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Crap Total at Straweight

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Post Edited: 01.10.2007 @ 00:52 AM
I love all races, they have fit women in every race, lol.
I'd like to add, that I would not call a girl I didn't know a b**ch, or some randomer.

I don't use the words paki or nigga, but I don't necessarily disagree with their use.

It's too much of a complicated area for me to make a strict judgement tbh.
Originally posted by badboy007...
Why does everyone call gypsies 'pikies' and why do gypsies hate everyone?

Think your first question might answer your second one there.

Joni, you know Andy has the sexual morals of a homo erectus, and Andy, you know Joni is going to go off on non-PC language occasionally. What are we learning here? Not a lot.
Post Edited: 30.09.2007 @ 22:43 PM

But as I said it's fun.

Some people get offended by everything, others find everything funny, whilst most are somewhere in between.

TBH, the worse thing is feeling 'nothing'. As I said, I like people who are extreme in all walks of life. There's not much difference between a neo Nazi and a left wing boot boy, as there's not much difference between the mind set of a 100 m sprinter and a powerlifter ( apart from pie consumption).

I guess my point is, we are much more alike than people realise.

Secondly, I never take debates personally, and try not to make judgements (but sometimes do).

Now some training tomorrow once the car is fixed.
mate, i dont have a first clue of what you are on about. I made a clear concise point and you opened the floodgates Grin This is not a discussion, its like a one sided rant Grin

Anyways, since i dont actually know what your point was, just to make sure you know what my position is: since you wouldnt go around on a public forum and hopefully not in private either talking about "i did this and that to that n***er", i hope you wouldnt use similar abusive language based on gender either.

See, no references to some dead wa**er philosophers, relativism, nihilism etc Wink

Lift hard.
admire Islamic insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan

Exactly what do you admire?
Post Edited: 01.10.2007 @ 00:56 AM
the Afghans are hard, but the Brits are better!

training inspiration for this week (ie. actually train).

Post Edited: 01.10.2007 @ 20:18 PM
Induction at local athletics track

Squats x a few
benches x a few
pullups x 5
dips x 10
curls x10
pressdown x10

Was very impressed, nice guys, can also use the running track, maybe even the shotput if I ask nicely Cool

I'm eying up a comeback to Rugby and maybes some Strongman next year.

Going to build up real simple, real light, just do three things I've never done;

1) Build up slowly
2) Patience
3) Consistency

Going to go for a basic Bill Starr routine. Nice.

Feels good to be back, with a new focus.

Kettlebells are also coming soon.
What's happened to the MMA/wrestling and powerlifting?
Your a busy f**ker.
Post Edited: 01.10.2007 @ 22:02 PM
The wrestling happens at the athletics track mate.

British Olympic team, Bham National Sports centre.

Powerlifting training for ruggers. There's a PL team down there. Just don't wanna compete anymore mate, don't enjoy the comps...

I change my mind daily though atm. Hence I'm going to do some basic lifting and ask questions later.

At the moment, I just wanna try lots of different sports.

Alexeyev didn't break one record until he was 28. That gives me six years. Not that I'm Alexeyev, but aim at the stars and you end up on the clouds and all that.....

I want to be happy, athletic, and ready to play any sports with my mates at the drop of the hat. This can vary from

Five a side
Kebab shop disputes

To put it in powerlifting terms, I wanna have a high level of GPP and a low but ready level of SPP.
Routine for next 8-9 weeks, nice and very simple


Bench Press
Bent Over Row, Strict
* Assistance *

Light Running, laps of olympic track.


Bench Press
Overhead BB press
* Assistance *

400 m x 5, medium pace, just get breathing a bit


Bench Press
Bent over row


Light powerclean, powersnatch and push press to start every session. Max weights on all these 40-60kg's for now. Need to be comfortable with tech before I push it, good warmup too.

Sundays I will do something fun, and varied. I want to try a number of sports, looking at Joni's log has got me wanting to try out some field events, maybe javelin or discus.

I do have a set/rep scheme for the routine ala, Bill Starr/Pendlay.

*Assistance* Will be,

Dips, BW, starting at 3x10
Chinups, BW starting at 4x5
Curls, 3x10
Extentions, 3x10
Situps, 3x10
Hypers, 3x10
Side bends, 2x20

Will be doing this every session in an effort to raise GPP and overall fitness.

The running will start as a bit of fun, I don't wanna go over 100 m tbh, so probs multiple sprints of 20-80m with a little rest.
Post Edited: 02.10.2007 @ 21:13 PM
Deadlifts? I would squat once and deadlift on the other day. I would also f**k off all the assistance.
I had a kebab shop desput once with the guy behind the counter, i was a yob back then, he came at me with a rolling pin, we wrestled my mate pulled us apart...he got the last laugh as i was ill as f**k from food poisoning the rest of the weekend !

get stuck in you hottie
Sorry Deadlifts are on the second day

Overhead BB Press

I'm going to do at least chins and dips, maybe some ab work.

Chins/Dips are good athletic movements IMO.

Aims for Xmas,

Squat 165 5x5, no belt, no wraps
Bench 110 5x5, " "
Deadlift 220 x 3
Push Press 100kg
Chins 20
Dips 20 +20kg


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