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» Europes strongest man (Go to post)11-07-2015 @ 14:30

Hall 463 I took from 100 miles away. Most impressive lift I've ever seen
» Europes strongest man (Go to post)11-07-2015 @ 09:50 
If anyone is partial to a drink, I will be working today in the Granstand bar. Just mention you're off here and I will be able to sort out some drinks!
» best squat routines? (Go to post)09-03-2015 @ 22:20 
Post Edited: 09.03.2015 @ 22:25 PM by Sam_L
Ran RSP twice and had great results each time! Never felt like I wouldn't finish it though-apart from the 6x6 day
» The 'well done on the PB' thread (Go to post)14-02-2015 @ 16:51 
Form wasn't 100% but very happy with this- good milestone!

» First meet! (NW Championships) 617.5 @112 (Go to post)02-12-2014 @ 00:27 
Nothing really that impressive but really happy with how my first meet went! Would also like to add how supportive everyone was and the weekend as a whole could not have been better in regards to both the lifting i got to watch and the running of the event!

Any advice/pointers are welcome as I feel I still have a lot to learn!
» FS: SBD KNEE SLEEVES 2XL (Go to post)10-11-2014 @ 19:17 
replied to latest message!
» FS: SBD KNEE SLEEVES 2XL (Go to post)04-11-2014 @ 23:36 
42cm round the knee!
Think sizing down to XL's would be spot on for me.
» FS: SBD KNEE SLEEVES 2XL (Go to post)04-11-2014 @ 19:15 
Looking to sell these as my left calf is smaller than my right meaning that the fit is a bit loose.

I have used these a fair bit but they will obviously be thoroughly cleaned and both ascetically and functionally, they are like brand new; with no cracking on the letters, stretching etc.

Wanting about £40~ posted.Thought I could help someone out pick up a pair for a bit cheaper. Cheers!
» GBPF NW Championships 2014 (Go to post)14-10-2014 @ 01:30 
Post Edited: 14.10.2014 @ 01:34 AM by Sam_L
Haha, I didnt plan on it! Thanks for letting me know- have friends who have competed at the same venue and said it was a great day!
» GBPF NW Championships 2014 (Go to post)14-10-2014 @ 01:07 
Post Edited: 14.10.2014 @ 01:08 AM by Sam_L
This will be my first meet very excited! A quick question- i actually turned 23 today- would I still be classed a JR as it's within the same year that I turned?
» Deadlift World Record - Predictions (Go to post)09-08-2014 @ 14:31 
Great day so far- watching Eddie's pull's were amazing! Atmosphere is great! Gutted for Misha and everyone else that had to drop out.
» 2 New PB's (215SQ/240DL) (Go to post)04-04-2014 @ 00:55 
Completely forgot to check back on this. Thanks for the encouragement! Noticed the slight bend in the arm too when I watched back- think iv'e corrected it now.

Finally got a 220 squat. Bit of a grinder/not the best rep but I am pleased none the less!

» 2 New PB's (215SQ/240DL) (Go to post)16-01-2014 @ 03:05 
Post Edited: 04.04.2014 @ 00:59 AM by Sam_L
First time posting videos on here. Know this is isn't anything special considering the mental standards of strength on here but I was pleased with both lifts!

Any advice/criticism is encouraged as I am aware there are still things that I can do to improve.

» Injury help-Rotatory cuff (Go to post)08-09-2013 @ 02:10 
Thanks a lot for all the replies so far! Lots of helpful stuff here.Going to get to the doctors and take a week off training whilst rolling/stretches etc. The pain is worse right after racking a squat. Pretty acute in the top of armpit where it meets the bicep. Annoying more than anything else!
» Injury help-Rotatory cuff (Go to post)05-09-2013 @ 19:50 
Mundane first post but I was wondering if anyone had pointers to help me out.

When I externally rotate my left shoulder, I don't have the same mobility as a I do on my right side and also feel pain both in the shoulder and armpit area. I have just finished the base cycle of Smolov and feel that it must have been the squatting that caused it; as it's now a struggle get properly tight under the bar. After squatting the pain is worse and obviously bench and anything overhead are out of question.

is it just a matter or taking a week off and stretching or is there anything that would give me some faster relief so I could keep going?
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