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AdamTIconNew training program20-06-2014 @ 11:02 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Post Edited: 20.06.2014 @ 12:53 PM by AdamT

Squat 3x5 90% 5 rep max
Bench 5x5 90% 5 rep max
Dynamic deficit deadlift 50% of max 8x1

Core work


Front Squat 3x3 75% 1 rep max
Overhead strictpress 3x3 90% 3repmax
Good mornings 3x8
Chin ups 3x8 (weighted if can do more than 8)
Weighted dips 3x8



Squat 1x5 85% 1rep max
Bench 3x3 90& 1rep max
Deadlift 2x2 90% 1 rep max.
Rack pulls below the knee 10kg heavier than what I pull from the floor for as many reps as possible.

Every monday&Wed I will be adding 2.5kg to main lifts. Every Friday I will be adding 5kg to squats and deads, and 2.5kg to bench.

I have been doing this programme now for a few weeks and I am definitley seeing some nice results. Was previously on 5/3/1 but wanted to squat more so decided a new program is called for.

Any ideas of things I could change or add on?

Thanks guys
shanejerIcon...20-06-2014 @ 12:49 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
Strict press planning looks bad

3x3 @ 90% is start weight? How can you build on that.

Also proberly need more direct shoulder and upper back work . Jmo
shanejerIcon...20-06-2014 @ 12:51 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
On reflection to me looks a bit f**ked up but if it's working for you then whys it matter lol
AdamTIcon...20-06-2014 @ 12:52 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
shanejer said:Strict press planning looks bad

3x3 @ 90% is start weight? How can you build on that.

Also proberly need more direct shoulder and upper back work . Jmo

Sorry was a typo. Strict press is 90% of 3 rep max. Thanks for your input, will add in some extra shoulder work on a saturday.

shanejerIcon...20-06-2014 @ 16:21 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
I'd start lighter but just me

Depends on your time training, weight, special sauce, food etc

But starting a build up on 90% of anything won't last long till your failing
AdamTIcon...20-06-2014 @ 18:34 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
shanejer said:I'd start lighter but just me

Depends on your time training, weight, special sauce, food etc

But starting a build up on 90% of anything won't last long till your failing

your right mate but I'm just looking to gain a bit of lost strength. Once I start to struggle I will do less max percent of compounds and do more assistance. I am dead lifting 100kg lighter than you so should recover a bit easier lol Cheers for your advice mate
AdamTIcon...20-06-2014 @ 18:34 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
shanejer said:I'd start lighter but just me

Depends on your time training, weight, special sauce, food etc

But starting a build up on 90% of anything won't last long till your failing

your right mate but I'm just looking to gain a bit of lost strength. Once I start to struggle I will do less max percent of compounds and do more assistance. I am dead lifting 100kg lighter than you so should recover a bit easier lol Cheers for your advice mate
FazcIcon...20-06-2014 @ 20:34 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
AdamT said:Every monday&Wed I will be adding 2.5kg to main lifts. Every Friday I will be adding 5kg to squats and deads, and 2.5kg to bench.

What is your plan when that stops working?
AdamTIcon...21-06-2014 @ 14:07 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Fazc said:
What is your plan when that stops working?

probably change the volume and rep schemes. Maybe try for new PBS then work from there. I'm not as strong as a lot of you guys yet so basically I just have to work hard to get a decent level and then just find out what works best for me and go from there.

possibly down the road will have a few sessions with a strength coach and have a program better suited for me.
FazcIcon...21-06-2014 @ 15:00 
Sports an extremely muscular arse.
Member 38, 6253 posts
I ask because adding 2.5/5kg per week is 10-20kg per month to your top lifts.

That's not a plan, it's wishful thinking.

The best advice I can offer is to think more long term. You're thinking all the way to your next sticking point. That's not even really a plan.
AdamTIcon...21-06-2014 @ 15:42 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Fazc said:I ask because adding 2.5/5kg per week is 10-20kg per month to your top lifts.

That's not a plan, it's wishful thinking.

The best advice I can offer is to think more long term. You're thinking all the way to your next sticking point. That's not even really a plan.

I agree with you mate. I had lost a fair bit of strength due to not being able to train probably for a while. I know in a couple of months I will be back to where I need to be, then I will build a program more for the long term. I think I can make gains weekly for next couple of months. When I do struggle and stall, I will then plan a routine for more moderate increases. Thanks for your advice, I appreciate it.
AdamTIcon...21-06-2014 @ 15:42 
AKA the great reset
Member 4056, 5209 posts
Fazc said:I ask because adding 2.5/5kg per week is 10-20kg per month to your top lifts.

That's not a plan, it's wishful thinking.

The best advice I can offer is to think more long term. You're thinking all the way to your next sticking point. That's not even really a plan.

I agree with you mate. I had lost a fair bit of strength due to not being able to train probably for a while. I know in a couple of months I will be back to where I need to be, then I will build a program more for the long term. I think I can make gains weekly for next couple of months. When I do struggle and stall, I will then plan a routine for more moderate increases. Thanks for your advice, I appreciate it.
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