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After a 2 year stint bodybuilding I've come back to strongman, may as well log it somewhere....

Currently sitting around 101kg, fairly lean. Plan to compete in the 105's until i'm too big. If I can get to 106/7kg and be this lean, i'll be a happy man.

0500 this morning>

Axle jerk/press: 100kg,100,110,120,2x120,3x120kg
Dips: 3x +20,40,60kg, 6x +80kg BWx20

First overhead PB in a long time! Dips were decent too, decent overall.
Post Edited: 28.01.2017 @ 21:27 PM by ben66
Yoke: up to 305kg for 15m
Stones, no tacky: 100kg for reps
Kegs: 80kg for reps

Weak and broken today.......Yoke was crushing, just felt weak....
Had to take a few days off as I was bushed. Good morning back today though>

Worked up to:
135kg axle PB & 120kg for 4 rep PB.
Dips: 4x +90

Pretty pleased with that.
Post Edited: 03.02.2017 @ 10:25 AM by dazzachap
Good to see your still at it Ben

Pressing looking good, but those weighted dips are impressive, I always worry about equipment failure on those, is that Austin's welding your trusting. :-)
dazzachap said:Good to see your still at it Ben

Pressing looking good, but those weighted dips are impressive, I always worry about equipment failure on those, is that Austin's welding your trusting. :-)

Thanks Happy

I've got a lot invested in Austen's welding- I'd have to send him the dental bill if it failed! 105kg is the current gym Dip record, think i'll pass that soon enough though.
Pish gym session in the morning.

Bent some 6" nails in the afternoon, surprised that I was still able to!
For me today>

Deadlift: 220x1,2 230x1 140x2 x8
High pulls: 100x2 x5
Chins: BWx10 +20kg x8 ( )

Start of a new plan, not pulled off the floor for ages as it tends to hurt, so a bit wary.

The standing ab roll outs I did on Saturday have destroyed my midsection- wincing all the way through todays session! Never noticed using my abs on chins before, but f**k me it was sore! Should have probably eased back in to them......
Squats: up to 1x230kg then speed work with 140x2 x8
220 & 230 here -

Not squatted heavy for a while, fair bit more there, but will slowly build.
Been ill for a bit....

Today went like this>

Squat: 3x 60,100,140kg
1x 180kg
10x 200kg
Pause high bar: 1x 180,200,220,230kg
GHR, against red band: 3 sets to Failure

Ab rollouts (20kg plate on back): 3 sets 10

Done, squats felt strong.
Over the weekend>

Bench: up to 160kg paused
Dips: 22x +40kg

Quick session to gauge where I'm at as I've not benched for months. Pleasantly surprised, easy and felt really good! Did some sprints later in the day.

This morning>

Deadlift: 200kg x 10
Chins: 7x +30kg
Inverted rows: BW reps
Hammer curls: 20's

Good session. Deads felt great, and that never happens. Will add 5kg a week and aim for 10, like wise for squats, and see where that takes me. (vids here: )
This morning>

Bench: 120kg x 16 (last 3 rest pause)
Push Press: 90kg x 12
Dips: +40kg x 23
Some rear/side delt stuff with bands for shoulder health.

Home. Great session- bench and dips are PB's.
Sounds stupid. But what do you use to wrap the ends of the nails?
I like how little you do of a session
danbaseley said:Sounds stupid. But what do you use to wrap the ends of the nails?

A wee strip of leather- it's about the only thing that'll not puncture- I cut it off an old jacket. You can use other material, but it's not as good.
cowie said:I like how little you do of a session

I used to do loads, but found I get stronger and grow better just doing one all out set on key exercises. So I only do things I thing have most bang for buck now, and only 3 or 4 working sets (total) per session (3 sessions a week)


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