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Eddie Strongman book

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AdamTIconEddie Strongman book18-10-2017 @ 21:03 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Eddies book goes on sale tomorrow. I can't wait to pick up a copy.

Eddie is normally brutally honest and I expect his book to be the same.

This book will sell well. Love him, or loath him? He's an interesting guy and has achieved loads at a young age.
matthewvcIcon...18-10-2017 @ 21:05 
Member 5704, 3368 posts
SQ 280, BP 210, DL 320
810.0 kgs @ 96.3kgs UnEq
AdamT said:Eddies book goes on sale tomorrow. I can't wait to pick up a copy.

Eddie is normally brutally honest and I expect his book to be the same.

This book will sell well. Love him, or loath him? He's an interesting guy and has achieved loads at a young age.

i'm hoping there's a whole chapter called: 'robert oberst'
AdamTIcon...18-10-2017 @ 21:07 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
matthewvc said:
i'm hoping there's a whole chapter called: 'robert oberst'


Maybe a chapter slating Sugden?

In all seriousness it should be good. Hope he goes into detail about the guys away from camera. Maybe a few funny tales!
LessThanLukeIcon...19-10-2017 @ 09:01 
his poor male ego must be crushed
Member 883, 6251 posts
SQ 290, BP 180, DL 420
890.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
Not a massive Eddie fan but I will still pick it up. Support the sport and all that.
The_Lone_WolfIcon...19-10-2017 @ 11:53 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3007 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
LessThanLuke said:Not a massive Eddie fan but I will still pick it up. Support the sport and all that.

How comes you're not a fan Luke? Genuine question too, not trolling.
The_Lone_WolfIcon...19-10-2017 @ 11:53 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3007 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
I will get a copy, and I'm looking forward to it.
LessThanLukeIcon...19-10-2017 @ 12:11 
his poor male ego must be crushed
Member 883, 6251 posts
SQ 290, BP 180, DL 420
890.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
The_Lone_Wolf said:
How comes you're not a fan Luke? Genuine question too, not trolling.

Just think he comes across as a bit of a dick/arrogant.
Obviously a fan of his lifting feats.
scruffmcbuffIcon...19-10-2017 @ 12:15 
Lovely ass Congrats.
Member 5958, 2315 posts
SQ 280, BP 170, DL 300
750.0 kgs @ 138kgs UnEq
LessThanLuke said:
Just think he comes across as a bit of a dick/arrogant.
Obviously a fan of his lifting feats.

He makes himself very easy to dislike imo.
LessThanLukeIcon...19-10-2017 @ 12:18 
his poor male ego must be crushed
Member 883, 6251 posts
SQ 290, BP 180, DL 420
890.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
scruffmcbuff said:
He makes himself very easy to dislike imo.

Yah. I am sure he is a lovely guy in person but his online/tv personality is an ass.
The_Lone_WolfIcon...19-10-2017 @ 12:19 
I eat a lot of meat
Member 5124, 3007 posts
SQ 245, BP 130, DL 275
650.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
LessThanLuke said:
Just think he comes across as a bit of a dick/arrogant.
Obviously a fan of his lifting feats.

Ah yes, of course, I understand. I guess that would be why the majority of people do dislike him.

I remember when he first did the UK's, looking like Zangief from street fighter and was full of himself, but went onto win. He has talked the talk alright, but also walked the walk.

When I met him he was the most polite and down to earth guy ever, and a different person. He's a showman for sure.
matthewvcIcon...19-10-2017 @ 12:33 
Member 5704, 3368 posts
SQ 280, BP 210, DL 320
810.0 kgs @ 96.3kgs UnEq
I just want a chapter to start like this (bonus points if you can work out what i've really lifted this from)

"People have always asked me, why do you hate Oberst?(1)
It makes me laugh. Ha!(2) I don’t hate Oberst.
I don’t give a s**t about Oberst. I hate the things he does, sure.
I hate the way he behaves.
I hate his personality and his appearance. But hate Oberst himself ?
No, sir. Wouldn’t give him the satisfaction."
BimIcon...19-10-2017 @ 13:40 
Member 3359, 3677 posts
SQ 250, BP 210, DL 295
755.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
matthewvc said:I just want a chapter to start like this (bonus points if you can work out what i've really lifted this from)

"People have always asked me, why do you hate Oberst?(1)
It makes me laugh. Ha!(2) I don’t hate Oberst.
I don’t give a s**t about Oberst. I hate the things he does, sure.
I hate the way he behaves.
I hate his personality and his appearance. But hate Oberst himself ?
No, sir. Wouldn’t give him the satisfaction."

AaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaa Mr Hall, I've been expecting you.
MikenetoIcon...19-10-2017 @ 14:52 
End of an era.
Member 4646, 1964 posts
Done a nice 536kg silver dollar deadlift to promote it also....was a new WR.
matthewvcIcon...19-10-2017 @ 15:37 
Member 5704, 3368 posts
SQ 280, BP 210, DL 320
810.0 kgs @ 96.3kgs UnEq
Bim said:
AaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaa Mr Hall, I've been expecting you.

haha bim knows Grin
Funky_monkeyIcon...19-10-2017 @ 20:25 
403 forbidden message
Member 160, 5121 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 225
552.5 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
LessThanLuke said:
Just think he comes across as a bit of a dick/arrogant.
Obviously a fan of his lifting feats.

Spent a day with him. Nice chap.


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