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Tom Mannion's imaginatively titled Training Journal

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Seems this is where all the UK lifters hang out. I'm starting a journal to document my progress, hopefully pick up some tips and generally hold myself accountable.

Age 31
Height 5'8.5
Weight 72kg

Best raw lifts

Squat 155
Bench 110
Dead 210

Planning to do the BDFPA All England Championships in late October at 67.5kg. After that I may consider learning equipped lifting and compete in the GBPF at 74kg in 2012 and beyond.
Thts a hell of a deadlift

Good luck with your liftng!
Started a new training style today, high frequency, low volume and rotation of ROM over about 3 weeks


(rack pin 14) roughly a 1/4 squat
60 x 10
100 x 5
120 x 3
140 x 3
160 x 11
100 x 2
110 x 2
120 x 2


(9" board)
60 x 10
80 x 5
90 x 3
100 x 3
110 x 12
75 x 3
80 x 3
85 x 3


(20" rackpull)
60 x 10
100 x 5
140 x 3
180 x 3
200 x 11(straps) need to develop a grip
140 x 2
150 x 2
160 x 2

Assistance for the time being will be minimal, just some very light flys, curls, facepulls, lunges, hyperextensions for prehab/recovery

(rack pin 13.5) partial squat
60 x 10
100 x 5
130 x 3
160 x 9
(speed) full ROM
100 x 2
110 x 2
120 x 2


(7.5" board)
60 x 10
80 x 5
100 x 3
110 x 10
(speed) full ROM
80 x 3
85 x 3
90 x 3


(18" rackpull)
60 x 10
100 x 5
140 x 3
170 x 3
200 x 9 straps
(speed) full range
140 x 2
150 x 2
160 x 2

double overhand fat bar holds

110 x 10sec
115 x 10sec
120 x f (needs alot of work)
Nice looking session that!
200kgx9! WOOO!!
This is a very strange routine, where did you get the idea for this?
Paul_D said:This is a very strange routine, where did you get the idea for this?

Agreed. It seems to be very lockout intensive just now
It's just an idea I had to keep the same heavy weight each session but periodise the range of motion for all 3 main lifts. I've been thinking about doing this for a while and finally decided to give it a try. I plan to do a microcycle of 8 training sessions increasing the ROM each session until I reach full ROM on session 7, session 8 will be an additional range of motion at about 85%. Just one work set per lift each session with my current full ROM 1RM. Some additional full ROM speed work at 70-80%. If all goes well I'll bump up the weight 2-5kg for each lift when I repeat the cycle after about 16 days. It may all go tits up but I'm having fun with it so far.

(rack pin 13) partial squat
60 x 10
100 x 5
140 x 3
160 x 9
(speed) full ROM
100 x 2
110 x 2
120 x 2


(6" board)
60 x 10
80 x 5
95 x 3
110 x 8
(speed) full ROM
80 x 3
85 x 3
90 x 3


(16.5" rackpull)
60 x 10
100 x 5
140 x 3
170 x 2
200 x 8(straps)
(speed) full ROM
140 x 2
150 x 2
160 x 2

DOH bar hold

115 x 10sec x 3

My lower back is still holding up to the frequency/volume, all pretty good so far. My hands are getting torn to shreds by my gyms texas power bar though.

(rack pin 12.5) partial squat
60 x 10
100 x 5
140 x 3
160 x 8
(speed) full ROM
100 x 2
110 x 2
120 x 2


(4.5" board)
60 x 10
80 x 5
95 x 3
110 x 6 (started wearing a belt to bench with, feels much more comfy)
(speed) full ROM
80 x 3
85 x 3
90 x 3


(15" rackpull)
100 x 10
140 x 5
170 x 3
200 x 7(straps)
(speed) full ROM
140 x 2
150 x 2
160 x 2

DOH 30mm bar hold

117.5 x 10sec x 3
Post Edited: 16.08.2011 @ 21:31 PM by TomMannion

(rack pin 12) partial squat
60 x 10
100 x 3
120 x 2
140 x 2
160 x 6
(speed) full ROM
100 x 2
110 x 2
120 x 2


(3" board)
60 x 10
80 x 5
90 x 2
100 x 1
110 x 3.5 wanted 4 but wasn't there
(speed full ROM)
80 x 3
85 x 3
90 x 3


(13.5" rackpull)
100 x 8
140 x 3
170 x 2
200 x 5(straps)
(speed) full ROM
140 x 2
150 x 2
160 x 2 these are getting quite fast now
Plenty of nice speed work. It does a body good!
My bottom position in the squat sucks balls so I've been looking for ways to Improve it, this is the best no nonsense advice that I have found anywhere
Squat, lo bar, belt only, competition depth

60 x 8
90 x 5
110 x 3
135 x 1
150 x 1 fast
155 x 1 ok
160 x 1 PB actually went too deep, real grinder. I am still arsewinking to f*** at the bottom on max squats and then turn them into a good morning, stretching must become a ritual from now on

Bench, paused

40 x 8
60 x 5
80 x 3
90 x 1
100 x 1
108 x 1 decent enough
110 x f stalled pretty badly and don't think I'd have got this today. Left it there, man I suck at bench. I'll use the standard long arms bulls***t excuse, nothing to do with me just being weak Happy

Deadlift, belt only, under over grip

80 x 6
120 x 4
150 x 2
180 x 1
200 x 1 FAST!
210 x 1 =PB tried to video this but my phone battery ran out, f*** me! I'll get some vids up here eventually
213 x 1 PB better than the previous 210, maybe I had a few more kgs in me but was getting tired. Grip is getting there, no probs on this

Gonna do the 9 week Russian peaking cycle for the All England comp. Monday heavy bench/light squat, wednesday deadlift, friday heavy squat/light bench. Assistance will be quite low volume: board presses, close stance high bar pause squats, rack pulls from 12-18 inches and some light prehab stuff. This year be the last time I compete at 67.5kg, the time to get fat will soon be upon me.


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