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A little less weak and a little more useful.....A lifting odyssey

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SpiderdanIcon...03-09-2012 @ 11:34 
Member 3353, 169 posts
SQ 200, BP 120, DL 230
550.0 kgs @ 83kgs UnEq
Week 27/08-02/09

Floor Press - to 105kg then 95kg 5 triples - left shoulder a little tired from gymnastics but got them all
Meadows rows - +57.5kg - 3 sets to failure last one rest pause
Pulldow/pullover/kb press tri set - 10-12 reps on everything- decent stretch and my shoulder was moving well.

Gymnastics only - managed a couple of decent front pulls

Squat - up to 155kg x 2
Semi sumo Deadlift - 185kg x 8 x 3
next to no food and lots of sitting- called it early as I was a bit tired and moving squats to friday

Bench - up to 110kg x 2 then 82.5kg x 13 - should have had 3 on the 110kg but lost tightness on the second rep making it harder than it needed to be, got what was needed though
Krocs - Fat handle +60kg /w straps x 12 then 9+4
Pull down, pullover, kb press triset - 3 rounds 10-12 reps
Dancing later on

Squat - up to 170kg x 2 then
140kg x 10, 130kg x 10, 120kg x 10, 110kg x 10, 100kg x 10
This was stupid - the DOMs are still with me today.

Decline Bench - up to 120kg then 100kg x 6,6,5 - could have had siz on the final set with a little more rest.
Plate machine pull down - 3 sets to failure + 1 rest pause
T-bar Row - 3 sets to failure + 1 rest pause.

100 pull ups
several miles of hiking.

Good week, Fridays squat session -not recommended ever again if I want to keep my frequency up......DOMs far too high.


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