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320kgx2 squat FAT SAM

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Beast Sam
Awesome progress coming back from the knee injury like you had
Post Edited: 31.12.2015 @ 17:53 PM by FAT_SAM
Thanks gents.
Yeah coming back from ACL rupture, complete with bits of shattered bone in my knee and cartilage/mcl tears too!
The scar tissue from that mess explains why I have problems with depth. Got 300kg passed last time I competed though.
I was too frightened to mention the depth Grin, but I'd forgotten about your knee injury. Big weight Sam Happy
Yep high but the angle makes it look worse! Haha!
Strong for anyone shifting that kind of weight, even better after the horrific knee injuries you had! Do think in time you'll get a better ROM in your knee?
I have to sort of pause/sit in to get a squat to good depth. Below parallel pulls big time on the meniscus that I tore though. Foam rolling and stretching loads and it seems to be helping. I got a side view of 310 a few weeks ago and it looks just parallel, did a 280 paused before that to force myself into the right position. I honestly believe I can squat 340 on the right day. 340/240/320 for 900 in 2016 would be sick... can't see myself benching much more after a heavy squat even though I have in training.
That's a huge double, and huge respect for it anyway, but to read about coming back from such a serious injury is even more insane. Amazing.
Thanks mate
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