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NixyIconRe-build & beyond31-05-2013 @ 17:15 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Hey everyone, I'm a new member to the forums. This is going to be my training log and motivation to compete later on this year and hopefully I will be able to converse and receive criticism whether it be negative or positive to improve my lifting and performance in future.

Slight back story;- got back from Orlando Florida on Monday (27/05/13) and had the displeasure of having food poisoning on the way back, which was hell. This has really effected my strength and I'm only just starting to feel better again after 4-5 days, in which I lost around 1 stone/7 kg in Bodyweight from not eating anything. While I was in Orlando however I got a chance to meet Jo Jordan & Brian Schwab who were two of the nicest guys ever and awesome powerlifters and Orlando Barbell is a really cool gym.

The plan now is to get back to where I was before I left and up my game before I do a strongman contest end of this year and then into next year. I've decided for the time being, my training will consist of a STRENGTH DAY, with squat, deadlift & bench on it, with some abdominal and hamstring work. A BODYBUILDING DAY, with higher reps and sets and try to add back some muscle which I lost and finally A ENDURANCE/GPP DAY, to bring back some of my stamina which has been zapped (sandbag/sled drags, KB swings, rehabilitation work and some cardio). Ill alternate these days until I feel I can go back to my normal split of deadlift/bench/squat/events & oberhead over Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday, like I did before holiday.

Some of my best lifts before I went on holiday which I hope to get back to are 150kg bench x 1, 180kg squat x 5 (/w belt), 260kg deadlift x 2 (/w belt) & 200kg deficit deadlift x 6 (no belt) & finally 100kg x 3 clean & press - all done around 99-101kg Bodyweight.

So todays training (which I felt awful in);-

Friday 31/05/13
- Squat - up to 80kg 3 x 3 (no belt)
- Deadlift - up to 100kg 2 x 5, then 120kg 1 x 5 (no belt)
- Bench - 40kg/50kg/60kg/70kg x 6
- Decline sit-ups - 5 x 15 BW
- Band Leg Curls - 3 x 20

Terrible numbers but this literally was all I had and is a base to start from...
NixyIcon...01-06-2013 @ 15:42 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 01.06.2013 @ 15:43 PM by Nixy
Saturday 01/06/13

- Lat Pull-down - 5 x 15
- DB Row - 3 x 12
- Dips - 3 x 15
- Rear Deltoid Machine - 3 x 15
- Band Pull-aparts - 2 x 25
- Lying Leg Curl - 4 x 15
NixyIcon...03-06-2013 @ 19:32 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 05.06.2013 @ 13:45 PM by Nixy
Feeling alot better today, weights on the way back up and I think I've started putting some muscle back on. Appetites starting to come back too which is awesome!

Monday 03/06/13

- Deficit Deadlift - work up to 170kg - 3 x 5 (no belt)
- SLDL - 110kg - 2 x 10
- Front Squat - 60kg/70kg/80kg - 2 x 3 paused @ bottom 2/3 seconds (no belt)
- Abdominal Pull down - 3 x 15
- GHR - 3 x 12 (BW)
NixyIcon...05-06-2013 @ 16:22 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Post Edited: 05.06.2013 @ 16:24 PM by Nixy
Wednesday 05/06/13

Bench - 110kg - 5 x 3 (2 second pause on chest each rep)
Floor Press - 100kg - 3 x 5 paused
Triceps Extension - 30kg + bar - 4 x 10 (to chin)
DB Row - 25kg 2 x 15. 35kg 2 x 15
Decline sit ups - /w 5kg plate behind head - 20/20/15
* 10 mins incline treadmill *

song of the day (stone temple pilots)
NixyIcon...07-06-2013 @ 19:43 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Hard day of work today & didn't exactly feel fresh squatting + my leg strength is the thing which has been effected worst by my food poisoning. It was also like a sauna in the gym. But anyway, I still got done what I wanted too & I didn't pussy out!

Friday 07/06/13

- Paused Squats - 120kg - 3 x 3 (no belt 2/3 second pause @ bottom)
- Dynamic Squats - 100kg + light bands - 3 x 5 (no belt)
- GHR + light band - 3 x 10
- Walking Lunges - light weight length of room (15 reps per leg)

Was going to do more, but I'm going to save my main effort for Sunday.
NixyIcon...09-06-2013 @ 14:08 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Felt shattered today but tried to focus on my overhead which has been effected by my illness as much as squatting. Another thing to focus on I guess

Sunday 09/06/13

- Overhead Press Strict - 45kg/55kg - 2 x 5. 60kg/65kg x 5
- Circus DB - 30kg - 2 x 5. 40kg x 2 (was supposed to be 5 but felt awfull)
- 2 Board Press - 100kg - 3 x 5 paused
- Pull downs - 5 x 15
NixyIcon...14-06-2013 @ 13:02 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Training from Monday and Wednesday this week. My friend came to my gym on Monday and I got beasted. Not used to the high sets and reps of body building

Monday 10/06/13

- Deficit Deadlift - 180kg - 3 x 3 (no belt)
- Front Squat - work up to 112.5kg - 3 x 2 (belt & knee sleeves)
- Leg Press - work up to 260kg x 8. Then 280kg x 8 DROP SET ,220kg, 140kg, 60kg x 20 reps
- Leg Extensions - 3 sets of 12 (squeezing each rep)
- Hamstring Curl - work sets, 15 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps. DROP SET 8/8/8, 10 partials.
- DB SLDL - 30kg - 3 x 15 (don't lock out)
- Single Leg Curls - 2 x 20
- Calve Raise - 3 x 20

Wednesday 12/06/13

- Bench - 130kg x 1. 115kg - 3 x 3 all paused
- Floor Press - 105kg - 3 x 5 paused
- Lying Triceps EXT - 10kg - 15/13/12/10
- DB Row - 30kg - 2 x 15. 40kg - 1 x 15. DROP SET - 40kg x 18, 30kg x 12, 20kg x 12
- Pull downs - 50kg - 4 x 15
NixyIcon...16-06-2013 @ 19:03 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Friday 14/06/13

Paused Squat - 130kg - 3 x 3 paused for 2/3 seconds (no belt)
Squat + bands - 100kg + light bands - 3 x 5. 120kg + light bands x 5 (no belt)
Walking lunges - 30/20/20 reps (progressively heavier weight)
GHR + 1 band - 2 x 10
GHR + 2 bands - 2 x 8
* Sled Pulls - 3 length of gym pulls, there & back, with 60kg weight. short rests *

Sunday 16/06/13

Overhead Press - 50kg/60kg - 2 x 3. 60kg - 2 x 5 (70kg too heavy atm. /w wrist wraps)
Push Press- 70kg - 2 x 5. 80kg - 2 x 5 (/w belt & wrist wraps)
Incline DB Press - 20kg - 3 x 15
DB Curls - 3 x 12
KB Side bends - 3 x 12
Abdominal Wheel - 3 x 12
NixyIcon...20-06-2013 @ 11:56 
Member 4542, 11 posts
SQ 200, BP 160, DL 260
620.0 kgs @ 90kgs UnEq
Monday 17/06/13

Deficit Deadlift - 190kg - 3 x 1 (no belt)
Paused Deadlift - 190kg *reverse light band* - 5 x 2 (paused @ knee) worked up to *reverse light band* - 200kg/220kg/240kg x 2 (/w belt)
Leg Press - 140kg/180kg/220kg x 12. DROP SET - 220kg x 16, 180kg x 10, 140kg x 11.
Standing Leg Curl - 3 x 15
* 10 minutes incline treadmill *

Wednesday 19/06/13

Bench - 117.5kg - 5 x 3 last rep paused 2-3 seconds
Reverse band Bench - 130kg/135kg/140kg/145kg x 5
Dips - 3 x 15 BW
WG Pull ups - 8 strict, 5 kipping x 3
DB Row - 30kg x 12. 40kg - 3 x 12
Upright Face pull - 2 x 20
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