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Aquarian's 531 odyssey

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AquarianIconThurs Dead Max21-11-2014 @ 00:38 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 21.11.2014 @ 02:04 AM by Aquarian
For once - got too much sleep Grin - and overslept by 1 hour - despite putting the alarm on and having it 6 inches from my face - one for the X files that one!




Had to start with the old Texas DL bar which I stopped using months ago, since the "newer" one (which actually is more rusty) has significantly sharper knurling. My fault for being late to the gym!

60x10,100x6,140x3,180x2,220x1 - all ok, even the last set was fine without chalk

Working Sets

240x3 - lost the grip on the 3rd rep and had to reset.

I decided at this point I'd better switch bars - luckily the other bar finally freed up. Still waited around 15-20 mins to do the switch.

270x2 - slow but grip was better.

295x0.9! - Very close to locking out, maybe 3 in out. Grip was fine just lacking a bit of back or quad/hip strength to complete it. Maybe could have squeezed glutes harder too. Oh well! Better than the last time I went for this 2 months ago and maybe would'be gotten it without having to switch bars in between.


Usual long wait for a free rack!


20x10,60x6,100x4,140x3,180x2 - all ok.

Working Sets (loose belt)

205x3 - ok
225x2 - ok
245x1 - bit tough mid way through but locked out fairly easily. May have gotten 250 but went conservative after the dl struggles. Equalled my old beltless pb from last year.

Not too disappointed - bit unlucky but should've gotten to the gym earlier - and need a better alarm clock!

Next up cgbp/pp - hoping for 185/150.
AquarianIconSat CGBP Max22-11-2014 @ 22:17 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Didn't deep heat yesterday as elbow was virtually pain free so wanted to see how it felt today.



20x20,40x10,60x6,80x4,100x3,120x2 - well pain came back with a vengeance from 40 onwards and didn't subside by 120 as it normally does. Lesson learned!

Working Sets

140x3 - easy

160x2 - horrible, unrack was hard and the reps were slow and s**t. I wasn't even confident I'd get 180.

180x1 - predictably this was piss easy - unracked it and held it for 2s before lowering slowly and at no point did the weight slow down. Infuriating - I could've done 182.5 and probably made a decent attempt of 185.

182.5x0.95 - waited around 10mins got fed up waiting for the rack to free up so decided to go for this. Got it above the catches but missed lockout by 1in.

Not smart now no chance of getting a pb on the push press.

Push Press


20x10,40x6,60x3,80x2 - all ok, elbow was fine and no pain in the inside of the bicep like before.

Working Sets

100x3 - felt pretty heavy unracking it but reps were ok.
120x2 - as above.
140x0 - no lockout strength.
140x1 - hideous technique but surprisingly good lockout.

I didn't see the point of going heavier - may have gotten 145 again but it wasn't what I was aiming for.

Shrugs (wide grip)

20x10,60x10,100x10,140x5,180x10(straps),220x6 - all ok, no elbow pain.

Barbell Curls (ez bar)

14x10,24x10,34x10,44x10(pb!),49x5,29x8 - highlight of the workout getting 10 reps with 44!

Can't blame myself for going for 180 rather than 185 since 160 was so dire - must have done something technically wrong on that set, maybe was too far down the bench and touched too high or was holding the bar too high in the hands. But was a bit foolish to go for 182.5 after 180 and mess up the push press and potentially the rest of the max workouts to come (especially bench/ohp in 4 days).

On the other hand, can't be too disappointed cause 180 was piss easy and almost got 182.5 after that so learned something new. Always look on the bright side of life!

Next up hopefully a 260 lbbs - only the third time I've gone for this weight and would be the first time with a belt on! Hoping for good sleep, cold weather and a quiet gym on Monday!
AquarianIconMon LBBS Max25-11-2014 @ 00:25 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Once again probably slept too much and overslept slightly - but on a squatting workout this is infinitely preferable to under-sleeping!



20x10,60x10,100x6,140x3,180x2,200x1 - all ok, 200 was especially smooth!

Working Sets (loose belt)

220x3 - ok
240x2 - ok
260x1! - grind but got it! Usual problem - easy powering off the bottom but then stalling in the middle and then losing tightness in the upper back and falling forwards. Will work on this and not go heavier till I can get this weight more smoothly. Belted pb but still 2.5kg less than my beltless one.

Rack Pulls

Warm ups

20x10,60x6,100x4,140x4,180x3,220x2 - all ok, grip felt good.

Working Sets

260x3 - really easy
300x1.8 - first rep was fine, 2nd grip went about 3-4 in from lockout.
340x1 (straps) - bit of a grind but got it.

Happy to get 260 again but need to tighten the tech (and upper back!). Bit of a strain in the right quad near the hip and sore middle right finger possibly from all the grip work (COCs after each workout) so need to watch both.

Next up BP/SOHP maxes - hoping for 195/135. Hopefully the extra max effort set on the CGBP 2 days ago won't have sabotaged these. Elbow was pretty sore yesterday until I deep heated it and used some voltarol so more of the same tomorrow.

Now for a good night's sleep...
AquarianIconWed BP Max26-11-2014 @ 23:41 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Applied Voltarol only 3 times yesterday and once today before lifting. Elbow felt fine before starting.



20x20,40x10,60x6,80x4,100x3,120x2 - all easy, elbow was better but flared up a bit on the 120 so put on some deep heat.

Working Sets

150x3 - easy
170x2 - ok - not hard or easy!
195x1 - piss easy - could've done 197.5 or even a decent stab at 200. Equalled pb with something left in the tank!

Strict Overhead Press


20x10,40x6,60x3,80x2 - all ok but both elbows and triceps were a bit sore so deep heated both.

Working Sets

95x3 - easy
115x2 - ok
135x1 - easy, almost got distracted as someone walked to the side just as I unracked it but managed to compose myself and got it no problem.

Seated Rows

180x10,240x10,300x10,360x10,420x6 - all ok.

Barbell Curls (olympic bar)

20x10,30x10,40x10,45x6,35x10 - all ok, bit of wrist pain as usual.

Pretty awesome workout and potentially set for 200/140 before the end of the year if the elbow holds up. Very good week in general - squats were excellent, deadlift was good, benching/overhead was excellent despite making a bit of a mess of the cgbp/pp workout.

Back to triples again starting with the deads and hbbs Friday.
AquarianIconFri DL29-11-2014 @ 00:09 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
After a week of showing off Happy back to re-building and earning the right to do a bit more in 3 weeks time.



60x10,100x6,140x3,180x2,220x1 - 220 was a bit stiff but other sets were fine.

Working Sets

230x3 - almost lost the grip on the 3rd rep, WTF! I think I forgot to wear my wrist wraps - they do make a small difference for me - and this was probably the reason for the grip going.

240x3 - much better, wrist wraps on!

250x3 - fine

260x3 - bit slow but ok

270x2,1 - 3rd rep done after 1 min or so.

Long debate with a mate discussing the merits of Quantum Mechanics and the benefits of Technology - very conducive and pertinent to deadlifts naturally!

280x1,0.95 - 1st rep was easy, 2nd was a bit slow and just couldn't quite lock out and split open a finger to add injury to insult!

285x0.95 - as above, just couldn't fully lockout. Probably went a little too heavy today.



20x10,60x6,100x4,140x3,180x2 - the weights were all easy but my right quad just below the hip was sore from around 60 onwards and even after rubbing in voltarol and trying different stance widths got worse.

200x1 - I just knew I couldn't do more without the pain getting worse.

Bit of a bummer but I have been pushing it a lot and felt this pain last week on the hbbs. I'm pretty sure there was no pain during the dl, but maybe all the volume on the dl is making something tight that is contributing to the pain.

I'll just have to see how it goes - there was no pain doing the lbbs 4 days ago so hopefully it will be fine on that. Otherwise will have to take a break from the squats or just go very light for a month or so.

Otherwise the dl was pretty good - the back was fine today and the strength was slightly up so pleased with that aspect.

Next up cgbp and pp on Sunday - sleep and elbow rehab is a must!
AquarianIconSun CGBP30-11-2014 @ 19:50 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Slept ok - for a Sunday - subpar otherwise but didn't feel too bad.



20x20,40x10,60x6,80x4,100x3,120x2 - painless until the 40's then not great!

Working Sets

140x3,145x3,150x3,155x3,160x3,165x2,170x1,175x1 - none of the sets felt comfortable - the elbow pain never really went down and the left pec, which I felt last week was sore when unracking. I did well (or not!) to get 175 in the end!

Push Press


20x10,40x6,60x3,80x2 - elbow was ok, but started to feel the hip/quad injury I picked up on the hbbs. Seemed to be worse when driving up so more hip than quad I think.

Working Sets

100x3,110x3,120x3,130x2 - last set was pretty ragged - had to curtail the leg and hip drive and both lifts were in front of me.

Shrugs (close grip)

20x10,60x10,100x10,140x4(no chalk!),180x10(straps),220x5 - ok couldn't remember if I had done wide or close grip last time!

Barbell Curls(ez bar)

14x10,24x10,34x10,44x6 - was rushing these but even with more rest thing I would've struggled.

Hopefully left pec won't become worse - will massage it later. Lack of sleep and cold probably an issue with both pec and elbow.

No idea if I can squat in 2 days - it's low bar so may not stress the injury the same as hbbs - but worse case scenario will be I have to go light or do something else.

Just have to see how these injuries progress - if necessary I'll go light or drop movements or try some variation of them that doesn't hurt for a while.

Can't complain I've had a great run for a long time and even if I hadn't been pushing the envelope I may have gotten injured.

Next up hopefully lbbs...
AquarianIconTue LBBS02-12-2014 @ 23:16 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
Anyone still reading this? LOL!

Anyway first squatting session since I picked up the hip/quad injury - was expecting the worst!



20x10,60x10,100x6,140x3,180x2 - all ok, didn't feel any real pain.

Working Sets (loose belt)

200x3,205x3,210x3,215x3,220x3,225x2,230x2,235x1! - no problem on any set, albeit I went a bit wider than usual. Focused on keeping the upper back tighter by pulling the shoulder blades back. Definitely felt tighter. The leg was ok - felt a bit of a twinge here and there but nothing major. Little bit sore now but hopeful it will be ok after a bit of massage, hot bath and stretching.

Rack Pulls


20x10,60x6,100x4,140x4,180x3,220x2 - all ok

Working Sets

260x3 - easy
280x2,1 - ok
300x1,300x2(straps) - could've attempted a 2nd without the straps but my finger that I cut open 4 days ago has only just healed so didn't want to re-open the cut again.
320x1 - pretty easy.

Mission accomplished - managed to squat with virtually no pain and did the rack pulls without cutting the finger open again. IDK if squatting heavier will be painful but I'm cautiously optimistic it will be ok. HBBS will probably be painful again but I'll just have to keep that light until it heals.

Next up BP/SOHP - hopefully left pec will be ok and elbow wont be worse - finally got some elbow wraps to wear in and out of the gym so hopefully will help keep the pain down and heal it a bit.
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...03-12-2014 @ 11:09 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
Still reading!
ChrisMcCarthyIcon...03-12-2014 @ 11:11 
Lost his pen, then found his pen. #phew
Member 4899, 2956 posts
Still reading!
AquarianIcon...03-12-2014 @ 15:05 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
ChrisMcCarthy said:Still reading!

I meant apart from you :P

What sort of training do you do Chris? I think I've seen you post on the P&B board too (which now seems to be FUBARRED - or at least my login seems to be). Do you compete or anything?
deleted2_20210523Icon...03-12-2014 @ 18:22 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
AquarianIcon...03-12-2014 @ 18:42 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
kirkynick said:
Aquarian said:Anyone still reading this? LOL!

Just had bit of a read and looked at some of your vids Happy

lifetime drug free lifter and not in the least bit genetically gifted. So if I can do it anyone can!

Big weights for someone who says the above...!

Thanks. It's taken almost 2/3 of my life to get here! Although I think I could've done it a lot faster if I had been born 20 years later - did a lot of stupid things in the past, largely out of ignorance - no internet or decent gyms when I started way back in 1986. Very few sources of information - either books or mags or other lifters - around me till probably in the mid 2000's.

I've just been lucky I didn't injure myself or lose motivation and eventually learned how to lift properly a few years back - though I'm still learning how to program and tweaking my technique regularly.

No idea how much longer I can keep up the volume or intensity - had quite a few injuries this year and still battling a few of them.

But I think I'm living proof that you can get to a decent level of strength, even at a fairly mature age, without taking drugs or being really gifted - which I don't think I am.
deleted2_20210523Icon...03-12-2014 @ 18:55 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq
AquarianIcon...03-12-2014 @ 21:27 
Member 2782, 456 posts
SQ 262.5, BP 195, DL 310
767.5 kgs @ 113kgs UnEq
kirkynick said:
All that said, how strong were you when you began i.e. what were your lifts?

The only lift I remember well is the deadlift - I pulled 160 the first time I tried it - this was on a 6ft bar with all the weights I had available back in 87 I think. Then didn't deadlift again for another 10 years at least for some reason - otherwise I may well have done 350 by now Grin

Bench I didn't start till 91 and I think I managed to get around 140 by 97. Had a lot of shoulder injuries every few months cuz I was using a wide grip and benching like a bb!

Took another 12 years before I got 180 on the bench - how's that for progress!

And another 5 years from that to hopefully get 200 by the end of the year!

Squatting I really don't remember when I started - probably mid 2000's. Took ages to get to 140 then 180 and 220 - a lot of mental obstacles to overcome never mind technical ones. Even now I get s**t scared doing anything over 250 plus.

Strict Overhead again I probably started late 2000's. I've always been pretty good at this - not always had the best technique but recently it's been really good and I'm very close to hitting 140.

Push Press - really not built to do it as my arms are big, short and tight so almost impossible to rack the bar on the shoulders. Again probably late 2000's started this - I think I got to 120 pretty quickly, 130 took a few months after that and then 140 took ages. Still haven't done 150 but have reppped 140 recently so there's hope.

So it has taken ages - a lot of injuries, a lot of learning how to lift properly, some other issues that distracted my focus for a long time.

But I never gave up and stayed positive and I love training and I think the combination of these things, along with some luck, is why I've lasted this long.

You can't let injuries and slow progress keep you down and need a fairly high level of pain tolerance which I seem to have (though that can be a downer too!).

I think also if I had achieved it all at a younger age my motivation to keep doing this would probably be lower - so in a way it's good that I didn't.
deleted2_20210523Icon...03-12-2014 @ 21:36 
Member 2606, 11453 posts
SQ 170, BP 117.5, DL 215
502.5 kgs @ 91.6kgs UnEq

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