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Martin1956Icon...19-04-2018 @ 00:11 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7744 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Finch said:I am a type 2 diabetic Martin, first diagnosed in 2000.

My diabetic nurse also treats me like i'm 8 years old, however this is probably because I pretty much ignored all her advice and carried on eating rubbish for years, weight currently fluctuates between 115 and 118Kg.

A couple of years back my weight started to tumble and I was waking up most mornings feeling drunk, I visited the doctor and he informed me that my blood sugar level which should be reading between 5 and 8 was 26...
From that day they put me on insulin and I now inject twice a day, the positive is that my blood readings are usually between 5 and 10, the negative is that being insulin dependent means that I have to re-apply for my driving license every 3 years and health/travel insurance goes through the roof!

After a while injecting just becomes normal everyday practice.
One other positive, all my prescriptions are free but as they only allow you 4 weeks medicine at a time you'll spend half your life at the chemist!

Amazing how many people are! I'm trying to go down the diet route rather than medication, but will probably go onto metaformin in three months if that doesn't work. The practice nurse doesn't seem to appreciate that BMI isn't an appropriate diagnostic tool for powerlifters, and I think daily two hours walks and 90 minute gym sessions ain't bad for a 62 year old. Oh, and 4 hours trekking on a golf course isn't proper exercise. I'd like to see the saggy middle aged matron try it herself! Hoping I can steer clear of injections, even if insulin does have certain anabolic properties...
Martin1956Icon...19-04-2018 @ 00:16 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7744 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Henk said:Just came across this, may shed some light on the low carbs part (I haven't watched it yet):

Thanks. Happy
BigMaccaIcon...19-04-2018 @ 10:40 
understanding of the sport, little he has.
Member 798, 9943 posts
SQ 260, BP 150, DL 272.5
682.5 kgs @ 82.5kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 19.04.2018 @ 16:19 PM by BigMacca
AMH_Power said:I didn't think sugar was the cause of it?

It's not sugar, but carbohydrates in general (all carbs are broken down into glucose by the body, it's just how quickly that process happens that varies)

Unless things have changed in the last year or so research-wise, then type II diabetes is most definitely caused by carbohydrate intake.
We simply have not evolved to have our insulin levels elevated for 16 hours a day, which is what happens when people eat a typical 'balanced' diet.
I've seen studies showing that you actually get less total insulin release with high GI carbs than you get with an equivalent amount of low gi carbs with the area under the curve for the short, sharp insulin spike of the high GI carbs being less than the slower, lower, laster longing rise you get from the low GI carbs (although it's possible that the higher 'spike' is worse for you than the lower 'bump', but I've not seen any studies either way)

What is not known is why certain people/populations/races are affected when others aren't
e.g. Person A and B both eat a 'typical' western diet consisting of carbs at every single meal 4-6 times a day. Person A lives to 90 and never experiences any insulin resistance issues 90, Person B becomes insulin resistant at 35.

Martin, you need to strip all carbs out of your diet and switch to a high fat / moderate protein diet (essentially fatty cuts of meat, fibrous veg, double cream etc) and stick to it for at least 3-6 months - You can then start playing with adding some carbs back in (how many and how often will depend on how much your insulin sensitivity improves.
Feel free to pm me if you want any further advise.

Don't go on Metformin, it just allows you to get sicker!

Also, what Arron has mentioned about TGLUT translocation is very applicable - Basically after resistance training (or HIIT) your muscle cells have the ability to soak up blood sugar independently of the insulin response.

In fact, in the case of diabetics, your muscles can clear blood sugar after working out whilst your fat cells remain insulin resistant.

So eating whatever carbs you plan to eat post workout (within a couple of hours starts to make a lot of sense)


Martin1956Icon...19-04-2018 @ 14:51 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7744 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
Hi Macca, thanks for that. Yes, I was directed to a talk by Tom Noakes earlier and he says very much the same thing about carbs being the root of all dietary evil. I stopped eating mammals a couple of months back and now get most of my protein from chicken, fish and My Protein shakes. Do you think that will suffice? (PS, can't stand fat on meat.) However your endorsement of double cream has elated me, I could pretty much live on pineapple or strawberries and double cream. Happy
little_aIcon...19-04-2018 @ 15:30 
still a devious weightlifting bastard
Member 43, 14374 posts
Martin1956 said:However your endorsement of double cream has elated me, I could pretty much live on pineapple or strawberries and double cream. Happy

I've got into the habit of having a first meal of coconut milk (full fat), Whey, nuts and seeds. It looks like a meal out of the Matrix, but has a taste that grows on you. It's not a killer to strip carbs if you're willing to experiment and be creative. I reckon if you can get to a consistent sub 50g a day you've a good chance to turn this around. Good luck with it mate.
Martin1956Icon...19-04-2018 @ 16:53 
Old Age Presser
Member 75, 7744 posts
SQ 0, BP 200, DL 200
400.0 kgs @ 105kgs Eq
little_a said:
I've got into the habit of having a first meal of coconut milk (full fat), Whey, nuts and seeds. It looks like a meal out of the Matrix, but has a taste that grows on you. It's not a killer to strip carbs if you're willing to experiment and be creative. I reckon if you can get to a consistent sub 50g a day you've a good chance to turn this around. Good luck with it mate.

Thanks Andy. Happy


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