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JCIcon...03-07-2012 @ 10:38 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
TobyCutler said:
I just trust in my training! And for my mental state, if I can work upto 120 x 3 x 3 on the axle c&p then by comp time I know I will be able to do 130 for a couple at least. (Hopefully!)

I'd agree, logically 120 x3 x 3 would mean 130 is there. I would just need to do it though...knowing its there wouldnt be good enough for me and my mental prep
TobyCutlerIcon3.703-07-2012 @ 21:29 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Post Edited: 03.07.2012 @ 22:39 PM by TobyCutler
Everything beltless unless written

Box squat, 2inches above paralel. rehband sleeves
100x5 + 30kg of chains
130x3 + chains
160x3 + chains
180x5 (belt) + chains
200x5 (belt) + chains

All with 2 second pause on the box

Power clean and power jerk

Bit of a mixed bag from here as I was working and half training with people

Speed press with bands

Snatches and full squat cleans.
Mainly technique work
60x lots of both
Then worked upto 100kg full squat clean


RobboIcon...03-07-2012 @ 22:26 
When I have enough cash, I get a deep tissue.
Member 465, 11029 posts
SQ 240, BP 175, DL 302.5
717.5 kgs @ 104kgs UnEq
Good to see a journal mate and some strong sessions!
TobyCutlerIcon...04-07-2012 @ 09:25 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Robbo said:Good to see a journal mate and some strong sessions!

Cheers Robbo. Hope your hamstrings not too bad
TobyCutlerIcon7.707-07-2012 @ 18:39 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Event training

Axle c&p
55 x 5
75 x 3
95 x 1
105 x 1
110 x 3 x 3 all belly cleaned

Everything beltless from here on
upto 110 x 30m (put down at 15) x 2

upto 250 x 15m x 2

Overhead yoke walk
70 x 15m x 4

Trap bar deadlift - trying to get a feel for car deadlift without a car deadlift frame
136 x 5
176 x 5
206 x 5
JCIcon...09-07-2012 @ 13:25 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Solid session Tobias
TobyCutlerIcon...09-07-2012 @ 21:12 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Cheers JC

Nothing really felt 'right' today so not a great session

Squats - rehbands

60 x 5,5
100 x 5
140 x 3
170 x 2
200 x 2
belt on
220 x 2

just felt heavy!

power clean and jerk
40 x 3,3
60 x 3,3
80 x 1,1
90 x 1,1
100 x 1,1

110 x 5
160 x 5
200 x 3
230 x 3

Snatch balance
40 x loooads
50 x a bunch

CG Bench
60 x 5,5
100 x 5
120 x 3
140 x 3

row 200m
16kg KB swing x 10
x 8

TobyCutlerIcon...10-07-2012 @ 09:08 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Bodyweight yesterday afternoon was 100.6 which is the lightest iv'e been in a couple of years. Possibly even U100 in the morning............ Eek
JCIcon...10-07-2012 @ 11:10 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
TobyCutler said:Bodyweight yesterday afternoon was 100.6 which is the lightest iv'e been in a couple of years. Possibly even U100 in the morning............ Eek

Eat some food! I was 100KG 2-3 weeks ago, but since ramping up the carbs have gained 4-5KG Wink

Solid squatting above mate also
TobyCutlerIcon...10-07-2012 @ 19:51 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Haha strength is still there and loosing fat so all is good for now!!

U90s here I come!!! Roll-Eyes

Today was just conditioning.....

Deadlift @ 110 and clean @ 50
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps as fast as possible


Clean and jerk to death @ 60kg
10 rounds

Could taste blood during and after, good times!!!
TobyCutlerIcon...11-07-2012 @ 17:35 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Did a bit of running today. Decided I am s**t at it! But did enjoy it and not really enjoying strength training atm!

Hope I can start enjoying it and get back at it in time for UKs!!
JCIcon...12-07-2012 @ 12:05 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
TobyCutler said:

Hope I can start enjoying it and get back at it in time for UKs!!

You'd better....Wink
TobyCutlerIcon...13-07-2012 @ 19:23 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts
Lifted some stuff today, training still not feeling right, random pains ect.

Think I'm going to ditch the CBL and eat some food to see if that helps with motivation..... Also try and train with someone every now and then as every session is done solo.... anyways....

80 x 3
90 x 3
100 x1,1
110 x 1,1,1

power clean, squat clean and jerk complex
(all 3 = 1 rep)
60 x 3,3
70 x 3
80 x 1,1
90 x 1,1

110 x 3
150 x 3
180 x 2
200 x 1
220 x 1
belt on
240 x 1,1,1

60 x 5,5
90 x 5
90 + 30kg chains x 5
110 + chains x 5
130 + chains x 5
150 x 5

work rest ratio of 1:1
500m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m

1000m steady pace


Doing some events Sunday so will see how they feel but thinking of going in a different direction with training tbh as slightly bored of it...... Endurance... crossfit.... whos knows!
TobyCutlerIcon...15-07-2012 @ 16:17 
Allegedly very strong, but only Carls word for it
Member 682, 838 posts

Axle c&p - belly cleaned every rep

110 x 3 x 3

tweaked my lower back on the last set so the rest of session wasn't great

upto 220 x 15m x 2

110 x 20m x 3

little bit of other stuff but nothing worth mentioning

Thinking of doing a week of crossfit, just for a change!
JCIcon...16-07-2012 @ 11:13 
technical retard
Member 172, 36827 posts
SQ 310, BP 205, DL 335
850.0 kgs @ 108kgs UnEq
Nice few sessions mate. If you're bored, as you say, do something different for a week, won't do any harm


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