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tonylymeIcontuesday 14th. gym15-06-2011 @ 09:36 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
leg seems to be holding out ok i guess.

did some standing ezbar curls n barbell curls to warm the bi's n forearms up today. no real weight involved. lots of sets n reps. grip stuff to cool off.

wed off n i am hoping to get back to my garage for a small 'magic carpet' frame lift. on thursday. maybe some barel work. c how it goes.
tonylymeIconthurs 16th june - strongman lift16-06-2011 @ 15:17 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
bit of light supports slipped on around the calf of both legs just in case.

stuck to static fame lifts - side handle. base weight.
3r, 5r, 8r, 3sets of 5r.
shrugs with the frame.
3sets of 10r
barbell burnouts with just 35k
2sets x 25r
bent over rows same weight
3 sets 20r
good mornings
3 sets 15-20r

kept it nice n light to make sure the leg held out. seems ok so far.
tonylymeIconsunday gym lift19-06-2011 @ 14:09 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
military press
60k x 10
70k x 8
80k x 6
90k x 4

behind head
60k x 8 x 3 set

60k x 15
100k x 15
140k x 12
180k x 8
220k x 8
started super setting during the shrugs with neutral grip dumbell presses.

lateral and side lateral raises sets of 8-10 each n 5 sets of each
super set some of these with 3 sets of 60k upright rows.

tricep pushdowns 3/4 stack sets of 15's.
tri extensions 1/4 stack 3 sets of 15's.
tonylymeIcontuesday gym lift22-06-2011 @ 20:10 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
quick lunch time lift on break from work.

cleans (floor to shoulder)
oly bar x 20
40k x 10
60k x 10
70k x 8
80k x 4 the leg started to hurt on these so...
85k x 1

few sets of hammers. 16k's then 21k's

super sets of light deads n double arm dumbell hammers

60k deads x 20, 18.5k dumbell hammers x 10
3 sets of these

another few sets of hammers as cool down
back to work.
tonylymeIconthursday - gym - bench26-06-2011 @ 08:13 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
first bench press workout for about a year due to f**king the shoulder up.

60k x 15
100k x 8-10 x 3sets

60k x 12
100 x 3
80k x 8 x 2

ezbar standing skulls
30k x 12
40k x 10
50k x 8
40k x 8
30k x 8

tricep pushdowns
3/4 stack 12-15 x 4

really happy i seem to be able to bench press again. no shooting pain, a bit stiff but too be expected i guess. i'm hoping this will help my pressing power again as i've been stagnant on my overheads for ages.
tonylymeIconsunday. garage27-06-2011 @ 18:40 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
really muggy out n feel s**tty but 'gotta do a little bit'....

frame deads - lift, lock, pause, drop, pause. nice n slow as comp lifts.
8rep x 3 sets

same again but standing on an inch slab.
6-8 x 3 sets

car frame deads
2r x 1set
6r x 1 set

back to frame for some shrugs
super set these with some light stretches and stiff legged deads.
just another little warm through for the leg but to be honest i was freaking dripping.
tonylymeIconmonday lunch time gym quickie27-06-2011 @ 18:42 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq

barbell 15r x 2set
30k x 10 x 3 set
40k x 6 x 2 sets
50k x 6 x 2 sets

16 k x 10r x 4 sets

barbell burnouts
tonylymeIcongym pressing - wednesday03-07-2011 @ 22:42 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
tried to bench a little again but i have been having major shoulder pain again.

yeah, not really ready to bench proper again!

60k x 15 x 2 sets
100 k x 6 shoulder pain big time.
60k x 10

60k x 12 x 2 sets
again shoulder pain

tried to military press but no luck there.
oh well.
tonylymeIconfriday gym - arms (well)03-07-2011 @ 22:49 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
figured i'd give the shoulders a warm through first as they didn't get a go the other day. shoulder is still painful but...

40k x 15 x 2set
50k x 10
60k x 10 x 4 set

10k dumbell raises
fronts, 10r x 4 set
sides, 10r x 4 set
bent overs 10r x 4 set

super set the dumbell raises etc with tricep pushdowns and extensions.

barbell curls.

bar x 20r
40k x 10r x 2 sets
50k x 10r x 2 sets
55k x 6
60k x 6 x 2 sets
40k x 10 x 2 sets
bar 21's.
tonylymeIconsunday 3rd july - legs03-07-2011 @ 22:54 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 03.07.2011 @ 22:55 PM by tonylyme
gym to start.

leg extentions

can't remember weights but 5 sets of 10 reps super sets with ham curls. 5 sets of 8 reps.

sled work
half stack 10 x 2
3/4 stack 10 x 2 sets
calf seems to be doing fine.

over to the yard for a bit of yoke 3/4 squats.
i didn't want to test the calf too much so didn't walk with it just did short slow sets (lift, pause, drop on each as usual just a bit slower).
5 sets of 5 reps of the base weight (225k)
tonylymeIcontuesday gym bi's07-07-2011 @ 19:01 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
quicky on my lunch.

barbell curls
bar x 20
30k x 12
40k x 10 x 2sets
50k x 8 x 2sets
60k x 6 x 2sets
40k x 8
30k burnouts
bar for partials

double hammer dumbell curls
16's x 10
21's x 8 x 2
27's x 6

ran out of time.
tonylymeIconthursday deads07-07-2011 @ 19:06 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
gym to start

60k x 12
100k x 10
140k x 6 x 2
140k x 4 x 2

over to the garage.

frame deads
185 x 5 x 3
200 x 5
214 x 4
227 x 2
back to base for shrugs. 3 sets of 10

this is the first time in ages i've felt i could put a bit of weight on the frame because of all the little injuries i've had lately. felt great to do a bit.
tonylymeIconmonday gym12-07-2011 @ 09:05 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 12.07.2011 @ 09:07 AM by tonylyme

seated machine press. neutral grip.
half stack x 15
3/4 stack x 10 x 3

clean n press
60k x 5 x 3

military/push press

60k x 10
70k x 8
80k x 6
90k x 4
100k x 2
110k x 1
100k x 1 x 3 sets
behind head 60k x 8 x 3

tricep pushdowns
3/4 stack x 15 x 4

super set shrugs with the tricep workouts
sets of 10-12 from 100 - 220k

extensions (on the ropes)
1/4 stack x 15 x 3
tonylymeIcontuesday am early lift. gym12-07-2011 @ 09:11 
Member 2132, 164 posts
SQ 215, BP 180, DL 220
615.0 kgs @ 135kgs UnEq

first leg workout at the gym since the tear so just a nice comfy one i guess.

warm up

leg extension
1/2 stack sets of 10 x 4 sets
super with
ham curls
same as above

leg sled.
3/4 stack 10 x 2 sets

60k x 10
100k x 8
140k x 5
160k x 2
box squats. full seat n pause
100k x 8 x 3sets

bit of biceps just to warm em' through.
legs feel fine.
Simon_TIcon...12-07-2011 @ 09:46 
Member 1058, 5361 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 294
654.0 kgs @ 106kgs UnEq
Some good sessions there bud, you still up for a blast at Ross' Sunday?


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