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» Britains Strongest Man Under 80kg (Go to post)20-11-2011 @ 13:45 
I would love this title. Time to learn some events training.
» 1st Time Snatching (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 16:49 
What gym is this? You got platforms AND b**ches in the same gym! I have neither Angry
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 16:47 
Tom_Martin said:
Same story with me regarding injuries and moving to weightlifting. I want to have another go this winter though, and youve inspired me to start taking my cleans more seriously in an effort to prepare for that though!

Thats good to hear. I would have said i'll see you indoors for some 60's. But torn ligaments and all.....
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 16:34 
Wigan said:With your level of base strength, speed and explosiveness you could do very well on the weightlifting movements. If you are looking for a competitive lifting outlet, I would strongly recommend getting involved with BWLA in some way.

Ive had a look at the main site for weightlifting in UK. Cant find any records and seems like theres only a few 'elite' lifters in the uk, or their funded guys idk. Is the sport f**ked here?

Plus I need to learn snatch. I tried a 1 off power snatch few weeks back and didnt have a clue what i was doing. Muscled up just 110. I saw World champs qualifying total is 297 for 77 class though. Bet it's loads of 5'0 Chineses guys in that weight class.
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 15:00 
Post Edited: 26.10.2011 @ 15:02 PM by HUGE_GUY
mikehowarth said:
With your height (you look very tall and athletic) I wouldn't be surprised if you were faster than him at 100m.

To be honest, ive had a history in athletics but with jumping. I only started weights after i got an injury 5 years ago, and only just got surgery 11 months ago thanks to the s**tty NHS.

But im really f**ked off with the constant injuries with athletics. Id be happier as a lifter i think. I just train for power anyway, never practice jumping, i was just good at it.

Clean from floor - I dont know. I change exercises all the time and last session was a while ago. Did a 165 p.clean but it wasnt max. I can front squat 200 so i could probably do full cleans.
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 12:47 
Steve said:Huge_Guy - is your bodyweight still 78kg in your videos?

I think 80, maybe 81 at most here. Been trying to eat much more lately + creatine loading. Im dead on 6'0 so a little light for weighlifting.
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 12:45 
Tom_Martin said:
Fair enough...i bet you'd be pretty fast on the track, you clean the same way track athletes normally do...
After all, didn't johnathon edwards once power clean 220k at 43kg bodyweight?

I am pretty fast yea seeing as i do sprints/plyo/throws as part of training, i can standing lj over 3.50m as well. Id say my 60m would be near yours when you competed.
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 12:44 
MattF said:Strange? You look very familiar? Where are you training in the videos? Your squat looks like it is much stronger and didn't realise you had a 300 deadlift now, very impressive.

I left your gym over 2 years ago when i tore my pec, the couple of times you saw me last year was just a 1 off session there with Mike. I have hair now. Yea maybe i could do more than 300 but i only try about 3x a year. This is a very cheap crappy gym at stockwood park.
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 09:37 
MattD90. Does the 90 stand for your IQ?

Guess i am a bit of a troll
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 09:21 
Tom_Martin said:
So what exactly is it you do aspire to be? You've got the people recording it on their phone bit down already!

I dont know what i want to aspire to (being superman?). I just train hard. If im not strong enough to lift something, i don't get my suit, i get a jack.

This was a digital cam, not a phone.
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)26-10-2011 @ 08:54 
mikehowarth said:Have you ever thought of getting into equipped powerlifting?

If not why?

Saw the video... Unlucky

Yes ive always aspired to be an equipped powerlifter. Maybe someday i'll be breaking records in front of the world (5 people). I just hope someone records it on their phone when i do it.
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)25-10-2011 @ 22:31 
MrSmall said:good vids there mate. I'll be honest, I thought you were a bulls**tter with your numbers and username.
do you have a coach anywhere nearby?
you need to drop down, not just kick the legs out that much, stay upright, don't lean back to catch. You are plenty explosive and strong, especially at that bodyweight, just keep working steadily, don't rush the weights if it falls to pieces! sorry to hear about injury.

I dont have a coach because im not actually a weightlifter, but wouldnt mind seeing what i could do. The guy whos done the 205 floor to overhead here - i had a few sessions with him a few years back but havent seen him since.

Unless i catch it straight legs, the feet go out,it's annoying.
» Max Power Clean (Go to post)25-10-2011 @ 21:30 
I said i would wait till i got 170 before i posted but ive torn some ligaments and will be out of action for a while.

Any tips on fixing my legs, apart from get more muscle that is?
» Snatch and Clean and Jerk Technique (Go to post)25-10-2011 @ 20:03 
Isnt there many weightlifting clubs around the country? I wanted to learn to lift properly as well.
» Achilles Tendonitis (Go to post)19-10-2011 @ 12:26 
Had this for few years. Stretch achilles, massage calfs, roll a golf ball under your feet.

Most importantly, do eccentric calf raises 3-4x a week and isometric calf work (5 second holds on and off).

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