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Good session this evening despite being a bit tired and sore from the previous 2 days training.

1) Back Squats
W/U to 150 x 3
W/S 3 x 3 @ 165 - felt reasonable, good line, only the last rep of the last 2 sets was a bit tough/shaky. Probably reset after a couple more weeks.

2) Deadlifts
W/U to 180 x 3
W/S 3 x 3 @ 205

3) Hip Thrusts 4 x 12 @ 80kg

4) D/B Bicep Curls 4 x 12 @ 15's - from the weight used you can probably gather my biceps are hideously undertrained.
Sunday morning bench session with James, today we were joined by Tristan, and James daughter Molly who is toying with the idea of powerlifting/general lifting, so me and James were sharing our "wealth of knowledge" - didn't take to long.

1) Bench Press
W/U to 60 x 5
Paused - 82.5 x 2, 92.5 x 2, 102.5 x 2, 112.5 x 2
W/S 5 x 5 @ 97.5

2) Football Bar Bench
70 x 12, 80 x 12, 90 x 12

3) Inverted Rows
4 x 12

4) Pendlay Rows 3 x 8 @ 80
Simple but effective session this evening, was running short on time, so the rest was 1 min or less between every set.

1) Paused back squats
W/U to 80 x 5
W/S 5 x 5 @ 95

2) Paused Front Squats
5 x 5 @ 75

3) Deadlifts
W/U to 110 x 3
W/S 10 x 3 @ 145
Running short on time again, finished work late, but arguably had one of my best bench sessions ever.

1) NG Pull Ups 50 total

2) Bench
W/U to 60 x 5
Paused - 80 x 3, 90 x 3, 100 x 3, 110 x 3 - Again not long pauses, but a long way from touch and go, so pretty damn pleased with them.
W/S 3 x 8 @ 92.5

Bit early to say it but I think I have benching cracked, at this rate it will be one of my stronger lifts.

3) Military Press
3 x 8 @ 52.5

4) Inverted Rows 5 x 12

5) Cable Pressdowns 3 x 12
Like I said! Wink
If only you'd listen to your coach more...
You could be right Ian, have to say, the focus I have put into my bench is paying off, in all honesty I had largely written it off due to the struggles with it. But after knuckling down with it, I genuinely think I may bench close to 130kg this year.

All in all probably have to concede your moaning at me re benching largely paid off Happy
Pretty happy with tonights session, again the problem with the squat is in a wide position I physically cant go any lower, and where I currently am is largely split decision territory teetering between 2:1 for and 2:1 against I would say.

Confident that once I return to a regular stance, when I'm content my quad/knee is fully heeled - gauging this with paused squats, that I will be hitting depth with no issue.

Anyway session as follows:

1) Squats
W/U to 150 x 3
W/S 3 x 3 @ 170

2) Deadlifts
W/U to 190 x 3
W/S 3 x 3 @ 210

3) Hip Thrusts 3 x 15 @ 80

4) D/B Bicep Curls 3 x 12 @ 15's

Pretty happy with this week I have trebled a 490 total (170/110/210) which according to the Finch Formula equates to around a 560 total. Obviously I have got to put it together on a given day, but gives me a good indicator of where I am.
New moan. Listen to me about squat depth!
Of the 9 170's about 3 were in 3 were close and 3 were embarrassing!
That said, your squats are going rather better than mine!
Lol cheers Ian, some of them did feel a little off. Its really hard to hit depth/gauge depth every time with that wide a stance without excessive lean. You kind of just build the tension on the way down in your hamstrings and spring up when you cant get any further.

Don't panic though, as soon as I go back to regular stance they will be all under with no issues, there should be good carry over to the narrower stance, and even if not, its helping deadlifts, breaking it from the floor is getting easier.

On your squats its probably work related rather than training related, i.e. to busy and stressful at the minute. Sure will be fine, your bench is going well, all 3 rarely go well at the same time.
Excellent bench session with James and Tristan this morning, hit a big pb bench, the eagle eyed of you will notice that's what I did at the All England, and now I'm doubling it! Plus I would say hitting 100 for 5 x 5 is a pretty good milestone to.

1) Bench Press
W/U to 60 x 5
Paused 85 x 2, 95 x 2, 105 x 2, 115 x 2 PB
W/S 5 x 5 @ 100

2)Football Bar Bench
3 x 12 @ 75

3) Military Press
3 x 12 @ 50 ( the last few reps of the last 2 sets were push presses, I overcooked this, should have picked a slightly lighter weight)

4) Inverted Rows 5 x 12

In Birmingham all this week so one will miss the Farm session, and two the sessions will be reasonably light and brief, so a good opportunity to reset the squat and deadlift, before getting back on it the following week!
Nice work.
Quick session yesterday, as mentioned in Birmingham all week, so after a 4 hour round drive, no energy for a long session so just get the main stuff done in half hour or so.

1) Paused Back Squats
W/U to 80 x 5
W/S 5 x 5 @ 105

2) Paused Front Squats
W/S 5 x 5 @ 85

3) Inverted Rows 4 x 15
Well after a long day in Birmingham, up early not much sleep, wasn't expecting much from today, was going for a simple session, work up to a reasonable single and then some back work, but instead I blew my bench pbs away, and having a serious rethink of what I should be aiming for.

1) Pull Ups 50 reps

2) Bench
W/U to 95 x 3
W/S 105 x 3, 115 x 1, 120 x 1 PB, 125 x 1 PB, 130 x 1 PB

3) Inverted Rows 3 x 15

I don't like to give Ian (Finch) to much credit, but his constant nagging at the start of the year made me take benching as serious as I take deadlifting, and the result is 27.5kg on my bench in under a year.

I knuckled down, made my technique good, and came up with a consistent solid program to get there.

I know you will read this Ian, I will show you the video of the 125 and 130 next week.
That's an impressive bench session.
Your deadlift is a lost cause but you could now ask me how to squat!


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