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Routine help!!! I'm stuck...

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I'm starting a new gym on Friday evening (scary enough when you're the only lass!). However, the guys only train bench, deadlift and squat each session, going to 1 rep maxes each time. This happens on a Friday and Sunday night. I've never exclusively trained the big three and typically only go to 1 rep max once per month as I do 5/3/1.

How should I structure the rest of my routine around this??? I typically like to train four days per week (plus cv on two days) but I'm worried about hitting maxes on a Friday and Sunday and incorporating other stuff in too without getting exhausted and overtrained. Will my body naturally adapt to the workload?

I want to be strong and improve my lifts but at the same time I would like to maintain some condition and still be able to do standing military press, chins, dips and ab training just to keep myself in shape and to have some variety.

Any thoughts anyone? Am I trying to serve too many masters at once wanting condition and strength? Should I forget the conditioning and assistance work and just go with the Friday and Sunday sessions and add something in mid week?

Scratching my head a bit on this one...
How about you tell them to BEAT IT and stick to what you're used to. If its working for you thats all that matters. Don't switch your training around for anyone. Just because they're hitting 1RMs frequently doesn't mean you have to.

As long as you keep getting stronger keep the cardio. Once the strength gains slow down or you get stuck maybe think about your CV training and if reducing it would benifit your strength work.
bigbadbish said:How about you tell them to BEAT IT and stick to what you're used to. If its working for you thats all that matters. Don't switch your training around for anyone. Just because they're hitting 1RMs frequently doesn't mean you have to.

As long as you keep getting stronger keep the cardio. Once the strength gains slow down or you get stuck maybe think about your CV training and if reducing it would benifit your strength work.

bigbadbish said:How about you tell them to BEAT IT and stick to what you're used to. If its working for you thats all that matters. Don't switch your training around for anyone. Just because they're hitting 1RMs frequently doesn't mean you have to.

As long as you keep getting stronger keep the cardio. Once the strength gains slow down or you get stuck maybe think about your CV training and if reducing it would benifit your strength work.

Agreed - stick to what works for you
Nicki said:I'm starting a new gym on Friday evening (scary enough when you're the only lass!). However, the guys only train bench, deadlift and squat each session, going to 1 rep maxes each time. This happens on a Friday and Sunday night. I've never exclusively trained the big three and typically only go to 1 rep max once per month as I do 5/3/1.

Why do you have to train with these fellas...or is it a case of you wanting to train with these fellas

Its very doubtful you'll be shifting similar 1 rep weights to them anyway, so when they do there warm ups and max single, you just do your 5/5/5 or 3/3/3 etc
JC...I'm desperate for some coaching in the big three and until today this was the only place I had found where I could get some help. The coach seems happy to help and doesn't seem concerned that I won't fit it. The problem is that it is a club and they are very much geared towards competitive lifting which I have no intention of ever doing. I compete against myself every time I lift and that's enough for me (I'm not the strongest/athletic out there!). Plus I don't have any support in my 'normal' gym so I'm worried that there will be no carry over. The coach determines all the lifts so there is no room to negotiate on that and do my own thing.

I have to ring someone in the morning, a Fred McKenzie at Hirst Welfare in Ashington? I've never heard of him but have been told he can help me. If so, it may be that I can stick with Wendler after all.

I'm on my 18th mesocycle and I don't know if part of it is that I'm in a routine and know what I'm doing therefore don't want to leave my comfort zone? Fear of failure? Pushing boundaries etc...probably all come into it plus the fact that gym time is 'my' time and I prefer to lift alone. However, at the end of the day I just want to know I'm doing the lifts right, what I can do to improve them and hence my strength and that I'm lifting safely.
If the coach won't let you do what is working for you then perhaps you should find a different gym, or train at opposite times.
Nicki said:JC...I'm desperate for some coaching in the big three and until today this was the only place I had found where I could get some help. The coach seems happy to help and doesn't seem concerned that I won't fit it. The problem is that it is a club and they are very much geared towards competitive lifting which I have no intention of ever doing. I compete against myself every time I lift and that's enough for me (I'm not the strongest/athletic out there!). Plus I don't have any support in my 'normal' gym so I'm worried that there will be no carry over. The coach determines all the lifts so there is no room to negotiate on that and do my own thing.

It sounds like you need a different coach then. If the coach insists on you doing something that isnt for you then they arnt much of a coach imo.

I dont see how maxing out all the time makes them more geared towards competitvie lifting???

Surely if you explain to the coach what your goals are and what you want to achieve, be it on a personal level or a competitive level, they will take that into account.

If they dont, i wouldnt bother.
Where is this club?
Don't listen to that JC guy, whatever you do.
Yeah dont listen to JC. He wont let you do circuits.

And the Smalls fella. He frowns upon Bench, Squat and Deadlift...
After all we've been through? Ultra DTM!

Deader than Boar, and that guy is well dead.
MrSmall said:After all we've been through? Ultra DTM!

Deader than Boar, and that guy is well dead.

why is your avatar pic so gay Smalls?

You look even more Turkish than ever!
not sure why Boar changed it to that.
Boys boys boys...behave yourselves in the presence of a lady Tongue

Just a quick update...rang the second coach on Friday morning and I'm going to check out Hirst Welfare gym and train there this coming Monday. Not sure of the set up or anything as yet so it's just a waiting game. If I don't like the set up there well, it's back to coach number one and standing up for myself and Wendler!!!

To top it all, I managed to sever my thumb with a rotary cutting blade yesterday which makes deadlifting fun Unhappy


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