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UKSC North Strongman 2009

Archived Competition - This competition has occured.
Date30/05/2009 AM
RegionNorth East
WebsiteNone given
Submitted Byshawn

Competition Information
Event 1: Pendulum press (135kg)
The athlete will start grasping the bar with the equipment on the floor. Upon the referee’s command, the athlete will begin lifting the equipment. The athlete will press the equipment above his head until the elbows are locked. The equipment must be held in position until the referee acknowledges the lift. Than the athlete may lower the equipment to his chest are floor and the lift repeated as many times as possible in the given time period of 75 seconds.
Weight: 135 kilos
Time limit: 75 seconds

Event 2: Van deadlift
The athlete will be grasped the bar dead lift style. The athlete will commence lifting on referee’s signal. Athletes must stand erect with legs straight and back extended in an upright position with shoulders locked back. The bar can only be returned to the start position on the referee’s signal (good lift). This sequence is to be repeated as many times as possible in the space of 60 seconds. The person lifting the most number of reps wins. Lifting straps are permitted, but the use of adhesive substance on the hands is not permitted.
Time limit: 75 seconds
Start Weight: ?kg

Event 3: Farmers walk
The athletes will compete in a head to head race in this event. Each competitor will carry two cylinders (125 kilos each) over a 50 metre course. This event will be decided on the fastest time over the 50 metres or longest distance covered.

Event 4: Barrel Load
4 barrels are to be loaded in any order the competitor chooses, onto the platform in the fastest time possible. Times will be taken when each barrel is placed onto the platform. Competitors who successfully lift all 4 barrels will be scored according to time. Barrels falling off the platform must be replaced by the competitor before continuing onto the next barrel. Barrels must be placed in an upright position for the referee to confirm barrel loaded. In the event of any competitor failing to lift all barrels a time will be given on the last barrel loaded by the competitor.
Time limit: 75 seconds
Course: 5 metres 120kg barrels

Event 5: Truck Pull ?

Think these are ther events but not 100% sure.

Forum Thread
UKSC North Strongman 2009 started by SteBaker (38 replies)

Members Who Attended
Competitors - shawn bren35
Spectators - None
Officials/Loaders - None
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