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Gareth 'Sausage' Snell - My long journel down PAIN lane!

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SausageIconGareth 'Sausage' Snell - My long journel down PAIN lane!26-08-2011 @ 23:19 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
New to the website but not new to strongman training but i have alot of goals i want to reach so starting a journal is for me, a no brainer! Bit of back ground on me, Am a 24 year old man from Kent, started strongman training at Bulks in Oct 2009 and loved every minute of it! was bullied as a yougster so have always wanted to get big! i wont be happy until I'm at least 15+ stone of pure muscle and competing in UK's stongest man contests with my mates paul carter and sean kennedy! they are my idols lol (dont tell them though, their heads are big enough already!)

my weight was 65 KG, squating 60 KG, BP 40 KG, DL 60 KG. I trained hard for 10 months and see my weight go up 75 KG, Squats 140 KG, BP 80 KG, DL 200 KG, Yoke, 230 KG, 110 KG Atlas stone, 80 KG Log, 100 KG axle clean but only 70 KG press, 200KG Farmers walk, 250KG tyre, 3 tonne truck pull with harness.

Unfortunatly i dislocated my shoulder in a game of football at the start of August 2010 and i had to stop training for a year to get the problem sorted. a major pain in the a*%£ to say the least!
Been back to the gym now for 3 weeks and thanks to the wonders of muscle memory (and the fact im now 80 KG) i've managed a 120 KG squat, 180 KG DL and 60 KG BP, ment to be taking it easy but f*$% it! my theory is if you have to think weather you'll b able to lift it or not then you aint gona lift it! Mental strenght is just as powerful as muscle strenght!

Last trained on tuesday which was my deadlift night and back session

Deadlift sets:

1x 120KG @ 10 reps
1x 140KG @ 5 reps
4X 160KG @ 5 reps (felt the burn big time on these!)
1x 180KG @ 2 reps
1x 100KG @ 10 reps, for explosive lift
4X 60KG @ 10 reps, one hand deadlift for grip strenght

T bar rows

1x 25KG @ 10 reps
1X 30KG @ 10 reps
1x 35KG @ 10 reps
1x 40KG @ 10 reps (had to big deep to complete the last set)

Lat pull down

1x 30KG @ 10 reps
1x 35KG @ 10 reps
1x 40KG @ 10 reps

70KG atlas stone for reps over Yoke, managed 3 sets of 10 but this well and truely killed me!

have rested the rest of the week but will be training legs tomorrow.

So to some it all up, small man wants to get big, lift stupidly heavy things above his head without killing himself and to get fat! lol
SausageIcon...27-08-2011 @ 17:41 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
No training today, woke up with an annoying pain in my lower back so didnt want to aggrovate it by doing squats so chilled on the sofa and ordered some new protein and creatine shakes.

Got Vitargo CRX creatine powder and D-test tabs from sci-tec and Muscle Fury Mass Fury weight gainer to help me put on the pounds!

struggle putting on weight and keeping it so need as much help as possible!
SausageIcon...29-08-2011 @ 13:54 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
trained legs today, which wasnt the smartiest idea i've had as i drove to the gym on my own!


1x 60KG @ 10 reps
1x 100KG @ 5 reps
1x 120KG @ 5 reps
1x 130KG @ 5 reps
1x 140KG @ 5 reps

happy with my squating session as hit my pb from last year and have only squated twice since i started back last month.

Hack squats

1x 20KG @ 10 reps
1x 30KG @ 10 reps
2x 40KG @ 10 reps

went to full depht with this and felt the burn in my hamstrings which felt good.

Leg press

1x 40KG @ 10 reps
1x 80KG @ 10 reps
1x 120KG @ 10 reps
2x 160KG @ 10 reps

struggled on the last set at 160kg but felt good as i know im near my limits and know where to start from next time round.

Finished off the 3 sets of romanian deadlifts @ 60kg.
SausageIcon...29-08-2011 @ 17:32 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
thought i'd go weight myself on the machine in boots, just to see what my weight and BMI was.....bit shocking if i'm honest Eek

Height - 5 foot 7 inch
Body Weight - 12 stone 10lb or 81.5KG
BMI - 27.7 (overweight apparently!)
Lean BW - 69.7KG
Body FAT - 11.8KG

Happy that my weight is goin up but to say i'm over weight is a joke! these machines need to factor in muscle weight and your build!
SausageIcon...31-08-2011 @ 21:46 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
Chest session tonight

Flat BP

1X 40KG @ 5 reps
1x 50KG @ 5 reps
1x 60KG @ 5 reps
1x 70KG @ 5 reps
1x 80KG @ 5 reps
2x 90KG @ 3 reps PB (had to be spotted and a little help with my last rep but i managed to get all my reps)
Repped out out with 40KG

well chuffed with hitting 90 tonight as chest or any pressing exercise is my weakest point!

Pec deck

1x 6 plates @ 10 reps
1x 7 plates @ 10 reps
1x 8 plates @ 10 reps
1x 9 plates @ 10 reps

DB chest flys

1x 10KG @ 10 reps
1x 12.5KG @ 10 reps
1x 15KG @ 10 reps

finished off with 3 sets on the viking press @ 50KG
Olli1990Icon...31-08-2011 @ 22:35 
Member 2424, 949 posts
SQ 280, BP 200, DL 300
780.0 kgs @ 130kgs UnEq
Sausage said:
Got Vitargo CRX creatine powder and D-test tabs from sci-tec and Muscle Fury Mass Fury weight gainer to help me put on the pounds!

IMO a complete waste of cashools mate.

Get the cheaper creatine (I think when I took it it cost about 15quid and lasted months) and get cheapish protein shakes. Don't even get me started on test boosting tablets Happy.

The money saved is much better spent on meat and that is what the body really wants.

Good sessions anyway mate and hope you keep progressing
SausageIcon...01-09-2011 @ 10:14 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
I'm just trying different things at the minute to see what works and that CRX is the best stuff i've had personally, so not too fussed how much it costs.

You couldnt even begin to imagine what i eat in a day Eek me and the misses worked out i was eating on average 4,500 Kcals a day PLUS protein shakes and i was still managing to loss weight! stupid matablelism! lol
SausageIcon...02-09-2011 @ 19:49 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
Arm session tonight

Tri-cep Dips

2x 10 @ own BW
1x 10 @ own BW + 5KG

Close grip BP

1x 10 @ 30KG
1X 10 @ 40KG
2X 10 @ 50KG

Skull crushers

1X 10 @ 10KG
2X 10 @ 15KG

Rope pull down on cables

1x 10 @ 6 PLATES
1X 10 @ 7 PLATES
1X 10 @ 8 PLATES

Hammer Curls

1x 10 @ 7.5KG
1X 10 @ 10KG
2X 10 @ 12.5KG

Barbell curls

1x 10 @ 10KG
2x 10 @ 15KG

Finished off on cables to rep out and kill my arms!
Paul_DIcon...02-09-2011 @ 19:51 
Hey mate, my name is Paul Dudley
Member 632, 3628 posts
SQ 200, BP 155, DL 282.5
637.5 kgs @ 77kgs UnEq
If you want to get into strongman i'd cut out the arm isolation sessions mate. Bit of a waste of time. Just tack on arm s**t at the end of proper sessions.
SausageIcon...02-09-2011 @ 20:11 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
i never normally do it to be honest but its only because i've just come back from an injury so want to take it easy and make sure i can lift what i used to without any problems, then i can fully concentrate on the strongman training
shanejerIcon...02-09-2011 @ 20:17 
Member 1307, 14110 posts
SQ 355, BP 240, DL 370
965.0 kgs @ 102kgs UnEq
hi mr sausage!!
SausageIcon...02-09-2011 @ 20:18 
sausage !!
Member 2739, 17 posts
SQ 140, BP 90, DL 200
430.0 kgs @ 81kgs UnEq
shanejer said:hi mr sausage!!

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