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» SMALL AND TALLS LOg (Go to post)07-09-2009 @ 21:00 

5x 60kg
5x 80kg
5x 100kg
6x 120kg (pff heavy)

8x 20kg
8x 40kg
8x 60kg

calf raises
10 slow reps + 10 fast reps

adductor + abductor
10 slow reps + 10 fast reps + 10 slow reps + 10 fast reps

10 slow reps + 10 fast reps

Comment: too bad
» SMALL AND TALLS LOg (Go to post)06-09-2009 @ 21:52 
Name: Dominique
Country: Holland
Age: 19 years old
Height: 1m90cm
Weight: 95kg
- deadlift 220kg (All back, no legdrive, so i quitted conventionals and started working more on my squats and sumo deadlifts)
- squat 3x 160kg (with kneewraps)
- bench press 3x 105kg
- log press 1x 95kg (on an log thats allready 95kg empty, so quite a big one)
- timbers 83kg 47m
- wheelflip 6x 380kg (allthough I struggle for a double with another tire that weights 360kg, so I dont think kilo's say a lot whith tire flips)
- yoke 240kg 20m
- stones 110 loaded (@ 1m30) 120 lapped
- 1 arm thick db press 5x 50kg

As you see @ my PB's I do compete in (beginner) strongman contest, but I don't train them often, only 1-3 times precontest. Currently Im in "offseason" so I focus more on higher reps to gain basic strenght and mass. I train UB/LB in a wendler like fashion (rep outs @ last set, 4th week = deaload, bench/squat/mp/dl day) but i choose my own warm up + assistance exercises.

Today, 6th of september 2009

bench press
8x 40kg
8x 60kg
10x 85kg

joe rows (barbel rows with deadstop on a bench)
5x 40kg
5x 70kg
5x 80kg
5x 90kg
15x 70kg

1 arm standing strict press
8x 10kg
8x 22kg
4x 32kg (left was quite hard, right arm quite easy, result of 2 years withouth a girlfriend I guess)

bent over side raises
8x 7kg
2x 12x 7kg

side raises
3x 8x 7kg

3x 8x 15kg

db curls
3x 8x 15kg

push ups (small grip)
3x 8x BW

Epic weights on the assistance (hardly ever do them, thats why they suck) but bench and rows went quite okay, had a contest yesterday (highland challenge, stone putting, caber toss (girls caber haha) 83kg timbers for max distance, 90kg hercules hold (a stone on a chain with an handle on each hand) and a load race with 65kg barrel, 85kg barrel and 2 90kg stones) but i wasn't sore at all so I went training anyway.
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