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NoClueIconNo Clue!14-01-2012 @ 22:18 
I litrally have no clue
Member 3298, 109 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 210
520.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 16.01.2012 @ 21:42 PM by NoClue
At 34 I have been playing around in gyms since about 20 on and off with variation in weight from 15 stone to 18 (mostly increase in bodyfat!.
But always loved strongman so now I am out from behind a desk and working for my self I decided this year its time to get focused and stop doing the light bodybuilder, arm and chest workout stuff and ge ton to compound movements and improve my strength.

I have never done any power lifting of any kind etc just more bodybuilding style work outs.

I am 6,2 and currently 107kg (prob about 95 lean). Years of curls etc have given me good arms and chest but no legs (as it goes with alot of gym guys lol!).

Live in North Devon so no strongman gym, so training in gym accross from my office which allows me to train every day in the afternoon.

My goal is to maybe try and compet ein a sub 105kg small comp and get my deadlift to 230kg, Squat 180kg and overhead press 120kg ready for that first comp.

So here is my first week focused on strongman training

Tuesday I did some chest.

Been doing dumbell press as dont have a spotter for bench so figures I could drop dumbells easier and would help build more strength as could lower further ( I am ready to be corrected on this!).

This is flat bench and the weight is per dumbell
32kg x 10 reps
45kg x 6
45kg x 5
Felt strong enough to go for the gym max 50kg dumbells but could not get both in position so need to get a spotter.

Did 3 sets 45kg dumber pullovers (laid with shoulders accross a bench legs out and lowering behind head and level of bench and then pulling back over to chest.

Then 3 sets of flyes with 27kg dumbells on an incline

Finished with close grip olpmpic bar press on flat bench did not record weight cant remember exactly what I got to it was 3 sets thing max was 60 or 70kg.

Also did tricep pushdowns on the tower, 3 sets stickt elbows in think max was 70kg. (I will take a book and start to write down)

So Wednesday I tried for a max deadlift. Just olympic bar from floor no shoes no belt

100kg x 10 warm u
150kg x 5 no failure just thought should save energy
160kg x 4 same as above
170kg x 3
180kg x 2
185kg x 1
187kg x 1

Folllwed this with some bent rows with the bar loaded on one end did not record the weight will do next time, did 5 sets of 5 building up to I think a 80kg max

Then one arm rowed some 50kg dumbless one side at a time , was pretty knackered so only 2 sets of 5 a side

Thursday I tried some shoulder work to find my max. Done shoulder press with 27kg dumbers in my previous trainig so though I should try the olympic bar, press from shoulders no legs really

40kg x 10 warm up
50kg x 6
60kg x 4
70kg x 2

Tried a standing Dumbell press again no real legs inot it , 27kg 10 warm up, then did 32kg for 6 reps then 35kg for 2 reps

Was not sure what else I should so so did Upright rows with a cambered bar and dumbell shrugs.

Friday I went in to do legs. Only have a Smith Machine for squats there is not frame for the olymplic bar. As I said I have weak legs so get ready for a laugh lol!

No belt in trainers

80kg x 10 warm up
100kg x 5
110kg x 5
120kg x 4
130kg x 3
Failed on 140kg

Then went to horizontal leg press which max is 220kg and did 3 sets of 12 no issues (which leads me to wonder if Im lazy on my squat)

Then Leg Extentions was not sure it neede ddoing but felt I should do more but to be honest now I was knackered and only managed 3 light sets.

So all abuse and advice welcome lol!! What should I not bother doing, what should I do more of etc etc.

I have upped my protein in take but was thinking of dropping body fat by going low carb.
TravisFandangoIcon...14-01-2012 @ 22:33 
Member 1093, 5446 posts
SQ 160, BP 105, DL 225
490.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Hello and congratulations on starting a journal. If I were you, I'd try to get some videos of your lifts and post them, as tips on technique from others may benefit you a lot. It certainly helps me for people to point out things that I've not thought of myself.
Good luck!
NoClueIcon...15-01-2012 @ 22:44 
I litrally have no clue
Member 3298, 109 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 210
520.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Cheers Travis, yes I have been looking at the vids on here and its already helped me and I can see its going to help feedback on form and technique.
NoClueIcon...16-01-2012 @ 16:59 
I litrally have no clue
Member 3298, 109 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 210
520.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 16.01.2012 @ 17:10 PM by NoClue
So Shoulders today. Legs still aching from Sqauts on Friday but in the muscle not joints so must have done something ok.

Forgot my iPod and the gym had afternoon TV on with some gardening program going so not the best enviroment!

Started with standing shoulder press with the olympic bar but before that did a load of warming up with a 10kg dumbell doing laterals etc.

First warm up with bar 10 reps.
Then 40kg x 6 reps not a fail just stoped as guess I should save energy.
60kg x 5 reps
63kg x 4 reps
66kg x 3 reps
66kg x 2 reps
70kg x 1 rep
Though should warm down.
60kg x 4 reps
40kg x 6 reps then just bar warm down
From 60kg onwards I was starting to use legs but dont think I have got it right is not really adding so need to work on that.

Dumbell Shoulder Press (alternating arm)
10kg x 10 warm up
27kg x 6
32.5kg x 3
Then failed could not work it out, so this time put one leg slightly forward and drove through that and up the arm
32.5kg x 5 so that worked lol
32.5kg x 4
32.5kg x 4
Guess I should have gone up, weights here 35kg and then 40kg in the gym then 45kg and 50kg so next week will try a 35kg set (just check last post and I did last time and got one so should have tried again today).
Warmed down 27kg x 5
10kg x 10

Was not sure what to do from here so went to seat should press machine.

60kg x 8
70kg x 6
80kg x 4
90kg fail
60kg x 6

Though I would throw in a quick bit or bicep (although from reading I know I am not suposed to focus on them as I would in body building), but now I had been 50mins so just did 3 sets.

27kg alternate dumbell curls 6reps, 6reps then 5 per arm.

My plan is do do Deadlifts tommorow and then Squats again thursday and then some Chest and tricep on Friday.

Today for breakfast I had 25g porridge with 6 turkey rashers, 3hr later a 25g protein shot and a eeg snadwih on brown, then before the gym a cheese and ham sanchwich on brown with ammino acids and l glutamine tablets and cod liver oil tablets and creatine.

Just about to have another protein shot as back from gym and more ammino acids. I know the sandwiches aint great but was very late today into office and intended on getting a chicken but did not have so grab something at small garage when got fuel so much sort my act out here!

I aint proud and no know nothing about strongman so all advice /abuse welcome lol!
TravisFandangoIcon...17-01-2012 @ 00:19 
Member 1093, 5446 posts
SQ 160, BP 105, DL 225
490.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Nice pressing. Out of interest, are you pressing the bar out of a rack, or cleaning it first?
drewIcon...17-01-2012 @ 00:42 
I thought Joplin choked on a sandwich?
Member 616, 8404 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 220
530.0 kgs @ 78.8kgs UnEq
good to see another new log

my opinions if i may be so forward.

1. rather than use the smith to squat in as your primary movement you could clean the bar and front squat, flexability permitting

2. why do your dumbell pressing standing, personally i think youd be better doing them seated for sets of 10-12 for some volume after you heavier first movement

3. your dead pb is 187 not 185 get the list updated, every 2kg counts Happy

4. training biceps is important, not only to keep a balanced and healthy body but so (and most importantly) you look sexy
NoClueIcon...17-01-2012 @ 12:23 
I litrally have no clue
Member 3298, 109 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 210
520.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Cheers Drew that kind of feed back is greatly appreciated! Great idea on the Front Squats, I was only thinking on th eway into work that I need to get squating with free weight and was wonder how I could do it without being able to press 120kg odd overhead behind neck.

Deadlifts today, going to go for 190kg, got some stong tunes on the iPod and a load of portioned up home made chilli as rocket fuel!
NoClueIcon...17-01-2012 @ 16:45 
I litrally have no clue
Member 3298, 109 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 210
520.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 17.01.2012 @ 23:48 PM by NoClue
Just been in the gym

Today I had a 45 min session on the running machine whenI first get up before breakfast, very fast walk not run heard its better or fat lost rather than a shorter run

8. 30 Before going today I have eaten 2 Weetabix (as missus fogot to buy my porridge!)and 6 turkey rashers. Ammino Acids tablets x 2
12.30 Beef Curry (a can 45g protein 20gms carbs and 20 grms fat not great)had no rice etc just the meat.Ammino Acid tablet x 2
2.00 Protein Shot 25g L GLutamine, Ammino Acids and Creatine

Then Gym 30 mins later. My goal was 190kg deadlift.

110kg x 10 reps
140kg x 6 reps
150kg x 5 reps
160kg x 4 reps
170kg x 2 reps
180kg x 1 reps
190kg FAIL!! Gutted got it up, over the knee and a good 5 inches higher but could not straigten out! It was grip on the left hand the strap was slipping and with massive "do not drop the weights" signs everywehre I lower the bar. I think I could possibly have done it but would defo of had to drop the bar after. Going to ge tit next week for sure!!
Went back down -
150kg x 3 reps
150kg x 3 reps
110 x 6 reps

Then moved to a row, they dont have a machine so went for the same deadlift bar with weights on one end and the latpull down close grip attachment hooked under.
65kg x 10
85kg x 5
85kg x 4
90kg x 3
95kg x 1
65kg x 8

Was sweating like a pig now lol so though ti would do the lat tower.
Behind the neck seated pulldowns.
Not my best as I found I was getting some soreness from yesterdays shoulder work out kicking in.

65kg x 6
75kg x 6
85kg x 4
90kg x 3
60kg x8

Got 2 portions of home made Chilli to eat, (no beans etc so pretty much no carb) about 30g Protein per portion then planning to have one more meal maybe another protein shot.

Might take a rest day tommorow and hit legs and chest thurs and friday.

All advice gratefully accepted, as the screen name highlights I know nothing lol
NoClueIcon...17-01-2012 @ 23:47 
I litrally have no clue
Member 3298, 109 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 210
520.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
TravisFandango said:Nice pressing. Out of interest, are you pressing the bar out of a rack, or cleaning it first?

Sorry missed this, no there is no rack in the gym (which is why I am having to do smith machine squats) so I flip it from the floor to my shoulders while standing at the same time (duno if that classes as a clean lol!)
TravisFandangoIcon...17-01-2012 @ 23:55 
Member 1093, 5446 posts
SQ 160, BP 105, DL 225
490.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
NoClue said:
Sorry missed this, no there is no rack in the gym (which is why I am having to do smith machine squats) so I flip it from the floor to my shoulders while standing at the same time (duno if that classes as a clean lol!)

Ah, yes. You did mention the lack of rack preventing squats. Getting the bar from the floor to the shoulders by flipping is all good. Happy
shanejerIcon...18-01-2012 @ 00:18 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Wish I had home made chilli ..
TravisFandangoIcon...18-01-2012 @ 00:22 
Member 1093, 5446 posts
SQ 160, BP 105, DL 225
490.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
shanejer said:Wish I had home made chilli ..

Make some chilli... At home.
NoClueIcon...18-01-2012 @ 12:52 
I litrally have no clue
Member 3298, 109 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 210
520.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Lol, wife makes a vat of it at a time, no beans etc, just beef, peppers, onion and spices , I thne freeze in LARGE portions for the week, keeps me on the straight and narrow while the rest of the office eats pastys and biscuits!
NoClueIcon...19-01-2012 @ 18:52 
I litrally have no clue
Member 3298, 109 posts
SQ 165, BP 145, DL 210
520.0 kgs @ 107kgs UnEq
Took a day of yesterday from everything.

Today I started with a 40 mins fast walk on runnning machine then 4 eggs and 6 turkey rashers and pice of toast.

Then had Protein shot 32 hours later then another 2 hours some homemade made chilli and 2 cod liver tablets, ammino acids, l glutamine, creatine and fat burner type tablet.

Went to gym for chest and triceps, decided to swap with lets to give the biggest rest between deadlifts and squats.

Started with bench

60kg x 10
80kg x 6
90kg x 6
100kg x 5
110kg x 3

Wanted to do a 120kg but did not have a spotter at the gym, so need to sort that.

So went to Flat dumbell press

27kg each x 10
40kg each x 6
45kg each x 4
45kg each x 3
45kg each x 3 (I can normally do 6 reps but I dont normall y do bench first)
32.5kg each x 6

Then to dumbell pull over to hit chest and triceps

32kg x 10
40kg x 8
45kg x 6
50kg x 5

Finshed with Tricep pushdowns, nice a tight elbows in not other body movement

60kg x 10
70kg x 9
80kg x 6
85kg x 4

Had more Chilli after workout with more creatine and amino acids.

All recommendations welcome!Should I do more sets per excercise or less, more reps or less?? Or should I focus on different excercises to get strength up.

GOing to watch vids on front squats tongiht for tommorow so I can move away from smith machine, not sure how Im goign to get the weight to my shoulders though without a rack lol!
drewIcon...19-01-2012 @ 19:15 
I thought Joplin choked on a sandwich?
Member 616, 8404 posts
SQ 180, BP 130, DL 220
530.0 kgs @ 78.8kgs UnEq
Clean the weight into front squat


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