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» Clarence Kennedy - 190 C&J at 87 BW - 18 YO (Go to post)12-06-2012 @ 20:45 
He's my weightlifting coach!
» Front Squat : Back Squat Ratio (Go to post)12-06-2012 @ 12:20 
Over 100% for me, bet no one will beat that.

Last time i did front paused was 200, tried again the other day and failed 200 back paused. Mostly because i havent trained in a month and have been working 12 hours a day. But usually id say 90%, i back squat very upright.
» Weightlifting Prep for Olympics (Go to post)06-06-2012 @ 13:38 
I saw on his last vid hes 82kg now, misleading title. Is this why people keep breaking world records in training, because they are always heavier?
» skyrim (Go to post)02-06-2012 @ 09:05 
spam_up said:
Original worms game is a classic! love it Happy
Wish them Final Fantasy f**kers would make a decent game again. last few have been super s**t Unhappy

Yea i grew up with them games, and every other JRPG going. Playing them games aged 10-18 made me an unsocialble bas***d. They can't make games like they used to because the costs are way too high on these new s**t consoles. Good old ps1 and ps2 days are long gone.

Oh, Skyrim is for losers, i played it for 30 hours before i realised this.
» One for the old ravers!!! (Go to post)01-06-2012 @ 08:25 
Post Edited: 01.06.2012 @ 08:26 AM by HUGE_GUY
Anyone listen to the newer hardcore stuff?

» One for the old ravers!!! (Go to post)31-05-2012 @ 23:21 

Best happy hardcore song ever.
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 22:57 
drew said:I did my first slj last week and did 1.50+ what do I win? I did a triple too which was 6.20ish

You win my respect. Serious power.
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 22:52 
I dont really have an eating disorder, but i dont eat loads.

3.50? That's only 1cm behind me, and not many guys in the world are legit over 3.50. I did another test, 3slj in a row and did 11.48m.

Thats pretty bold of you getting to 100 if you want to be fast, im scared to get 85 or over incase im s**t.
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 22:35 
I cant bulk up, i have an eating disorder. Once i tried to eat a bigmac meal but then went to the toilets to make myself puke.

So now that your 90kg and still bulking, is this the end of your speed/power days? Even though i want to be strong, dont think i could let my speed, agility and possibly health go to s**t just to lift more
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 21:46 
Im gonna do some DL after sugery for a month or 2, 330 raw is out of my reach. 310 is more realistic for me though.
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 21:44 
Tom_Martin said:I take it you don't give a s**t about bench Tongue

Not really, i used to do them once a week when i 1st started to train. I got up to 130 (bounce) at about 72kg pretty quickly. Then i tore my pec thinking i was a gymnast, never had surgery on it and couldnt be bothered to train bench again. I never train strict press either, that 92.5 was a one off.

Not really an upper body guy, but my back and traps looks pretty awesome from all the hang cleans, and being about 7% bodyfat.
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 20:45 
Post Edited: 29.05.2012 @ 21:10 PM by HUGE_GUY
Tom_Martin said:
Front squat and power clean...... Unhappy Unhappy Unhappy
Unhappy Unhappy Unhappy

Forget curls. Whats your best push press from front now, and when you was competing at 82.5 what was your raw DL? Ah, youve beat my strict press now i see!
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 20:43 
JackRevans said:i still think tom is sexier

I stalked his facebook 1st before i made my decision! I need more hair though.
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 15:37 

Sorry Tom
» How can i input text under the avatar space? (Go to post)29-05-2012 @ 08:07 
JamieG said:Only the elite members get text under their avatar.

(or people like me who posted in that thread awhile back where they were giving em to all who asked)

Im not an elite member. I hate my text, someone's an asshole. I wish i could change my username as well

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