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New year, new routine

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Here are my plans for a new routine in the new year.

background to this is that i want to diversify my training from pure powerlifting to general strength training, also prepare for a possible strongman comp.

- focus on overhead strength and pulling strength
- lose some bodyfat
- increase endurance and CV fitness
- stay injury free!
- have fun training

Light cardio = rows, swimming etc

- rest or light cardio and/or light weights

- yoga
- pullups and/or light cardio

Wednesday - powerlifting
- squat
- bench
- dead
- opt: ab work

generally 3 working sets each, but thyinking of doing half of the russian routine for bench: 6x2,3,4,5,6 x 112.5, 5x5x117.5, 4x4x122.5, 3x3x127.5 etc - f**king irritating 2.5s though!

- rest or light cardio and/or pilates

Friday - miscalaneous day
- push press
- other pushing work, shoulders or narrow grips
- lat work, rows etc
- rear delt, guns

- rest or light cardio and/or pilates

sunday - strongman
- event training, or:
- rack pulls, GM, fron squat, platform deads, ab work etc etc

any opinions?
Looks interesting. Good to see rowing mentioned - I think that's the number one cardio option for strongman training. It's a shame the Sugden rowers are a bit crap though - the air con sucks all the dust into the flywheels so the resistance is the same whatever number you have it on.
Looks good, I'm not a great fan of you deadlifting more than once a week though. It didn't really work the last two months.. unless you go much lighter on one day. I don't think 180 was light enough for you to class as speed work and recover from for heavier stuff at the same time.

Otherwise, I look forward to seeing the ripped up new look Joni Coleman at the end of 2007.
aye rob, you are right, it ddnt really work twice a week. I am thinking that the subday would just be rack lockouts and stuff, and the platform deads there if i go light on previous wednesday.

Forgot to mention grip and no-neck, those are on sunday and maybe grip for tuesday as well. Also, will use the rolling thunder a bit more frequently.
Originally posted by Joni...
aye rob, you are right, it ddnt really work twice a week. I am thinking that the subday would just be rack lockouts and stuff, and the platform deads there if i go light on previous wednesday.

Forgot to mention grip and no-neck, those are on sunday and maybe grip for tuesday as well. Also, will use the rolling thunder a bit more frequently.

But why "just" rack lockouts? It's not as if they're not taxing.
rack lockouts dont take as much out of me. I think i could do them in addition to normal deads on wednesday - remember, it is only three working sets after all!
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