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» what direction for the replacement for bwla (Go to post)16-07-2008 @ 11:22 
Whatever happens with the new federation at national and international level the bulk of most people's experiences will occur at regional. So this should still be up to us.

As for national level unequipped; if there was sufficient demand, any one of the regions could decide to put this on and send out invites to other sections.
» A Joke... (Go to post)15-07-2008 @ 12:05 
£115 seems a reasonable price to me for 8 legs of venison. Of course with that many legs I'm surprised they ever caught the bas***d.
» Your ideal strongman comp (Go to post)15-07-2008 @ 00:24 
squat 350kg for reps

bench 250kg for reps

» what direction for the replacement for bwla (Go to post)15-07-2008 @ 00:21 
paul_richards said:
I think BWLA comps could do with an injection of hype/razmitaz etc. The problem is BWLA dont generally organise the comps (certainly not at regional level), its left down to individual members to organise and put on comps.

The comps could do with:

- big venue, decent seating, big stage
- music
- big name sponsers
- stalls selling PL stuff/supps/PL clothes etc
- proper promotion and advertising of the event

You are right about all of this, but you have to remember that the way that powerlifting has been organised in the past (and I am sure it will be the same in the new organisation)is primarily by powerlifters working on a voluntary basis. So who's job is it to make all of this stuff happen? - It's you and me, and everyone else that is involved.

We have made great strides with these factors in the NW over the last couple of years, but it has all been achieved due to people giving up their own time to help. This hasn't just been the obvious people thart you always see, there have been dozens who have assisted. Getting more people to compete and improving the experience for those that do is something we can all work towards.

In the NW we have been planning a recruitment drive, but this is on ice until the new organisation starts up next year, but we are hoping everyone will help out with this.
» Should I? (Go to post)13-07-2008 @ 10:16 
It is quite acceptable to do competitions close together if you approach it correctly. I recently did 3 comps in the space of around a month. Lancs and Cheshire - 2 wks - Brit Snrs - 6 days - European Masters'. Valerie Ritchie did the Brit Snrs travelled the next day and lifter in the European Masters' the day after that.

Here is the appoach that I favour; prior to a comp, you will probably be training on pretty heavy weights anyhow. It is easiest to plan to peak for the last one. For the comp prior to this, lift the weights that would be your training weights for that week (if you trained on singles). If you feel tired at the first one remember that you don't need to take all your attempts. If the cmps are a week or less between I would advocate resting between them. Some people prefer to stick in a light day, but I think that it is best to allow maximum time for recovery.

With yours being bench only comps, this should not cause too much stress, but be careful if there are any injuries bubbling under.
» BWLA British Unequipped 16/08/2008 (Go to post)11-07-2008 @ 11:08 
Fatpete said:
Bringin_Lexy_Back said:
i mean i squatted 240kg at a meet only 10 weeks ago that got 3 green lights!

Red = fail
white = pass
green = ?

Although they are usually referred to as whites, many internationals use red and green. How come you don't do any of these Pete? You must have been invited to the European Masters'.
» Road Rage (Go to post)10-07-2008 @ 23:48 
A few years back I used to drive a Fiat Panda. At the time I was training with another 20 stone plus guy, a pro strongman called Lee Bowers. I used to pick Lee up on the way to the gym, and we used to have to wind the windows down and each lean slightly, hanging an arm out of the window.

We never got road raged in that, although it would have been easy enough to shout or gesture and then drive off. Pursuit would be out of the question, and the handling was a little sluggish.
» So you think you're a deadlifter (Go to post)08-07-2008 @ 01:17 
At the European Masters' this week I enjoyed many an illuminating conversation with the great Andy Kerr. Andy has often described himself as 'Never the strongest, but stronger for longer'.

He told me that he did his first ever 300kg deadlift in 1972 and his last in 2007. Somewhere in the middle of these two dates he pulled a British record of 377.5kg. 35 years able to deadlift 300kg .......... that is impressive.

Any similar stories?
» Good luck to one and all (BWLA Brits) (Go to post)27-06-2008 @ 00:36 
RobThomas said:
Yeah, good luck to everyone involved. I'll be there on the Sunday, unfortunately as a spectator now though and not lifting due to a shoulder injury. It's typical of my luck, I spend 3 years trying to qualify for it then when I do, I have to pull out at the last minute!

Sorry to hear about the injury Rob. I hope you will be better soon.
» What do you hate about your gym? (Go to post)20-06-2008 @ 00:28 
I have heard the one about the guy's mate who could lift a lot more than I can. I used to say things like 'Wow! that would actually be a world record' - intending to mean 'Really? you are clearly bulls**tting', but no-one ever seemed to pick up on the subtlety. They would always reply with something like 'Yeah well he was never really bothered with competing'. So now I just tell then the story of the guy I was at school with who could run the 100m in 9 seconds dead 'But you know, he was never into all that Olympic sprinting s**t, so he never bothered to race'.
» Your opinions please? (Go to post)14-06-2008 @ 00:14 
Although your system is certainly not how I would do it, I am a great believer in the 'It it ain't broke' system. My advice would be to stay with what is working for now and then try to get some coaching from an experienced lifter at a later date.

The sets and reps of the routine are not the most important thing in PL. The way that you approach each set and rep in terms of both technique and attitude, are the vital element.

Good luck.
» Seen anyone famous? (Go to post)13-06-2008 @ 15:23 
I can almost smell the stool
» Seen anyone famous? (Go to post)13-06-2008 @ 15:22 
That takes me back
» 6-5-6 NorthWestside (Go to post)11-06-2008 @ 00:42 
Fly fishing - hardest game in the world that is. I've been at it 30 years man and boy - caught a 2 pounder ont he canal last thursday my mate Charley was sick as a parrot.
» A Very Big Decision (Go to post)10-06-2008 @ 00:53 
We will just have to hope that one of the irons in the fire comes good for you. Otherwise we could wait for you to train up a team up there and stage some internationals.


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