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» Baked beans & tuna? (Go to post)28-08-2014 @ 08:21 
When I can be bothered with the prep I cut up red onions, carrots, peppers, celery and apple. Add a load of walnuts and olive oil. That's good in a sealed container in the fridge for a good few days.

Extra chicken breast or two cooked when doing dinner, they get chopped up and eaten with the above for a quick lunch or snack.
» Fuck off buckets of ice ! (Go to post)28-08-2014 @ 07:27 
I had a bit of a grump about this the other day, but it was to do with some people getting arsey about those who choose to donate but not pour water on themselves. And a couple getting aggro about people donating to orgs other than the ALS one.

Then it was about people attacking a charity I've got an interest in (not Macmillan) for running a similar campaign, when that campaign had started before the cold water/ice bucket thing had become associated with ALS. As I'm sure many people don't know, it didn't start with ALS, but I understand that it has become 'their' thing over time. Macmillan haven't exactly impressed me either, but it's an interesting area of ethics and in a way getting it wrong like they have is better than not doing anything at all, like my voluntary sector employer.

I do wonder how many of those participants I've seen making statements about "little known disease" realise we don't call it ALS in the UK.

Overall though, it's a good thing.
» Stronger than anyone (everyone) whoe doesn't train? (Go to post)27-08-2014 @ 22:30 
Post Edited: 27.08.2014 @ 22:30 PM by IainT
I was trying to drive at that earlier a bit. Strength and strength through the unusual range of motion that we use for the traditional lifts are different things.

I'd expect my farming relatives to be pretty good at odd objects, and perhaps short range partials like rack pulls, but they've never benched and there's rom and technique to get used to.
» Theracane (Go to post)27-08-2014 @ 22:26 
Mine came from amazon
» Getting back to and keeping an ok level of strength (Go to post)26-08-2014 @ 14:38 
Still recovering. Had a couple of short sessions over the weekend.

Sunday - clean and push press, strict press and easy front squats
Monday - swings and dips work. 100 swings, mostly with the 32, 50 bw dips.

Some condition has gone, and I don't feel as strong pressing already, but it'll come back quick enough.
» Stronger than anyone (everyone) whoe doesn't train? (Go to post)26-08-2014 @ 14:18 
It's not that far away from what I do now with the equipment I have, just a bit less strength focussed than in the past.

Clean and press, some squatting, enjoying doing some stuff with longer time periods like longer duration farmers walks/sandbag carries/KB work, few things that some might call a metcon. Plan to be doing this for the next decade or two, stave off the health issues as long as possible.
» Stronger than anyone (everyone) whoe doesn't train? (Go to post)26-08-2014 @ 08:21 
Post Edited: 26.08.2014 @ 08:48 AM by IainT
Funky_monkey said:My 60 year old uncle has NEVER been to a gym. We're about the same carrying 50kg sacks of wheat around, but he has a much better grip than me (used to rack pull 320 without straps). Cousins are similar. Natural strength.

My dad grew up on a farm, worked on it solidly until he was 18 and off and on for another few years. He then did some practical engineering work for a few years. He's not really been all that physically active in the last 20 years. Partly down to leverage (he has big hands, I have small hands) any attempt to squeeze his hand ends very badly for me.

I've recently made a sandbag purely for the purposes of shouldering and then walking with. In the longer term it's that sort of training, coupled with some basic barbell/kb/farmers work, that will give me the sort of strength I actually need.
» Stronger than anyone (everyone) whoe doesn't train? (Go to post)25-08-2014 @ 18:02 
Post Edited: 25.08.2014 @ 18:03 PM by IainT
Struggle to articulate this concept, but I played rugby and judo against people who never lifted who were very 'strong'. Probably wouldn't translate to a decent total at all.

Know a guy who works a physical job, and does train a bit. Can't squat or deadlift much, but just recently posted up a session on the rugby forum that indicated a bodyweight overhead press is well within him. Judging by his other training, I'd suggest that his work/natural strength is largely responsible for a lift that is merely decent on here, but is way above what most people I saw in gyms do.
» Getting back to and keeping an ok level of strength (Go to post)19-08-2014 @ 19:43 
During the shingles I plan to do 50 swings 3x a day. And do this twice a week:

Swings - 24x10, 32x10, 32x10, 32x10, 24x10
KB complex - 2x20kgs 2,3,5,2,3,5
Clean and press - 55x3. 5 sets.
Carry medley - sandbag and 32kg KB

Just finished. Pleasant distraction from the pain.
» Getting back to and keeping an ok level of strength (Go to post)18-08-2014 @ 12:33 
f**king shingles.

That's all I have to say.
» Death of a bodybuilder (Go to post)13-08-2014 @ 15:23 
Post Edited: 13.08.2014 @ 15:24 PM by IainT
The thing that used to bother me about some of the users at my old gym was not the using itself, but the fact that each Monday they'd be regaling each other with tales of how hammered they got at the weekend.

Suspect there's only a limited number of different ways you can live hard without dying stupidly young.
» Strongman Benchmarks (Go to post)13-08-2014 @ 09:46 
Post Edited: 13.08.2014 @ 09:47 AM by IainT
macroth said:I remember those tables, but I don't remember them being so weak. How can my overhead press be "advanced"? Confused

Because it's not really aimed at strength athletes? If you were genuinely and with proper depth and decent form 'advanced' in the three big lifts at 90kg (177/130/207), you'd be as strong as most good level rugby backs (short of the real freaks) etc.

If you also had an advanced powersnatch (100kg @90kg) and the cardio to play 80minutes you're pretty damn advanced for your needs in my book.

If you were a 110kg high level thrower who though that a 107.5kg powersnatch was advanced enough, it might be a different story.
» Getting back to and keeping an ok level of strength (Go to post)11-08-2014 @ 13:32 
Quick lunchtime metcon. 1min timer, for 10mins

Odd numbered minutes - 30m shouldered sandbag carry
Even numbered minutes - 30m bearhug sandbag carry, 30m shouldered sandbag carry

The two carries together took about 48s to complete, so it worked out as

Shouldered carry - 35s rest
Bearhug+shouldered carry - 12s rest
Repeat for five total

Little bit unpleasant, but 450m carrying done. Need to improve my shouldering, my shoulders are aching but that's down to needing to support the weight when it was being carried on the other shoulder. Sandbag weighs about 30kg, so not very impressive.
» Getting back to and keeping an ok level of strength (Go to post)10-08-2014 @ 17:51 
Feeling a bit under it today, think might have got some mild sunstroke yesterday. Dropped the carries.

KB complex - 2,3,5,2,3,5
Powerclean and strict press - 55x3,4,3,4,3,4,3. 80s timer
Dips - 25, 15, 7, 3. 60s timer
Inverted row holds - 10s on 20s off x5

Didn't really intend to incorporate 4's in the c&p, but the first set of 3 was so easy I couldn't resist. The last set of 4 and the final set of 3 were a bit too tough though. Dips, go on the beep of the timer and try to get 50reps total.
» whats it like if you stop lifting? (Go to post)08-08-2014 @ 11:24 
Post Edited: 08.08.2014 @ 11:25 AM by IainT
I've dealt with, and still deal with, a certain amount of insecurity about my appearance. I've got the slender frame of a ballet dancer, a female ballet dancer. I'm 5'7" and I was chronically ill as a child and teenager and was painfully thin and lost a lot of growth phases (my little brother is 6'2"). I finished my first year at university having lost 10kg, and now weighing 55kg. I also have cystic fibrosis.

In the autumn of 2009 aged 28 I weighed 90kg with a 34" waist, was squatting over double bodyweight, pulling over that, and benching 120kg. Nothing spectacular at all, but I extracted a lot of physical self-esteem from that journey, and didn't feel small and vulnerable in the ways that I had done.

I was also having trouble with multiple flights of stairs, eating constantly and starting to get digestive issues as a result. Injuries were mounting as some of my joints were struggling. And it was occupying too much of my life, I had no real life but work, eating and the gym.

I'm now a bit under 80kg and struggling not to worry about that too much. My training is pretty straightforward and I limit it to 3-4 sessions a week, and sometimes allow some messing around on top of that. I've no idea how much bench/back squat/deadlift strength I've lost, I don't do them. I'd expect I could fairly easily pull double bodyweight to 180kg with a specific training cycle, but I enjoy clean and press, block pulls, front squat, farmers walks more and feel for where I am I get more out of them.

The balance is emerging. I know that I'll still obsess occasionally, had a wobble the other night when a mate who is pretty casual about his training but has a tough physical job announced that he was over bodyweight strict press, something I've never achieved.


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