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tony's strongman training log

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Super yoke - down the road n back on same weight. 10m drop, turn around to go up hill 10m back.
225k, 255k, 285k

70k Axle press - full reps 5x5

Incline log 75k - 12r x 4sets

wanted to get some proper low squats in on the yoke again but my shoulders were on fire. lol. pussy.
barbel curls warm up.
30k x 12, 40k x 10, 50k x 8.
super set barbell curls with sdl's.
60k x 8 x 4 sets of curls
60k x 8 x 5 sets of sdl's. just to stretch the hams out nicely i guess.
20k barbell curl burnouts x 2 sets

tricep pushdowns with straight bar.
1/2 stack x 15, 12
3/4 stack x 10, 8
full stack x 5 x 2

trecep extensions over head with straight bar from high clip.
number 10 i think (not quite half stack). x 12 x 3 sets.

leg extn 70k x 10r x 5 sets
leg curls 50k x 10r x 5 sets
leg sled number 20 x 10r x 5 set
calf work on sled
Post Edited: 27.10.2011 @ 12:56 PM by tonylyme
bit of yoke work today. really happy. got a new pr on the super yoke. 325k. i got 335k up n moving but only for about 5 metres. still.well happy.
just a bit of arms. light db's to warm up. 60k x 8 x 4sets of barbell curls. hammer db's 21k x 8 x 2, 27k x 6 x 2, 30k x 5
tricep pushdowns. 1/2 stack, 3/4stack, full stack for 5.
frame deads

barbell warm up 100k x 8 x 3
frame lift off a 2" slab
185k x 5
195k x 5
205k x 3
215k x 1
225k x 1

shrugs on the empty frame x 10r x 3set

military press warm through
50k x 8r x 8r behind head x6sets
just overhead stuff today.

seated log press.
75k x 8, 85k x 6, 95k x 3, 105k x 1.

axle press.
70k x 6 x 4sets
behind head.
70k x 5 x 3sets
early. stupid early. 0645!! unholy as hell time. lol.

just arms as i was spotting a bud mostly.

60k barbell curls x 8r x 4sets
double hammers with db's.
21k x 8
27k x 6
35k x 5
21k x 6 x 2set

tri pushdowns and extensions but can't remember weights n s**t.
yoke in the rain! hah.
put a bunch of stones down to help with the mud problem in the yard.

bit of yoke fitness i guess. kept it at base weight for this lift.

225k (empty weight) x 20mtr x 5 sets (10mtr downhill then same back up hill)

s**t load of bicep curls.
didn't really have time to do a lift today as helped my folks move dishwahers around etc then i ripped everything out of the garage to re-arange it ready for winter. i guess it was a manual labour day for my fat ass. lol. i did get a few barbell deads in just to polish off but nothing to write about. the end of a nice slow week of feeling a bit flu'ish n grogy so i hope next week i'm back at it.
just another little warm through lift to keep the body healing up n ready for thursday lift.

barbell curls super set with seated rows.
can't remember exactly but the bulk sets were:
60k x 8 curls with stacked row for 6-8rep x 4sets.

upright barbell rows super set with tri pushdowns
60k x 8 rows with 3/4 - stack pushdowns x 6-8r x 4sets

a few hammers then but it was busy in there n only had a short one so..
deads warm through.

can't remember exactly. but did frame to barbell super set burnouts. i.e. 3 frame deads off 2" block at 230k then jump to the barbell n burnout deads on 130k with chain. changed the frame weights n reps for each set. 5sets.
frame shrugs empty (185k) x 3set of 10.
axle clean n press for a few sets.
axle clean n press

80k x 1clean n 5 press
x 5clean n presses
x 1clean n 5 presses
x 5clean n 5presses
x 1clean n 8presses x 2sets

barbell clean n press
90k x 1 clean 3 press x 3 set

beahind head press.
60k x 8 x 3sets
oly barbell curls.
20k (empty bar) x 20
30k x 10
40k x 8
60k x 6
70k x 4
80k x 2
85k x 1
87.5 x1 new pr.

super set curls with standing ezbar skulls

skulls 20k x 12, barbell curls 60k x 6
skulls 30k x 10, same above
skulls 40k x 8, same above
skulls 50k x 6, same above
skulls 60k x 5, same above for all curls

tricep pushdowns 1/2 stack 15r x 4 sets
warmed up using the axle for squats.

yoke squats.
225 x 5
235 x 5
245 x 4
257 x 2
225 x 5

behind head push press. (just cuz training partner was on an over head day.)
60k x 8, 8, 10, 15, 12, 8

tyre flips. down drive for 5 flips then straight back up the drive for 5 flips
10r x 4sets. those uphill ones really get ya!


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