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Swindon's Strongest Man, Novice and Inter 2012 @ Pro Strength and Fitness

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DollyIcon...13-07-2012 @ 11:16 
hello dolly !
Member 1778, 114 posts
SQ 170, BP 134, DL 210
514.0 kgs @ 97kgs UnEq
Gonna have to drop out, sorry about this. Gonna struggle with cash until september.
JCarter123Icon...16-07-2012 @ 19:09 
Member 3757, 1746 posts
SQ 202.5, BP 110, DL 255
567.5 kgs @ 82kgs UnEq
This comp just got a load harder. I've never even tried atlas stones before but 110kg sounds tough. Any tips?
minibig1Icon...16-07-2012 @ 22:46 
Novice level log, open level deadlift
Member 857, 2699 posts
SQ 260, BP 170, DL 360
790.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Gna have to drop out of this one. been in negotiations for transport for the past few weeks and iv been let down, gutted. Sorry for the late notice this is going to be a great comp
Sean048Icon...17-07-2012 @ 07:45 
Member 2127, 71 posts
SQ 170, BP 127.5, DL 235
532.5 kgs @ 85kgs UnEq
Sorry boys im out i have left it the last possible time but my knee just cant take the strain. Im officially weak as piss!!!

Sorry hopfully some other novice can take my place.

Marc3824Icon...17-07-2012 @ 21:50 
Member 3269, 1100 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 270
610.0 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
Block for reps is it from floor every time......?
davewalshIcon...17-07-2012 @ 22:54 
Member 3398, 113 posts
SQ 220, BP 140, DL 280
640.0 kgs @ 109kgs UnEq
getting a bit too close for comfort now! Wink
mr4130Icon...17-07-2012 @ 23:40 
Member 3366, 247 posts
SQ 200, BP 150, DL 230
580.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
Marc3824 said:Block for reps is it from floor every time......?

Yeah, from floor each time...
richscottIcon...18-07-2012 @ 09:57 
Shoulderz like boulderz
Member 842, 479 posts
All entry fees should have been in over 2 weeks ago, please check the list on page 1, i have kept it updated. Anyone not paid up in next couple of days will be off the list.
Marc3824Icon...18-07-2012 @ 13:12 
Member 3269, 1100 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 270
610.0 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
richscott said:All entry fees should have been in over 2 weeks ago, please check the list on page 1, i have kept it updated. Anyone not paid up in next couple of days will be off the list.

I send mine today Rich sorry mate...!
Capes_75Icon...21-07-2012 @ 12:48 
Member 2364, 12 posts
SQ 290, BP 200, DL 340
830.0 kgs @ 147kgs UnEq

Just noticed that you have marked me as 'Paid', so thank-you. However, you have listed me under the 'Beginners' list and not the 'Inters' list. I did enter for the 'Inters' so thought I'd just mention this.


Karl Weightman
richscottIcon...21-07-2012 @ 13:23 
Shoulderz like boulderz
Member 842, 479 posts
Capes_75 said:Hi

Just noticed that you have marked me as 'Paid', so thank-you. However, you have listed me under the 'Beginners' list and not the 'Inters' list. I did enter for the 'Inters' so thought I'd just mention this.


Karl Weightman

will edit sorry
Marc3824Icon...24-07-2012 @ 22:36 
Member 3269, 1100 posts
SQ 200, BP 140, DL 270
610.0 kgs @ 120kgs UnEq
mr4130 said:
Yeah, from floor each time...

Thanks mate....!
dan_sIcon...25-07-2012 @ 22:05 
Member 671, 529 posts
SQ 310, BP 180, DL 250
740.0 kgs @ 128kgs UnEq
im out rich sorry mate but ive torn my obliques of all f**king things
Vid1982Icon...27-07-2012 @ 12:44 
Member 1491, 354 posts
SQ 280, BP 140, DL 305
725.0 kgs @ 120kgs Eq
I'm out, can't risk hurting myself any further following the crash. think i will just have to listen to what everyone is saying, and concentrate on next year now.
This really sucks.
iceman68Icon...27-07-2012 @ 13:05 
Stoke on Trents Coolest Man - now with a gym!
Member 1006, 656 posts
sorry scott me an paul hindley out mate soz short notice we got a few problems hope it goes well


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