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My path to Strongman

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jamiem1983IconMy path to Strongman06-06-2012 @ 14:00 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
I started back at the gym 3 years ago mainly to lose some weight, did that and then i started to look to bulk, i did that as well.
i train at a strongman gym, so it wasnt long before i started to get drawn to strongman events.

the gym i use hosts many events in the year most of which you guys attend lol

now ive never competed before, but a few of the lads i train with have and they love it.

theres a little comp coming up soon for members only to try and get more people into the sport.

so a nice little novice comp to start with. Now im in generally good shape but my endurance isnt great, i have good strength but i run out of puff quickly.

My bench was always a lift i loved, and i got that upto a decent level, but i never did anything with my legs, so for the last 6 months ive been focusing on deadlifts and quats both have came on amazingly in the short time.

This comp is coming up in 4 weeks time,

here is a list of events and im looking for any tips or advice for on the day, im not going to get much stronger in 4 weeks so what about food or sups on the day, training the week prior to the event. Tips on the events to give me the edge or at least level peg with others who have done it before.

1. 80kg log press for reps
2. arm over arm van pull - 20m
3. deadlift frame with 200kg in hands for reps.
4. 250kg yoke 15m - 250kg chain drag 15m
5. Loading - 120kg keg, 120kg sack, 95kg block & 100kg keg all on platforms in any order
6. frame carry - 230kg
7. Stones - 100kg &rt; 140kg

90 sec time limit on all events.

1. pressing im good at. so log i can do and will prob be my strongest event
2. depends on the weight they put in the van/if they put hand brake on.
3. did frame with 390kg but dont know how much was in hand.
4. yoke ill have to take time with but should get it, chain drag ive done before but could do with doing it again.
5. loading for me the hard bit is getting the items broken off the ground. 95kg block i had up from ground to neck just couldnt press.
6. frame carry done before grip might suffer.
7. stones i can only get upto 110kg, 125kg i cant get off the ground.

In feb when i first heard about the comp my max's were as follows.

Bench Press - 135kg
Squat - 125kg
Atlas Stones - 110kg
Log Press - 95kg
Deadlift - 140kg
Wall Shldr press - 120kg
Axle Press - 85kg

Current lifts 4 weeks before the comp

Bench Press - 140kg
Squat - 170kg
Atlas Stones - 110kg
Log Press - 105kg
Deadlift - 190kg
Wall shldr press - 120kg
Axle Press - 100kg

I really need to try and get the stones a bit better as no doubt itll all come down to them.

Many thanks in advance.
jamiem1983Icon...06-06-2012 @ 14:06 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
improvements ive seen while training events in the last year, i never used to be able to flip the 250kg tyre once, could never break it off the ground. but since i started doing legs and back, im now able to keep flipping it until i run out of cardio.

does anyone have any tips for events, like footware, grip position etc

ive heard people say solid boot for stones and log press, and pretty much for anything like farmers or yoke.

i see a lot of people grip the handles of the frame/farmers where they over twist their hands into the grip so i assume when you stand up its tighter??

any advice from you guys would be great as im a total noob when it comes to comps.
jamiem1983Icon...06-06-2012 @ 14:08 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
And heres a few clips of some event training.

the 80kg block is pretty easy now i have sorted my technique,
95kg i just cant press, but i waste so much time and energy with it so no wonder i have nothing left to press.
90kg axle again fairly easy with good form.
80kg log for reps this was my last set of 3 failure sets so i wasnt as in control as i would have liked on this set.
jamiem1983Icon...11-06-2012 @ 19:02 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
My first taste of lifting in a comp. only a spectator comp in the break at scotlands strongest man. But a valuble learning experience.
jamiem1983Icon...13-06-2012 @ 22:34 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
well finally tonight saw a change for the good, on monday i tried the stones again as i have been neglecting them.

really struggled, but kept trying, even moving back down weights to try and get my form back.

later on i had had enough and asked the lads i train with for some advice and to see if i was doing anything odd.

once i adjusted my stance the stones then started going up easier. 100, 110 on the 47" walls. didnt have enough in me to move to the 120 stone. ive tried it before and never managed to get it to the lap.

well tonight i decided to give the stones another go while the form was still fresh in my head. right enough 90kg warmup stone flew up in one motion, then the 100 as well. 110 was needing split to two motions but it went up several times easy enough.

i then rolled the 120kg stone out but wanted to try it on the lower 40" platform to make sure it was ok, well i broke the 120 off the ground lapped it and then got it up to full height so to save putting it on the small wall i walked it to the 47" one but didnt quite make the ledge and it fell.

so tried once again and got it from floor>lap>chest>platform Grin new pb on the stones. hands and arms are sore now but worth it.
jamiem1983Icon...15-06-2012 @ 12:39 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
right strongmen the event is only 3 weeks away. any tips for the day

so far ive been told boots for the stones as they give a little extra lift and they have harder soles, but im thinking that the harder soles would be better for a few events like the logs press for solid base as my feet move alot when wearing trainers.

what about grip advice on the frame carry or farmers. i see people griping the handles differently, or is it personal pref as usual??

and what about training the week before, no training or light stuff to keep the CNS firing.
shanejerIcon...15-06-2012 @ 13:00 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
best advice - stop over thinking it and enjoy it.

you will learn alot on the day !
jamiem1983Icon...15-06-2012 @ 13:25 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
true, but the last thing i want to do is turn up missing a vital bit of kit or something.
jamiem1983Icon...18-06-2012 @ 22:50 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
tonight i decided to do the frame carry as it had been a while since i tried it last.

170kg over 15m easy enough - Hands were sore
210kg over 15m easy enough - Hands were very very sore

i was trying the twist grip tech ive seen some people do, but not sure if it helped of hindered me.

its where you grip the handles with your palms facing up so when you stand up they twist on the grip i assume for better grip.

but i squeezed as hard as i could to stop it slipping, half way down my hands felt stone cold. and when i got to the end my hands were freezing. i assume this was me squeezing all the blood out of them.

any tips or advice as i think this will be one of my weakest events.
jamiem1983Icon...26-06-2012 @ 17:43 
Member 3704, 25 posts
SQ 175, BP 140, DL 200
515.0 kgs @ 92kgs UnEq
well ive been doing a bit of grip training the last few weeks and ive also managed to break the 200kg deadlift mark finally. Grin
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