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» Holiday alone? (Go to post)20-08-2014 @ 09:16 
Post Edited: 20.08.2014 @ 09:16 AM by VinnyJones
edit: duplicate...
» Holiday alone? (Go to post)20-08-2014 @ 09:16 
Funnily enough I was in the EXACT same position this year (March). I ended up going to Egypt for a week and loved it mate. Crappy gym but it was enough to get a "pump" by the pool, keep me ticking over and busy for an hour or two a day.

I went out on a couple of day trips... never been shy so made a couple of friends out there who I'm still in touch with now.

I think you'll find it a really decent change of pace in your life and you might come back a different person. I know that I did. I realised I could cope very well on my own and I came back with a different outlook on a lot of things. Tried to be a little more selfish.

I'm now in a brilliant relationship, planning marriage/kids etc and couldn't be happier.

Failing that, get yourself on POF and find some local fanny to smash while you're out there?
» Europes strongest man write-up hicks (Go to post)19-08-2014 @ 12:25 
Awesome result matey. See you soon.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)19-08-2014 @ 12:21 
Sparrow said:
It'll be the fat burners and because he used more than 100mg a week of test. Roll-Eyes

Well known side effect of Clenbuterol is that it kills heart cells irreversibly.

It's not 'test' that is killing these guys. It's stacked compounds, diuretics, stims, narcotics and extreme dieting IMHO.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 17:39 
rian1987 said:I'd have thought as with most drugs you stop getting benefits after a certain amount and just get Really bad side effects?

Test becomes useless after 2g if you believe Dan Duchaine's theories. This is where HGH comes in. It allows you to use extreme doses.

There is another theory of Androgen Mutated Growth too (without GH) whereby doses of 5g and above can have similar growth effects.

All conjecture. It's one huge experiment on your own body. Nobody can predict what will happen to an individual. Best guess, bro science... etc
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 17:37 
unit94 said:
A gram a day?!!! Wtf
A gram a week is a lot isn't it?

I wouldn't have said so
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 16:49 
unit94 said:5g is beyond insane lol wtf

Really? One guy I know, while in general gym mode, refuses to get out of bed with less than a gram a day of test.

Running up to a comp and then during, the extra stuff on top is quite scary.

Some guys "need" more than others. Others take more than they need. Some guys "feel" they need more. It's all subjective.

But 5g? Just a teaspoon innit.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 15:34 
macroth said:
Um, ok? Confused
I thought the discussion was about the health effects of using something, not about any of the other things you just mentioned. I also thought it would be useful to agree on what "using something" usually means in the context of strength sports. I don't think it means "low doses of pure test", but I could be wrong.

I know more people on a TRT does of test competing in strongman than I do of those in the 5g+ category.

To be fair, I would argue that for someone to be classed as an enhanced athlete or "using something" they would have to be using exogenous testosterone without prescription in whatever quantity.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 15:31 
My point about "deaths" in my family (or illnesses) is that people die who do not use steroids. If they used steroids would they have died quicker? Would they have died at all? How much effect does a steroid really have on mortality rates when compared to a normal person's life span?

No-one knows do they? And no-one will ever know as you only live one life. So it's all guesswork when I look at it objectively.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 15:08 
macroth said:
But isn't the main issue that people looking to get jacked&tan or to gain a competitive advantage in strength sports generally do NOT use relatively low doses of pure test and nothing else?

Why would it be an issue? If you use something, you use something. Who really gives two s**ts about what someone is on? I've trained and competed with people who use nothing to guys using upwards of 10g a week. It really has zero bearing on my outlook, my philosophy, my morality or my caring/sharing side.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 14:28 
MCM said:
sticking your head in the sand and refusing to believe that steroids cause any health problems is pretty naive.

FFS. Are you being intentionally retarded? Don't put words into my mouth. Where have I said anything about them NOT causing health problems? I've made a point time and time again that people f**king die of all kinds of things. It's the circle of life. My Dad died at 56. My uncle at 53. My other uncle has a congenital heart defect and needs an aortic valve replacement. Brother in law is currently in a coma after a triple cardiac arrest aged 49; brain damage and the likelihood is he'll never wake up.

None of them touched steroids. That's 25% of my remaining family. What would the statistics show precisely for the cause of these deaths or illnesses or unfortunate incidents?

Life is just s**t like that. We are all going to die of something. Unless you're smashing it hard like bodybuilders do with insane levels of diuretics and stims on TOP of vast steroid abuse, I simply do not buy the idea that some relatively low doses of pure test (no tren etc) is going to suddenly make a person keel over and die. Not a single study has ever found this to be the case so I really don't understand people getting up in arms over it.

I think, and I could be wrong, but more research has been done into the area of estrogen in males causing serious health issues? What an interesting comparison/study that would be with the current data on testosterone.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 14:13 
VanillaGorilla said:
In the first review there are huge tables including the doses and drugs used for each of the side effects studied, with individual tables for cardiac dimensions, blood pressure, lipoprotein concentration etc etc.
You understand how a review works? This is an overview of 49 individual papers, with details of 1467 subjects. It references 99 different papers. If you actually read the studies it cites there is detailed information on the subject parameters, including medical and usage history.
Even a quick glance shows that the subjects had varied dosages from 8mg to 1500mg per week depending on the compound and individual, average ages from 25 to 37, statistics for users and former users etc

The links you posted required a fee?
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 12:06 
Savolainen87 said:My position: TRT doses are more than enough for the average male to receive significant health benefits. Anything else, you are rolling the dice.


Guys , read some gh15 posts ,this will blow your minds .

I love reading GH15. The posts are informative, educational and will indeed blow your mind. It's a treat to read what it takes to get to the top of certain strength disciplines. A few idiots about of course and you can tell some of them really do not care if they die or not.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)15-08-2014 @ 10:17 
Of all of these studies, where does it state the doses that the respective athletes were using, where are the medical histories, were the athletes who were "clean" at the time of the study "always" clean...

No nit picking but there are serious deficiencies in the research for anyone to assert a + b = c.

My position: TRT doses are more than enough for the average male to receive significant health benefits. Anything else, you are rolling the dice.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)14-08-2014 @ 16:49 
Sparrow said:
If you read what I wrote, I said I didn't think they were dangerous.
To think that nothing can go wrong through long term abuse though, but I'm sorry, you're just burying your head in the sand.

Where did I say long term abuse is not dangerous exactly? Nowhere. So yes, go and read my words.

Long term use vs long term abuse. Completely different things.


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