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jackw72Icon...10-02-2012 @ 20:37 
Member 3313, 35 posts
SQ 150, BP 85, DL 170
405.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Gotta catch up on ma routines b**ches.

08/02/2012 - Weds

Unfortunately, I had the standard situation of what is a ignoramus sitting on the bench and his friend sitting on the squat rack just talking for an hour not actually doing exercise unless you mean 60kg x 5 rep bench then a 20 minute rest, so how to be creative with my workout.

Medicine ball throws that I missed from Monday, used a heavier medicine ball today and felt good on the arms.

Moved on to cleans @ 30kg 3 sets of 12 reps, this was because I only had a small bar and no weights over 5kg to work with, however again my forearms felt the burn of this and it is a nice explosive exercise.

I then went downstairs to check if the bench was free, but to my surprise the same man was sitting on it, so I did some dips until fail which were 10 reps x 2 which is a slight improvement which is good.

I then did some calf raises @ 35 kg again 3 sets of 12 reps with 3 second pauses at top of range.

I couldn't wait any longer so I went to a friends house to use his equipment.

My bench went like this:

2 sets of 40kg for 5 reps
1 set of 50kg for 5 reps
1 set of 55kg for 5 reps
1 set of 60kg for 5 reps
1 set of 65kg for 5 reps
1 set of 70kg for 5 reps
1 set of 75kg for 3 reps

Felt good but my chest isn't aching the day after like it has previously. Not much improvement here Unhappy

My Barbell Bent Over Rows went like this:

1 set of 40kg for 8 reps
1 set of 50kg for 8 reps
1 set of 55kg for 8 reps
1 set of 60kg for 8 reps
1 set of 70kg for 9 reps

good improvements on this, 70 for 9 is a record pour moi, I also attempted 110 only to dead lift it cos it was too heavy :P

I also did some Military Press with a small bar and high reps:

5 sets of 25k for 12 reps

I should probably increase the weight but the feeling I get from so many reps is incredible in my shoulders and gives a clear size increase.

That is all for Weds, on to fri!
jackw72Icon...10-02-2012 @ 20:48 
Member 3313, 35 posts
SQ 150, BP 85, DL 170
405.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
10/02/2012 - Friday

LOL after Weds post, the weights room in my gym was completely empty today minus one person so I got straight to it.

Dead lift, oh man I hate Dead lift it just wrecks my hands and my lower back and my life.

1 set of 60kg for 5 reps to warm up
1 set of 80kg for 5 reps
1 set of 100kg for 5 reps
1 set of 120kg for 3 reps
1 set of 140kg for 3 reps

Quite upset because I can lift so much more but my grip is just so poo, I could barely hold 100kg for three reps before it just popped out of my hands. My lower back was tender from where I picked up 135kg on Wednesday just for fun.

LIFE SUCKS. Football has been called off on Saturday and I am really hoping American Football is on Unhappy

Ciao for now.
jackw72Icon...14-02-2012 @ 18:50 
Member 3313, 35 posts
SQ 150, BP 85, DL 170
405.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
13/02/2012 - Monday

American Football training was on Sunday and it was very good, lots of sprinting which after 3 hours was aching different parts of my quads the next day.

Started on the LeanGains IF diet and am steadily losing weight wahoooo.

Monday consisted of my P & P workout with added CP. All will be explained :evil:

Planks, increased the times again 1:25 front plank and 25 second oen handed planks with 5 x 5 side plank routine.

Plyos, I was wary of doing too much of these after the battering my legs took on Sunday's American Football training but still I did my tuck jump to nokneebendhighasyoucanvertical, one legged tuck jump and that killed me :doh:

I also added some clap push ups as my friends have been raving about how difficult they are. I actually find them easier on me. Odd.

LukeHuxIcon...14-02-2012 @ 19:01 
Member 3257, 73 posts
SQ 130, BP 80, DL 160
370.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
jackw72 said:13/02/2012 - Monday

American Football training was on Sunday and it was very good, lots of sprinting which after 3 hours was aching different parts of my quads the next day.

Started on the LeanGains IF diet and am steadily losing weight wahoooo.

Monday consisted of my P & P workout with added CP. All will be explained :evil:


Good luck with losing some weight! Glad to hear you are enjoying the American football training, when will you be actually playing?

Enjoy your P and P workout, may join you next week.
jackw72Icon...15-02-2012 @ 18:52 
Member 3313, 35 posts
SQ 150, BP 85, DL 170
405.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
15/02/2012 - Wednesday


Bench press:

10 reps of bar to warm up.
1 set of 5 reps of 40kg
1 set of 5 reps of 50kg
1 set of 5 reps of 60kg
1 set of 5 reps of 65kg
1 set of 5 reps of 70kg
1 set of 5 reps of 75kg

Good progress but most of the last sets were a bit half reppy. Grin

Bent over Barbell Row:

1 set of 10 reps of 40kg
1 set of 10 reps of 50kg
1 set of 10 reps of 60kg
1 set of 10 reps of 70kg
1 set of 8 reps of 75kg

I feel good progress, upped the reps just because I felt it was necessary.

Military Press:

40kg 3 sets of 8 reps, done about 2.75 and failed on the last 3 or 4 reps Angry

Medicine Ball throws which are helping my ball throwing which is awesome and I did some simple 8kg db curls for 15 reps and then held out at arms length shoulder height for the same amount of seconds 15.

Felt good and diet is going well Grin am dead 15 stone at the moment.

jackw72Icon...20-02-2012 @ 19:59 
Member 3313, 35 posts
SQ 150, BP 85, DL 170
405.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Had an amazing weekend! Grin Football Saturday and I did really well as the team did and American Football Sunday which I also did really well with. Massive leg workout from both of these Grin

Diet is also going very well, went past a milestone today that I was hoping to bypass in 10 days time which is awesome!

Have started adding cycling in to my routine and generally on my rest days as legs aren't used too much on mon and weds.

Today was just planks for me, but made a couple of large steps.

Front plank attempted two minutes but got 1:56 which sucked but felt really good on the abs Happy
Single armed front planks were 30 seconds a pop and I felt I had more in me.

The 5 x 5 side plank routine after was a lovely addition too.

Pretty good day, so happy to of hit my weight target early!

Bring on Weds.
jackw72Icon...22-02-2012 @ 18:52 
Member 3313, 35 posts
SQ 150, BP 85, DL 170
405.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Wednesday 22/02/2012

Excellent Session.

Bench BB

1 set of 5 reps at 40 kg
1 set of 5 reps at 50 kg
1 set of 5 reps at 60 kg
1 set of 5 reps at 70 kg
1 set of 5 reps at 75 kg

Boom the 5 @ 75 was killer but good progress wise.

Military Press

Equally happy with these reps.

Warm up with
1 set of 5 reps at 40 kg


5 sets of 5 reps at 50 kg could probably push it a big higher next time as I wasn't entirely at the end of my lifting ability with these.

BB Row

3 sets of 8 reps at 50 kg
1 set of 8 reps at 70 kg
1 set of 8 reps at 80 kg

Yet again another PB winwinwinwinwinwin.
A few of those reps I felt my back assisting but not bad.

My friend LukeHux was Deadlifting at the time and my current 1rm has been around 150 but I knew I could push it further and I attempted 170 with success! It was a struggle getting it up but considering I haven't been training that lift at all I am so happy with it! 3 PR's in one day?!

Win. Getting Stronger Losing Grin Grin
LukeHuxIcon...22-02-2012 @ 19:06 
Member 3257, 73 posts
SQ 130, BP 80, DL 160
370.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
jackw72 said:Wednesday 22/02/2012

My friend LukeHux was Deadlifting at the time and my current 1rm has been around 150 but I knew I could push it further and I attempted 170 with success! It was a struggle getting it up but considering I haven't been training that lift at all I am so happy with it! 3 PR's in one day?!

Win. Getting Stronger Losing Grin Grin

Good job on the PR's. There was no-way you weren't getting the 170kgs. How are you doing weight loss wise?
jackw72Icon...23-02-2012 @ 11:38 
Member 3313, 35 posts
SQ 150, BP 85, DL 170
405.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Sehr gut Doctor!! Its dropping like its hot Happy


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