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2013 - do it again, but do it properly!

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haydnwardIcon2013 - do it again, but do it properly!16-02-2013 @ 14:54 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
So, july was last time I posted! Last time I lifted weights properly was sept time Unhappy knakard my shoulder (again) and now im back to normal. I was tippin the scale at 106kg but after having a body comp test I was at 20% fb, I was carrying near 30kg bodyfat! Prior to strongman training I was 4% bf, and it had took its toll, felt uncomfortable, and no good putting weight on for the sake of weight, so I got back to my roots, started cardio, plyos, and boxing and muaythai again. Today im at 87kg and 11% bf, which is better. Now, after taking time off to sort myself out, im ready to restart training again. Thistime, im gona focus more on leveling my squat up to my deadlift or atleast closer, so, for first 6 weeks im gona run russian squat routine for squat and bench, then a week of deload, then on with a basic routine. Ill be running the squat and bench at a lower weight than usual to help programe lifts and get some numbers up. Id finish the cycle maxing my squat at 145 and bench at 115, depending how I go: attempted squats n deads earlier this week and squated 120 for 2 & deadlifted 140 for 5, no wraps, no belt, just gritting them out lol. Monday will be squat and bench, both 6x2, squat 102.5 & bench 82.5, will do some kb swings and heavy db bends as assists, maybe finish with some intervals on rower. Going to pay alot more attention to my nutrition & supplimentation this time around. No program swaping either, gona stick to my 8 week cycles and only adjust wen I get stale or cant make lifts. My goal is to keep bw below 95, stay lean as possible, and get that 200squat, 170 bench and 250 dead. Thats my goal for now.
Will post monday how the session goes. As always, your input will be welcome. Im looking at this as a fresh start to do it again but the right way: leave out the ego and not think about big numbers all while.

Signing out,
haydnwardIconFirst day of cycle19-02-2013 @ 17:48 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
Was ment to start yesterday but due to work/puppy duties I had no time Unhappy
Today - day 1, 'squat day'
Warm up 3x10 bar, 1x5@60, 1x5@85:
Work 6x3 @102.5 (loose knee wraps only)
Bench 6x2 @85, paused (active recovery/speed work)
front squat 3x8 @60 A2G
Db bends 3x8/side @42.5kg

Working on a modified or masters version of russian squat routine used for all lifts, thur will be work on dl same as squats from today and sat will be benches day, so today reversed with press assists rather than legs.
Low weights, but just trying to work technique from day one. Also trying to get more exsplosive in my movements.
haydnwardIcon21/2/13 deadlift day21-02-2013 @ 11:10 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
142.5 6x3 work, no belt/wraps, lower back def felt its first deads sesh in months! Lol
Lo cable wide row 4x10 57kg, using our long 'd' straps, working on pulling high n wide to hit more upper back
lat pull wide 4x10 90kg
Short n sweet
haydnwardIcon...23-02-2013 @ 10:58 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
Made today short n sweet:
Squats: 5@60, 5@80 6x2@102.5
Bench: 5@60, 3@80, 6x3@90

Quick workout sandwhiched between pt client and starting my shift. Ive created a strength build program but discussing currently with the more experienced lifters weather to.start it yet, or work on my main weakness, being my squat. I have the full smolov 13 week program I may run to pick squat up before my general
haydnwardIconits been a while!!!05-03-2013 @ 09:52 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
so last tuesday i got food poisoning so i was off work and in bed for 3 days, got back on friday and straight into routine:


db rows 3x10 50kg
db bends 3x6 at 40kg


band pull aparts 5x10
shrugs 3 x 10 at 140kg
bicep curls 3x10 14kg dbs
haydnwardIconyesterdays session05-03-2013 @ 09:55 
Member 3148, 473 posts
SQ 180, BP 145, DL 210
535.0 kgs @ 87kgs UnEq
mon 4/3/13
4x9@ 97.5

90x12 negative down,paused, exsplosive press
80x10 every rep i did a half rep then a full rep

short n sweet.

im structuring around smolov at the min with basic upper body work to keep muscle upper body, build size and strength lower body. once i finish smolov and im happy with my numbers again, ill switch to a more westside me/de program to build size and strength again.
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