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caraher2006Icon...08-04-2011 @ 21:35 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
08/04/2011 - Triceps

Originally intended on doing a quick tricep workout however upon entering the gym one of my friends asked me for a spot and if i fancied joining in with him on the bench press, decided to join in but stay light and rep low.....

Bench press
60KG X 8
100KG X 7
100KG X 6
100KG X 5

Got a video of my 2nd set, never watched myself bench before so was good 2 have a look at the video and see where needs improvment...

Any way enough chest for 2day, now 4 some tricep...

Cable rope pull downs
60KG X 10
70KG X 10
80KG X 10

Over head cable rope extensions
40KG X 10
50KG X 10
60KG X 10

Close grip bench press
60KG X 3 - Very slow down & explosive up

A few sets of gay bicep curls on a EZ bar with about 45KG.....Job done, weekend off...
caraher2006Icon...11-04-2011 @ 21:10 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
11/04/2011 - Leg's whilst flued up !

60KG X 10
100KG X 8
140KG X 4 - Belted
160KG X 2 - Belted

Front squats
60KG X 10
80KG X 8
100KG X 1 - Sneezed & dropped the f**king bar !
100KG X 4 - Wrong mind frame, Should of been more but was pissed off

Leg curls
70KG X 10 X 4

Calf raises
Stack x 20 x 4 - About 140Kg-160kg

Hamstring curls, singled legged
20KG X 10 X 4

S**t session overall, been flued up all over the weekend but decided 2 train anyway...Unhappy
caraher2006Icon...12-04-2011 @ 22:35 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
12/04/2011 Chest

Bench press
60KG X 6
100KG X 6
120KG X 3
110KG X 5
100KG X 10

Single board press
100KG X 10
100KG X 9
100KG X 8

Single arm incline dumbbell press
30KG X 10 X 3

Pec dec
60KG X 10
50KG X 10
40KG X 10

Really s**t session, Had the flu since friday and its really starting 2 take it out of me. Going 2 have a few days rest now hopefully back in full health for next week, Shouldnt of trained 2day but would of been pissed of with myself if i did'nt....
caraher2006Icon...14-04-2011 @ 20:40 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
So ive been 2 the doctors and the flu like thing i thought i had was acctually a chest infection, doctor told me 2 rest and gave me a cause of antibiotics, but what does he know ?

14/04/2011 - Back session

60KG X 10
100KG X 8
140KG X 6
180KG X 8 - BELTED
220KG X 1 - BELTED
180KG X 7 - BELTED

18" Deadlift's
140KG X 6
180KG X 4
220KG X 2
260KG X 1F X 1F

Close grip pulldown's
60KG X 10
70KG X 8
80KG X 6

Wide grip pulldown's
50KG X 10
55KG X 10
60KG X 8
caraher2006Icon...15-04-2011 @ 19:48 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
15/04/2011 Shoulders

Clean & press - All presses strict
65kg x 6
75kg x 4
85kg x 3

Continental clean & press
100kg x 2
120kg x 1f x 1f

Single arm dumbbell press
35kg x 6
50kg x 2
40kg x 6

Upright rows
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 10
70kg x 6

60kg x 10
100kg x 10
140kg x 10

Couldnt be arsed 2 do anymore !
caraher2006Icon...16-04-2011 @ 17:23 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq

Decided 2 go against my usually training routine 2day so here goes....

Bench press
60kg x 6
100kg x 4 x 10 sets
100kg x 2 x 10 sets
Never trained like this before but really enjoyed it, can honestly say i dont think i had another single rep in me!

Farmers walks- weight per hand
30kg x 50m
70kg x 25m x 3
70kg x 50m

Tricep push & pull downs 2 finish off about 6 sets no idea of the weight....
caraher2006Icon...18-04-2011 @ 21:08 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq
18/04/2011 - Legs

60kg x 8
100kg x 6
140kg x 4 - Belted
170kg x 2 - Belted
185kg x 2 - Belted & Knee wraps (P.B)

Front Squats
60kg x 8
90kg x 6
110kg x 2 - Just couldnt grip the bar so stopped there

Leg Press
180kg x 8
220kg x 8
260kg x 8
300kg x 8

Leg Curls
60kg x 10 x 4
caraher2006Icon...20-04-2011 @ 21:29 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq

Bench press
Bar x lot's
60kg x 10
100kg x 8
110kg x 6
120kg x 3

Bench press & chain's
60kg & 30kg chain x 8
60kg & 60kg chain x 6
60kg & 60kg chain x 3

Incline Bench press
60kg x 8
80kg x 6
100kg x 3

B/W Dip's, Currently about 110kg
3 x 8

Wide grip lat pull down's
6okg x 8
70kg x 8
80kg x 8

Stretched off on pec dec quite lite . . .
caraher2006Icon...21-04-2011 @ 22:58 
Member 2211, 33 posts
SQ 220, BP 170, DL 240
630.0 kgs @ 105kgs UnEq

60kg x 8
100kg x 8
140kg x 6
180kg x 4 x 2

T-Bar rows
40kg x 10
60kg x 10 x 2

Wide grip lat pulldowns
60kg x 10 x 3

Cable rows
100kg x 10
120kg x 8
140kg x 6

Trained at Coliseum gym 2day instead of my usual gym the Olympian so also had a mess about on the silver dollar deadlift type thing, atlas stones and log! dropped the 125kg stone on my finger....real wise move that !


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