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Swindons Strongest Man (Novice and Intermediate Class)

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Competition database entry found for this thread: Swindons Strongest Man (Novice and Intermediate Class) (05-08-2012)
leytonIconSwindons Strongest Man (Novice and Intermediate Class)30-01-2012 @ 21:29 
Member 3113, 4 posts
SQ 220, BP 160, DL 240
620.0 kgs @ 101kgs UnEq
what events can we expect at this one. i would be competing as a novice?
George_WinstonIcon...30-01-2012 @ 21:31 
The Crossfit KingPin
Member 941, 1810 posts
SQ 230, BP 130, DL 285
645.0 kgs @ 100kgs UnEq,-Novic...
SouthernBrotherIcon...30-01-2012 @ 21:31 
lazy boy
Member 1746, 814 posts
leyton said:what events can we expect at this one. i would be competing as a novice?

There is already a threa for this mate. A bit further down. I believe they are splitting novice and inters by the result of the first event. Deadlift. 260+ will make you an inter.
Funky_monkeyIcon...12-03-2012 @ 19:09 
403 forbidden message
Member 160, 5121 posts
SQ 190, BP 137.5, DL 225
552.5 kgs @ 86kgs UnEq
Are there still places left for the novices? Deadlift is about 200kg raw, but will likely be 220-230ish by August. BW is about 80kg. I'm guessing there's no weight classes.
Capes_75Icon...16-03-2012 @ 07:46 
Member 2364, 12 posts
SQ 290, BP 200, DL 340
830.0 kgs @ 147kgs UnEq
Thanks for adding me to the intermediate comp. I'll get a cheque over to you asap for my entry fee.

Also my full name is: Karl Weightman

LyntonIcon...22-04-2012 @ 21:21 
Member 3492, 8 posts
SQ 270, BP 180, DL 270
720.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 22.04.2012 @ 21:35 PM by Lynton
never entered a comp before but gonna give it a go. can i get put down but it'll have to be for the intermediate one as my deadlift is slighter over 260. ill get a cheque out to you this week. cheers. Name - Lynton Dell (intermediate)

can i also add my friend Name - Jamie Stevenson ( intermediate) again he will get the cheque out to you tomorrow . cheers

sorry only just realised this is an old thread. i have reposted in the correct forum.
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