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Some speed work questions

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AndyHIcon...21-09-2007 @ 12:49 
Member 143, 237 posts
SQ 340, BP 245, DL 310
895.0 kgs @ 120kgs Eq
Over the years I've tried many and varied method on the speed/dynamic approach, i.e. Speed work on same day & seperate, not doing speed work, light speed etc etc

From my personal experience I managed the best gains with these techniques from seperating the speed work from the heavy load work. For example I would do the speed work raw with bands and chains to a low box on a Monday prior to my normal dead lift session & for the bench do the band speed and block work on a seperate auxilliary night to the main heavy work always allowing just enough time to recover between sessions (but then I am a "heavy" gent)

Referencing back to the Westside micro cycle stuff, I've had some interesting results with people I've coached using it. We'd always keep the main core 3 lifts in their hard and heavy context but mix up the speed work every 4 - 8 weeks dependant upon the time it took the body to adapt. I've found the lighter and middle weight guys can get some reasonable explosive gains from this, but with the heavy guys in general they seemed to need a more classic exercise cycle to adapt to the speed exercises.

Just a small scale observation from my perspective, I could ramble for hours but I'll try to be good. As anything its all about your own body so YMMV.

Andy H


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