Promoter: Ian Kinghorn tel: 07595 397799 email: ian.kinghorn
Qualifying Cut Off Date: 07/03/2009
Closing Date for Entries: 18/04/2009 (no late entries will be accepted!)
Invites for this event are being sent out on 7th april 2009, closing date to enter is 20th april 2009.
If you do not receive your invite from your divisional secretary in time to enter and you know you have qualified, please print an invite and send it (as per instructions on the invite itself) with details of where and when you qulaified. Assuming this can be verified your entry will be accepted.
Preliminary schedule:
2/5/2009 all women and me to 67.5 kg - weigh in at 9:00, lift off at 11:00
2/5/2009 men 75 to 82.5kg - weigh in from 11:00, lift off at 13:00
3/5/2009 men 90 to 100kg - weigh in from 9:00, lift off at 11:00
3/5/2009 men 110kg and over - weigh in from 11:00, lift off at 13:00
Ian Kinghorn |