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» Another one gone (Go to post)09-10-2019 @ 22:22 
Log time since I posted last... Another death to announce

Lee Bowers this time round, announced a few days ago Unhappy
» John 'Chaos' (Go to post)01-07-2018 @ 23:30 
No worries.

I’ll try and cancel a meeting tomorrow morning I’ve got at 11am on Tuesday 10th and will update

I’d like to go to pay my respects. He was a sound lad and only wish I’d gotten in touch with him more recently
» New belt suggestions (Go to post)01-07-2018 @ 09:39 
Belt received; first impressions are that it's very well made and very stiff!

I've sorted the lever and it's on the last hole for me, I'll not send it back for a smaller one as I'll more than likely put the weight I've lost recently, back on come winter time and when I start eating 'heartier' food (read fat f**k food Grin )

It's very tight, easier to lock on than my Pullum Sports twin buckle belt

The plate that holds the screws for the lever isn't very well counter sunk, but I can soon sort that and if need be, can drill more holes into the belt to make it tighter

Only used it once so far on rack pulls; but will keep using it more as need to bed it in, so to speak

For c£80 delivered, it's a good buy IMO
» John 'Chaos' (Go to post)01-07-2018 @ 09:25 
Post Edited: 01.07.2018 @ 09:25 AM by hifilover
slimsim said:For anyone that wants to know, Johns funeral will be held Charnock Crematorium (PR7 5JP) on 10th July at 2:30pm.

Is anyone from here going?

It still hasn't sunk in with me this yet... Unhappy
» New belt suggestions (Go to post)25-06-2018 @ 14:46 
Just to update; I've bought this:

Never used a lever belt before; so didn't want to fork out twice this price and not get on with it; so this will be a good marker

Will report back once it's landed and detail how I've got on with it

I only really use a belt for doing stuff like dinnie stones, stone lifting (atlas and natural) and log/viking pressing etc
» John 'Chaos' (Go to post)25-06-2018 @ 08:21 
Post Edited: 25.06.2018 @ 08:28 AM by hifilover
I've just learned via Hixxy's Intsa feed that John's took his own life

I don't know any more than this; it doesn't give out any further info

But I've known John for years, we're local lads that trained together every so often and I'm absolutely gutted!

We haven't spoke in a long time, we went down different directions and I know he was busy with his role at BAE

RIP dude; you were one on your own Unhappy
» New belt suggestions (Go to post)15-06-2018 @ 18:31 
Up for a new belt; my current belt is a Pullum 2 buckle belt; it's kind of seen it's days now as it's starting to come apart, so looking at lever belts now

Mainly used for deads and stone/dinnie lifting etc

Have seen the SBD one, Strengthshop 13mm one and the Irontanks one...

Any other suggestions and maybe what to look for?

» Dinnie stones (Go to post)28-04-2018 @ 18:36 
Post Edited: 28.04.2018 @ 18:38 PM by hifilover
cowie said:James Crossley (aka Hunter from Gladiators) got the new record for a static hold with 34 seconds earlier today.

Could have sworn Bryan Hunsaker from America had longee than that, thought he did 37/38 seconds etc

#edit he did 33.9 seconds, so what did James Crossley manage, or was it bang in 34 seconds?
» Trap/Hex Bar Opinions ? (Go to post)26-03-2018 @ 10:00 
Post Edited: 26.03.2018 @ 19:20 PM by hifilover
I do all my deads on a trap bar; bar SLDLs which I just do with a normal old bar

The trap bar is so much better for me and my dodgy back/hips as I can sit further back on the pull etc

Also not hard to get the handles at the right height by standing on blocks or flat plates etc

The gym I train at has a strength shop one, but it's a touch small, so the owners going to get a larger one, with longer sleeves etc
» Dinnie stones (Go to post)13-03-2018 @ 11:37 
unit94 said:
Cant see the vid but that sounds rough!

Click on the link; no idea why it's not showing imbedded

His tendon healed as it'd been booted once he'd been into hospital; 3 months later he went up and picked em up again like 2 bags of shopping haha
» Dinnie stones (Go to post)13-03-2018 @ 10:21 
Wayne_Cowdrey said:The handles look very painful to hold onto!

They bite into your hands; that's a fact

The replica handles are generally fixed, so you have to hold them as they are. But the actual handles on the Dinnies themselves rotate, so you can have the longer edge, as it were, sat across your hand

I've only done the reps and they're a swine when things start to get heavy; haven't hook-gripped them yet, but will try that this week...
» Dinnie stones (Go to post)13-03-2018 @ 09:58 
Post Edited: 13.03.2018 @ 10:01 AM by hifilover
unit94 said:Anyone seen a good attempt at carrying them? Thought it would have to be sumo but looks like Farmers style could work. It says a couple of guys have managed it but i think thats with about a million drops? No ones done it properly have they?

No one has done it fully across without drops...

My pal Mark did this feat last year; the last metre or 2 with a snapped achilles tendon (hadn't realised at the time). The small stone swung and caught his ankle which you can make out towards the end:

His aim is to walk across with them in one go this year, a few other folk looking to attempt it too (Bryan Hunsaker from the States etc)
» New Gym in Preston, Lancashire (Go to post)12-03-2018 @ 14:36 
LessThanLuke said:
Lazy bas***d! Come say hi.

Haha I know Grin

I'll get across sometime this week... Take it you're open every day? I generally train mid afternoon
» Dinnie stones (Go to post)12-03-2018 @ 14:35 
yiannis said:
I will give mark a message next few weeks see whens best

He's at it mosts nights, I'm usually down on a Monday and/or Wednesday and I think Deans gets down on Friday nights and over the weekends etc

Weathers getting better and its staying lighter now too; so more evening sessions will be happening no doubt Happy
» Dinnie stones (Go to post)12-03-2018 @ 11:18 
yiannis said:
Ye im going to mate. Good mates with dean and know mark so will come down some time.
Think mark was training with sumo the other day.

Aye, Suno was down Friday. Alas, I was ripping out a kitchen


Will be down this week sometime

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