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Boltons Strongest Man

Archived Competition - This competition has occured.
Date31/07/2010 1 PM
RegionNorth West
LocationSt James School, Farnworth
PostcodeBL4 9RU
WebsiteClick Here
Submitted BySeddy
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Competition Information
Boltons first novice strongman comp, as part of a community day at which over 2000 people attended in 2009.

*Places are for athletes from the Bolton Borough ONLY or those who have a strong connection with the town.* ( sorry to disappoint, but organisers would like to keep the comp true to its name..)

The events so far this year are as follows,..

Event 1. - AXLE OVERHEAD PRESS 100KGS, for reps, 90 secs time limit.

Event 2. - FARMERS WALK, 25 METRES, 100kgs in each hand, No straps. 60 secs time limit.

Event 3. - TYRE FLIP / LOAD CARRY. - 150kg tyre flipped end over end for 20 metres, then pick up and carry 60 kilo Sandbag back to the start. 90 sec time limit.

Event 4. - AXLE DEADLIFT - 180kg, as many as possible in 60 seconds.

Event 5. - CRUCIFIX HOLD - 15kg dumbell arms length at shoulder height for as long as possible.

Event 6. - TBA ( this may involve a very large stone!!)

Event 7. - TBA ( this may well involve a car!!)

*ALL enquiries via E mail at this stage please!*

15 competitors wanted, £10 entry fee, further info at,..!/group.php?gid=121032577931385&ref=mf

e mail enquiries to,..


Forum Thread
Boltons Strongest Man started by JC (86 replies)

Members Who Attended
Competitors - Seddy shane28 richardjon
Spectators - CJT
Officials/Loaders - craigmanc BIGJON81
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