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If all else fails, refuse to get old

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DerranIconIf all else fails, refuse to get old26-05-2015 @ 13:09 
Member 5785, 6 posts
SQ 210, BP 155, DL 205
570.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Hi, first post, so I'd thought I'd make it useful and start a training log. Not kept one online for years, and as my goals have changed, I figured I should be in the company of people stronger than me in order to get better.

I'm 38, run a PT company in Nottingham, and have always gravitated towards heavier training than BBing. As I've got older and realised my lifts are not entirely shabby, I've started aiming at competing.

However, whilst I have a decent squat (210) and bench (155) I suck at deadlifting (205). The deadlift is low because of lack of practice and a dodgy lower back. I broke my leg a few years ago and severed my ACL. I've never had the surgery, so all my lifting is self-rehabbed. The lower back issues are related to muscles in the right leg over-compensating.

Anyway, over the last year I seem to have developed some work-a-arounds, so finger's crossed it's not going to hold me back from a decent total for much longer.

I've just finished running the full Smolov squat routine with great success, and am following Candito's Six Week strength programme, simply to get myself deadlifting a little more frequently whilst maintaining my bench and squat numbers.

Anyway. That's me. Thanks for reading this far Happy
b15ape1Icon...26-05-2015 @ 13:19 
British bum sex champ
Member 450, 1677 posts
SQ 315, BP 212.5, DL 290
817.5 kgs @ 137kgs Eq
Good luck with the journal....Theres plenty of wa**ers to**ers bas***ds bum specialists that will help you on the way on here!!
DerranIcon...26-05-2015 @ 13:21 
Member 5785, 6 posts
SQ 210, BP 155, DL 205
570.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Best description of a forum ever.

I think I'll fit in well...!
DerranIcon...26-05-2015 @ 13:24 
Member 5785, 6 posts
SQ 210, BP 155, DL 205
570.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Today's session is as basic as it gets; 182.5kg squats for 4-6 reps, followed by a load of GHR work.
DerranIcon...28-05-2015 @ 14:54 
Member 5785, 6 posts
SQ 210, BP 155, DL 205
570.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq

Bench 130kg x 4/4/4/4 - all pretty controlled, no bouncing.

Seated Cable Rows 100kg x 6, 110x6, 120x6

Military Press: 70kg x 6, 75kg x 6, 80kg x 6

Chins: +25kg x 6/6/6
DerranIcon...31-05-2015 @ 14:45 
Member 5785, 6 posts
SQ 210, BP 155, DL 205
570.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Session yesterday was poor - lack of sleep and not enough food the day before.


Squats 187.5 x 3, 190 x3
Good mornings 4 x 8 at 70kg nice and slow
GHR for 3x8 with just bodyweight
Some ab stuff.

Home for food.
DerranIcon...31-05-2015 @ 14:48 
Member 5785, 6 posts
SQ 210, BP 155, DL 205
570.0 kgs @ 89kgs UnEq
Today though, much better.

Bench 127.5 x 3, 130 x 3, 135 x 3, nice easy touch'n'go single at 140 to finish.
Seated Rows 90 x 12, 100 x 12, 110 x 10, 115 x 8
Military Press 60 x 12, 65 x 12, 70 x 10, 75 x 8
Weighted Chins 12x BW, 12 x +5kg, 10 x +10kg, 8 x +15kg

Built and installed a new cable machine yesterday, so played around with cable cross etc after for some sets of 12s.

Much better session than yesterday. Amazing what some sleep and some food does, eh?

Weighed in at 88.5kg this AM.
b15ape1Icon...01-06-2015 @ 07:09 
British bum sex champ
Member 450, 1677 posts
SQ 315, BP 212.5, DL 290
817.5 kgs @ 137kgs Eq
Derran said:

Much better session than yesterday. Amazing what some sleep and some food does, eh?

Weighed in at 88.5kg this AM.

It is,the simple things make all the difference. Like having a ballbag full for too long,its just gonna f**k you up!!
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