1. Log for reps, head to head. 105kg, 75seconds
2. Max reps axle deadlift, 60seconds. 314kg from 19.5". straps, no suits
3. 12m 320kg yoke in to 120kg powerstairs. 4 steps, 500mm approx
4. arm over arm for height. 100kg approx, won't have exact weight until I set it up and test it the day before.
5. Overhead medley, any order, 90sec limit. 40kg kettlebell, 53kg circus dumbbell, 65kg MONSTER dumbbell, 80kg steel block and a 5th mystery event (by mystery I mean I'll find something interesting the day before, either a sandbag or a 7m long axle)
6. atlas stones to 55"
100kg 3m carry in
120kg 2m carry in
140kg 1m carry in
150kg no carry in |