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Post Edited: 01.04.2009 @ 21:12 PM by drew
hello, if youve read my log (that ive only just put up too) youll know im doing a novice strongman comp on the 4th of april, then a powerlifting comp on the 6th june and another 25th june.

unlike the impression this may give im still very new and just doing them for the banter rather than to break any records and what not.

only ever done 1 comp before which was the bdfpa scottish open in feb. i didnt peak for it at all i just rested a bit before as i didnt want to do anything wrong coming into the comp.

this time around i thought id give it a go, ive been looking thorugh the internet which has confused things more than cleared and thats why im asking yourselves.

there are 9 weeks inbetween the first 2 comps and 7 weeks inbetween the last 2. ive made up a plan but it is exactly what i just said, completly made up and based on no science or experience or aything

week 1 - few days off after novice comp, end of week combine a bench/squat then dead/everything else workout, failry gentle
week 2- 4x5
3- 3x5
4- 3x4
5- 3x3
6- 2x2
7- 2x1 heavy (somewhere near max efffort)
8- 2x1 opener (which for me will be a very comfortable opener as a confidence boost)
9- light work a few days before comp, then rest

what do people think?
Post Edited: 01.04.2009 @ 21:30 PM by drew
just rattled this out, be interested to ee what people think

Week Squat Bench Dead
1 4x5 82.5% 250 205 350
2 3x5 85% 260 210 360
3 3x4 87.5% 270 215 375
4 3x3 90% 280 220 385
5 2x2 95% 290 235 405
6 2x1 heavy 300/310 240/?245 415/?425
7 2x2 opener 285ish 225ish 205ish
8 speed 50% w6 Around 155 Around 115 Around 225

sorry its not lined up perfectly
dont overcomplicate things
with acessory work been some of following

mon squat,
bulgarian split squat, fronts, abs

wed bench,
close grip, tris, rowing, chins (maybe a little guns for the beach)

fri dead,
GM, stiffs, hyper ext, leg curl, abs

sunday at strongman gym, mothing too lowerback mental, just what ever comes with some shoulders each week and upper back and grip
Post Edited: 01.04.2009 @ 21:38 PM by drew
Carl said:
dont overcomplicate things

i try not too but its a comination of
1, been bored at home with lass
2, getting too excited
3, if i dont have a plan i just piss about and dont meet a set target, or try and break said target, i just seem to pick random numbers out my head and think itll be a good idea. trying to avoid that

how one of the greats used to do it if you're itnerested
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