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» To buy or not to buy (Go to post)13-10-2012 @ 10:59 
Might be bit of a distraction. If you train for strongman you have so many things to do already, and Benching in itself is just assistance.
» Kahn gets Robbed. (Go to post)13-10-2012 @ 10:54 
There is a good chance I can figure out who this is. I am sure several of my friends know who this is, Birmingham is a pretty small place when it comes to wannabe hardmen.
» I Want to Eat More Green Vegetables in My Diet... (Go to post)13-10-2012 @ 00:20 
One more idea,

get yourself bags of frozen brocolli in most supermarkets for £1.20 or so for a kilo bag (much cheaper than fresh and just florets)

Microwave it and just add it to any other meals you are having as a side. If you are low carbing, you can use it to replace bread/rice/potatoes.
» I Want to Eat More Green Vegetables in My Diet... (Go to post)13-10-2012 @ 00:16 
Along the same lines of that ^

A spinach recipe family size portion. (you can save some for another day) best eaten with plain, boiled white rice.

Get yourself some spinach or kale. Asian supermarkets will sell both in big bunches for £1 for 4-5 bunches in summer and £1 for 2 bunches in winter. (yes highly seasonal)

You can also get frozen spinach from Tesco/Sainsbury's/Iceland about £1.30 a Kilo bag. (make sure to get "whole" not chopped)

If you like the sweet taste of onions get anything up to two large onions (but as little as no onions if you are not into it) and chop them finely.

Wash your spinach (if you got fresh) and chop it up, if you got kale make it very fine. Then wash it again a few times to get rid of any grit.

Crush a few cloves of garlic 2-7 large cloves (based on your taste)

Chop some green chillies (again to taste, 3-10)

Put oil in a wide pan, put in the onions and chillies. Cook them for a bit till they go soft (but not at all brown!) cook them less if you are using kale.

Add the spinach/kale & garlic

if you have frozen stuff just plonk it in and cook with a lid on, stirring and prodding ocassionally to break up the ice.

Add salt to taste!

If you have fresh stuff, put lid on till the leaves wilt a little and get smaller. Then stir and cook with lid off to try and evaporate as much of moisture as possible.

Once frozen spinach has defrosted, give it a good stir and make sure it gets hot and cooked through and flavours absorbed.

After a few minutes and a bit of stirring either version should be cooked through and a lot of the moisture evaporated. It should be ready then. If it looks a bit insipid while cooking, and is drying out, sticking to the pan etc - add more oil, butter or ghee.
» Strongman Training Midlands (Go to post)12-10-2012 @ 15:27 
Post Edited: 12.10.2012 @ 15:40 PM by herman
Thanks. Might pop over at some point, although it seems that you need to be pulling at least 5 wheels there not to be laughed out of the house.
» Evander Holyfield (Go to post)12-10-2012 @ 15:13 
Post Edited: 12.10.2012 @ 15:14 PM by herman
Id spend about 1m on myself. The rest on other people. Im generous like that.
» Strongman Training Midlands (Go to post)12-10-2012 @ 14:08 
Has anyone got a picture/video of what its like in central fitness?
» Does my Stiff Leg Deadlift look dangerous ? (Go to post)12-10-2012 @ 00:12 
I have to try it!
» Does my Stiff Leg Deadlift look dangerous ? (Go to post)11-10-2012 @ 15:33 
Mark said:I prefer not to touch the floor when doing SLDLs / RDLs, constant tension and not as fast as you are going

It seems like there is two very contrasting methods. If you want maximum tension, particularly in the hamstrings. You need a totally flat back, not at all rounded. And just to lower down to the point your hamstrings get tight. For most people if they go all the way to the ground their back will become rounded, and they would actually lose tension.

What Tom is suggesting sounds totally different. Intentionally fully rounding the back and letting the back muscles stretch out with the bar going all the way to the ground.

This would be a very back specific exercise, working back muscles in a eccentric/concentric fashion and not isometrically like you get in a flat back DL or a squat. The training effect on hamstrings would be minimal here.
» Does my Stiff Leg Deadlift look dangerous ? (Go to post)11-10-2012 @ 15:11 
I find this fascinating Never really heard of a deadlift intentionally being trained like this. In fact I have never really "got" SLDL altogether.

But if this is in your bag of tricks tom, must be good!
» What have we done !!! LOL (Before and after) (Go to post)11-10-2012 @ 03:11 
Nice pair of tits on your chest there...
» 140 squat @ 68, 17 yrs old (Go to post)11-10-2012 @ 01:56 
Indeed that spotters more of a hazard than a help!
» All you guys do you poo like you eat? (Go to post)11-10-2012 @ 01:53 
fong said:once a day, solidGrin

You would not believe how envious I am of this.
» All you guys do you poo like you eat? (Go to post)11-10-2012 @ 01:52 
Dan said: usually shortly after a main meal, one in, one out.

Thats how mine are. One in one out. But its bloody exhausting. I have to to sit there for ages each time to feel "fully empty" its not like im constipated, they are normal softish poos lubricated with loads of grease from all the oily/cheesy foods I eat. But it just keeps going and going. By the time ive got it all out my legs have gone numb from sitting there so long and I feel exhausted like I have had diarrhea. And also hungry again!

Its also hell on the toilet bowl, impossible to clean with a thick layer of bum grease all over it.
» All you guys do you poo like you eat? (Go to post)10-10-2012 @ 15:31 
* warning * thread about poo.

Im having a hard time contemplating how some of you bigger fellas digestive systems handle all this food.

Im skinny and weak at 75kg and need to go 3x a day with the amount of food I need to eat for me not to revert to my pre-training 62kg bodyweight. Recently I have tried intentionally reducing my fibre & vegetable intake and I got it down to 2 big ones per day.

Now Ive seen how much some of you guys have "grown" from the before and after thread. Its not like you were born giants, you are just regular people underneath. Roll-Eyes How do you get your body to handle all the food you need to grow that big? It blows my mind how fast some of you have done it.

Do you have to rely on a lot of sugar & supplements to get enough calories in without literally busting your gut?


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