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Ross unequipped journal

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Spent about 45 minutes rolling all the problem muscles on the PVC pipe.

Worked on calves/hams/glutes/hip flexors/errectors and upper back. Discovered middle/upper back very little mobility lack of flexibility - this is important for squatting/benching and probably deadlift. Worked it out and lay on pipe at different trigger points, looser now.

Got a new plan starting next week to fix things:


Back squat low bar
Bench press
Snatch grip rows
Hyperextensions/one leg squats


Defecit deadlifts
Front squat
Standing press
Pullups/one leg deadlifts


Back squar low bar
Bench press
Snatch grip rows
Reverse hyperextensions/One leg squats
You've been working hard at your rehab. Looking forward to seeing how the new plan goes. Some assistance is good stuff.
Tues 05/03/13 warmup stationary bike, and 20 deep good mornings with an empty bar, note nothing spectacular its all about rehabilitation and conditioning and fixing things.

Back squat low bar(new stance, looking up):

2x10xempty bar,


1x10x120kg deep, bit tighter but good,

1x10x120kg deep, breathing and heart rate awakened!

1x10x120kg deep, beathing heavier now

1x10x120kg deep, puffing a lot, plus nausea - high rep kind

1x10x120kg deep, said to myself TFIO!

One legged squats:

Few sets with 15kg bar,

Few sets with 20kg bar, working on stability lots

Bench press:


90kgx10, fine bit tight to begin with but started stretches

90kgx10, loosening up, more blood flow

90kgx10, decent

90kgx10, getting easier

90kgx10, still some reps left in the tank pretty happy

Superset: snatch grip supported rows/reverse hyperextensions

4x10x70kg rows & 4x10 hypers
Nice log tonight Ross. I can get the real feel of the session when you have the commentary after the sets.
How did everything feel in the new stance? Doing all of the reps with it is an intelligent way to break the body into the changes I think.

Tried to work my back tonight but some knob tipped my watercooler which burst the pipe and all hell broke loose trying to get the stuck valve to shut. All I thought about all night was training. Wish I was in there with you guys.
Seen you doing a Simon between squat sets.
Wiegieboard said:Nice log tonight Ross. I can get the real feel of the session when you have the commentary after the sets.
How did everything feel in the new stance? Doing all of the reps with it is an intelligent way to break the body into the changes I think.

Tried to work my back tonight but some knob tipped my watercooler which burst the pipe and all hell broke loose trying to get the stuck valve to shut. All I thought about all night was training. Wish I was in there with you guys.

Felt good, going to take a while and hundreds of reps until it will be like 2nd nature, been a couple of years narrow squatting need to unlearn.

Day 1 of week 1 hating high reps already, should fix injuries though.

Always good training when you are in mate and plenty of good banter - oh a funny one tonite! Dannybol was benching, wanted a side spot off me and Louise so we gave the hand off he took it and lowered it (bear in mind he'd already done 2 sets of 5 already easily) I then ran away and started jogging around the gym thinking he would finish his set, he didn't even get started! He burst out laughing told me to f**k myself and got pinned with his 100kg which I had to go back and lift off him and rack lol!!
Louweazel said:Seen you doing a Simon between squat sets.

Wada u mean lol! Is that a compliment of some kind, Simon was vastly overweight, he weighed 50kg more than me?
Haha that sounds like good craic with Dannybol. It's odd the way his sets and reps work sometimes!
Ross_Harkins said:
Wada u mean lol! Is that a compliment of some kind, Simon was vastly overweight, he weighed 50kg more than me?

Not really, it's more about the sitting in a chair totally gassed aftre a set of squats part.

But that's what'll happen if you do sets of 10.
Louweazel said:
Not really, it's more about the sitting in a chair totally gassed aftre a set of squats part.
But that's what'll happen if you do sets of 10.

True...although that's the reason I picked a lower starting weight to begin this block of training, I'm really out of condition lol!

Took a day off work as have to wait in for a delivery of Critical Mass x 2, can't wait as recovery has been awful since I ran out. Had two Yorkie duos for breakfast (~ 800 calories) whilst waiting Grin
Post Edited: 06.03.2013 @ 11:20 AM by Wiegieboard
Haha I'm loving this! Days off work to wait for Critical Mass and eating of Yorkies! Absolutely brilliant! I had a litre of soy chocolate milkshake for breakfast and 300g of beetroot. We're all gonna die young aren't we?
Post Edited: 06.03.2013 @ 17:26 PM by Ross_Harkins
Wiegieboard said:Haha I'm loving this! Days off work to wait for Critical Mass and eating of Yorkies! Absolutely brilliant! I had a litre of soy chocolate milkshake for breakfast and 300g of beetroot. We're all gonna die young aren't we?

Yep gotta get my priorities right, the Yorkies did the trick. Had 3 poached eggs and 4 slices toast cut into soldiers dipped into the yolks - nice!

My delivery arrived just before 12 wasn't happy I missed a long lie!!

Foam rolled with PVC pipe and rolled on a hockey ball for about 20 mins worked all major issues: glutes/hip flexors/spinal errectors/rhomboids/teres/traps etc. Then a hot bath with Radox bath salts.

Then one critical mass shake to accelerate recovery for tomorrow.

PS: why the hell did you eat 300g of Beetroot, sounds awful!
Those calories will help you recover plenty!
Good rehab today you're really going for it. I was going to go to my gym and train today but then I realized I'm opening it up. Had a program with a very tasty little lady.
The beetroot was nice man. It was the full ones not sliced. As of yet, I've not peed red.
Thurs 07/03/13 warmup stationary bike and empty bar good mornings x 20.

Defecit deadlifts (standing on 2x20kg bumpers):




150kgx10 first rep hard to get bar started

Front squat:

Empty bar x 5,



2x10x80kg hurt at full depth gonna switch to wider stance

Standing press: 3x10x50kg

Pullups: 3x8xbwt and 10kg plate

Disapointing session, had DOMS since yesterday, also felt exhausted when I got in. Defecit deadlifts are not pleasent, will see how I get on. Front squats hurst the injury at full depth although it is narrow stance, may have to consider wider stance on these. Started light on standing press for 10's. Pullups ran out of gas. Hopefully have an improved session on Sat.
Did you use the two plates for the deficits?


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