ksohhjjkk (Go to post)31-10-2011 @ 09:21 
JackRevans said:
there was minimal back pain

That's a pretty good sign. What hurts exactly? Rounding, hyperextending, bending to the side? Because like Wiegie and SouthernBrother say, just waiting might not be the best option.


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