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Weakman training log

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Fantastic News! Congratulations Happy
Jan 6th: ~30' of rowing. Cardio has gone to the pooper.

Today: some baseline tests at the CF gym

1RM squat: subbed DL since I squatted 182.5kg on Dec. 17th (wow, already 3 weeks ago) and hadn't pulled heavy in ages

-> 240kg A bit sketchy, I was losing my grip on the left side.

Max strict chin ups (palms facing backward): 17 Not unhappy, would have liked 20.

Max push-ups (chest to the ground): 41 Resting in plank position allowed. Pretty happy with that, actually.

400m run (sidewalks, pedestrians, flight of stairs...): 1:33 Didn't feel that slow, not sure how it compares to a flat 400m on the track.

Max KB snatch 24kg, each arm (10-20s rest between each arm: 25/25 No mental strength, just couldn't be bothered.

Max time holding "hollow rock" position (on your back, shoulders and feet off the ground): 1:17 That sucked.

Lack of sleep hasn't really affected my strength, but mentally I'm not quite there.
Congrats Macroth. Good WODding too Happy
Post Edited: 14.01.2013 @ 22:26 PM by macroth
Managed to get stuff done today.

High bar squats = trap pain! The bar feels heavier compared to low bar squats, really uncomfortable.

Yadda yadda yadda, 1x140, 1x160, major fail at 180, 3x145, 5x130 --Gorilla Forced Entry ME day stylee; kept it a tad light (daily max probably could have been 170) since I wasn't quite comfortable with this technique.

Some short sets of strict pullups in between some of the squat sets.

Metcon: AMRAP in 12' of 20 KB swings 24kg, 10 push-ups
-> 11 rounds + 2 swings

As per usual, the push-ups were the hard part and kept me from staying on 1 round/min.
* Floor press 5x80, 90, 95, 95
Weighted situps (5kg) x20 between each set

* "Death march" 2x20m @16kg kb's. A sort of walking, straight legged RDL. :S

*Metcon: 3' of hang power cleans @40kg, 5' rest, 3' hpc

53, 60 reps

That worked my grip more than anything else...
Box squats 5x5 100kg.

Box height just below parallel. Should've gone a bit higher to work on better controlling the descent; I was dropping onto the box a bit.

21-15-9 thrusters @43kg, pull-ups: 4:45
Meh. Apparently a PB compared to the last time I recorded a score for this back in 2008 Roll-Eyes
Nice Fran time.

Some good ideas for me to steal metcons from in here.

Are you American?
Thanks! I'm not particularly happy with it, but it'll do for now. Feel free to steal any metcons of course. They're usually from CrossFit GVA (

I'm French and Canadian, living in Geneva.
A bit of KB this and that just to get the blood flowing.
Yesterday, 15' of running on packed snow. Also buit (and destroyed Grin) a snow man and a snow fort with the kid.

Today, stole a short workout from a CrossFit competition in France:

In 6', get as many reps done as possible of 1 deadlift (60kg), 1 burpee over the bar, 2 deadlifts, 2 burpees, etc.

-> 10 rounds, 11 deadlifts and 3 burpees (124 total reps)

Completely gassed, which is how I feel as soon as I attempt anything ressembling cardio these days. Unhappy Still not getting enough sleep, obviously.
Power snatch:

3x 40, 50, 60, 70 and 60kg. Pretty s**tty technique. Really need to work on my starting position, among other things.


3x10 @ 130kg. Hook grip crushed my thumbs.

Snatch grip DL: 130x1, 130x1. Ouch again.


AMRAP in 8' of 20 1-arm KB swings (10 R, 10 L), 10 1-arm KB thrusters (5 R, 5 L)

Score: 6 rounds, 10 R swings, 7 L swings @24kg.
Each round was unbroken, but I took breaks between rounds after the 3rd one because my lumbar region was getting sore.
Floor press: 3x60, 80, 90, 100 kg, all pretty comfortable

Facebook challenge 4x750m/90'r, rolling starts after the first rep

That hurt, and not in a good way
Quick and s**tty tonight.

push-press: warm-up, 1x80, 1x90, 0x105, 0x100, 0x100, 2x90, 5x80, strict press 3x60, end.



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