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» Back/pelvis pain (Go to post)24-07-2015 @ 11:22 
suffering from some strange pain the last few weeks. Not 100% sure what the issue is. Went to physio and have had work done on my QL muscle as well as having my si joints cracked. I have pain in my left si area, more on the outside of my pelvis when i am standing fully upright. it has improved a bit to the point that the pain is now intermittent instead of constant in that position. The first week i was able to lift relatively normally but directly after a heavy set of squats or deads i would be done for the day. my hips would be locked up and i wouldn't be able to straighten up for a couple of hours. I have been doing less and less to help it recover in the last 2 weeks. I can't figure out exactly what the issue is. It seems strange that i the pain isn't consistent, as in sometimes i can stand fully locked upright with no hassle and sometimes i get a shot of pain in my pelvis and feel like i'm being tilted over at the waist.
Today i feel good but getting out of bed was a hassle as usual. i feel pain when i try to stand up from a seated position on the bed unless i stand up tipped over then straighten up. When i get out of a chair it feels like i'm struggling against tightness in my lower back before u can lock upright. I also off and on have pain/tightness along the back of my left si joint when moving my pelvis forward or backwards. The pain doesn't radiate down my leg or anywhere else it is confined to the left of my pelvis. rolling and stretching my glutes, hams and QL make the pain and tightness disappear entirely for a short time. I also need to sleep on my left side as when i sleep on the right the pain becomes fairly severe and it is a major effort to roll over in bed. but this isn't a problem unless i'm on my right side for a significant period of time.
Anyone here have any ideas? It's frustrating me royally as it has lasted for a couple of weeks now and while it has shown improvement, to the point of going away entirely at times, it is still persisting.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)27-02-2013 @ 00:26 
Good session tonight really. Leg wasn't feeling 100% but worked ok.
60kg 5
100kg 5
150kg 1
200kg 1
230kg 2
230kg 2
230kg 1
not bad to be fair these deads were in terms of tech and speed my best in around 6 months. set up and tech felt perfect. Oddly I was getting very slow at knee height for a couple of inches and then suddenly snapping fully back. Lockout seems very good now just need to get that sticking point fixing.

speed deadlifts
150kg 5
150kg 5
150kg 5

rack pull from rack height 12 really focusing on my upper back
150kg 2
200kg 1
240kg 8
240kg 8
much better than last week. second set was very difficult.

yates row ( very strict to ensure my biceps weren't overly strained)
130kg 8
130kg 8
bent over row
130kg 5

dumbbell curls
27.5s 12
sin e for today. feeling strong today, hopefully getting back on form.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)25-02-2013 @ 22:38 
Not a bad session tonight. Leg feels grand-ish. Pressing strength down the tubes and no idea why.
paused bench press
60kg 12
100kg 5
120kg 1 super fast and easy
140kg 1 felt very hard and everything about the rep felt wrong, very bad line
130kg 3
130kg 3
130kg 3 all felt terrible. no idea what I'm doing wrong but feels all out of line. I should have gotten 3x3 at 140 tonight.

paused band bench press
80kg 5
80kg 5
80kg 5
fast, very fast, much better.

paused super wide grip bench press
105kg 6
105kg 8
felt easy, but needs much more of a push to get moving after the pause at the bottom.

seated dumbbell press
40s 10
easy enough reps, but went very strict and brought the dbs down all the way to my delts , paused then pressed back up quickly. Nice to do this movement again, though it will likely add nothing to my lifts.

seated lateral raise
17.5s 12
17.5s 12
17.5s 12

sin e for today.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)22-02-2013 @ 23:30 
Completely forgot to update this journal for the last while.

Great session overall tonight. Lacking a bit of power but not too bad. Feel like I've been beaten with a stick though.

Weighted chins
bw 3
bw 5
30kg 5
30kg 5
30kg 4

wide grip lat pulldown
100kg 8
100kg 6

standing strict press
70kg 2
82.5kg 5
82.5kg 5 very hard and really shouldn't be at all.
70kg 8

pause close grip bench press
60kg 10
100kg 3
125kg 5
125kg 4
125kg 4 Again way too hard for this weight

paused super wide grip bench ( trying these as haven't done them before)
100kg 10
100kg 8

These were insanely hard. I'm very weak with my grip out wide. My chest was in bits after these. Hopefully hammering these hard and getting them up to maybe 130 for 5-6 should see my bench flying up. May just add in 2 sets of these on mondays after bench and band bench as well.

overhead ez bar extension
70kg 8
70kg 5 hard, hard hard

100kg 2
150kg 2
200kg 1
260kg 6
260kg 6
260kg 5
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)07-02-2013 @ 22:20 
Good session tonight. Excluding a couple of very painful attempts in comp 2 weeks ago I haven't actually squatted in a good 4-5 weeks so felt odd to do it again. Legs feeling good but still a bit of a twinge in my right glute. Nothing major though, just have to take care of it.

70kg 10
120kg 3
160kg 1
180kg 5 These were very hard at the end, possibly due to issues with tech again after that layoff and subconsciously protecting my previously injured leg
170kg 5
170kg 5 much more like it, moved super fast like the bar was empty
170kg 5
170kg 5

Squatting got better as I went along and got much faster out of the bottom. The first couple of sets I wasn't driving hard out of the bottom I was actually accidently giving a slight pause to ensure I was getting low enough but from 3rd set on I was flying.
Hoping for much more next time

sin e for today. food time.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)04-02-2013 @ 22:23 
Good session tonight all in all after my layoff.
Paused bench press
70kg 12
110kg 3
135kg 4
135kg 3
130kg 4
130kg 4
120kg 5

paused band bench press with green iron woody band ( roughly 60ish extra at the top I believe)
100kg 1
90kg 3
90kg 2

Seated lateral raise
20s 10
20s 10
20s 10

sin e for today. Feeling stongish.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)03-02-2013 @ 16:30 
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome back my legs. you have been missed. Good session today. Legs feel just fine but eased into it anyway. Nothing overly heavy but enough to get me going again.

Box squat to bench
60kg 5
100kg 1
150kg 1
200kg 5
200kg 5

bottom up squat starting off the pins at roughly the height I drop tp when I deadlift and in my deadlift stance
60kg 5
100kg 5
100kg 5
100kg 5

These were easy and flew up but didn't want to push with too much weight here just yet. Feels very weird to start with the weight on my back out of this position but should build more deadlift drive off the floor I'm hoping. Also surprisingly hard to get myself into this position in the first place.

hammer curls
35s 12
35s 12
35s 12

Nice and easy. happy enough with myself now.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)03-02-2013 @ 16:30 
Returned to the gym tonight after a full two weeks of rest and **** all food just chilling mentally and physically. The two weeks before that I was doing minimal training due to injuries so felt good to get back to work after such a long lay off. My legs feel 100% now but are still weakish. Unsure about competing in the full power nationals at this point. Lots of other things in my life that need attention so I may need to skip this one. either way as of right now I'm back training hard again. Used tonight as a small session to ease myself back in.

chin ups
bw 15
bw 10
bw 10

forgot my dipping belt hence no weight.
lat pulldown
120kg 4

standing strict press
72.5kg 10
72.5kg 8
72.5kg 5
Breathing very heavy with high rep work these days. Odd as I have been walking alot lately at a good pace.

close grip paused bench press
100kg 10
100kg 10
100kg 10

No spotter and burned out delts meant I went very light and not to failure here just to be safe.

200kg 5
250kg 5
Harder than expected did 300kg around 6 weeks ago.

strict shrug
200kg 6 plus 4 powershrugs

kirk rows
100kg 8
100kg 6

Sin e for today. Good to be back. Feeling weak but healthy enough at long last.
» 20years without Jon Pall (Go to post)17-01-2013 @ 00:42 
Huge hero of mine. amazing athlete and insane charisma.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)14-01-2013 @ 22:30 
So, went to the gym tonight to sort out my bench opener. My leg is feeling a bit better but still quite sore and no real leg drive possible on bench so I definitely have a worst case scenario opener to be confident off.
Paused bench press ( with commands and ensuring perfect comp passable form)
60kg 10
100kg 5
120kg 1
130kg 1
145kg 1
145kg 1
145kg 1

did the 145 a few times to make sure it was easy with perfect form under any circumstance. Felt easy but not as fast as it would be if I had my normal leg drive. Should my leg be perfect on the day, I may just shoot for a big number. Slightly disappointed with my injury. I will be a shadow of my true self on the day now but still have my never say die attitude and have no intention of not trying to win. 5 days out now. If my leg was healed then would have squatted and deadlifted tonight too but what can you do? Will try to do these on Wednesday even though that is very close to comp time. I will see where I am at but as of now will have to open much lower than I would have. I'll hope for the best though.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)11-01-2013 @ 23:05 
feeling a bit better today finally. Still only at around 75% but getting there.

Weighted chins
bw 5
45kg 3
45kg 3
45kg 2 and a spotted rep
25kg 6
bw 10

standing strict press ( held back to protect my leg)
60kg 5
70kg 10
75kg 8
75kg 6

paused close grip bench press
70kg 10
100kg 3
120kg 1
140kg 3
I was actually impressed at how fast and easy these 140s were considering I had very little leg drive and i was still burned from strict pressing. Things are looking up, should have a nice new bench pb coming next week.

Finished with a few tricep extensions and loads of stretching. 8 days out now.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)10-01-2013 @ 22:27 
Tonight did not go to plan at all. Was meant to squat up to a 210 double. My leg was completely f**ked and I couldn't do a thing. Just stretched and did a few bodyweight squats and stretched again. Hopefully this improves before next week, may need another physio visit or a new leg ideally. I will still compete but the chances of me actually winning with one leg seem slim. Though it would make one hell of an underdog story, so I'm torn. Ah well. We'll just have to wait and see how I go.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)09-01-2013 @ 22:01 
poor session tonight. Hips still feel very beat up after treatment but should be back to normal soon. for now it feels like someone took a hurley to my hips though.

rack pull from a couple of inches below my knees. ( trying to hit my weakest point)
110kg 5
150kg 1
220kg 3

The 220s actually felt hard enough from that position. not very powerful with no leg drive.

bent over row
110kg 12
135kg 8
135kg 8
135kg 6
110kg 10

seated strict curl ( unsupported)
27.5s 10
27.5s 10
27.5s 8

finished with some stretching and then off home. 10 days out now.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)07-01-2013 @ 22:47 
Good bench session tonight. Hips both too tender to get any real leg drive though so definitely much more in the tank when 100 percent.

Paused Bench press
60kg 20
100kg 3
120kg 1
130kg 1
150kg 2
150kg 1
Not bad at all, considering no leg drive. Should be good for 160 plus I reckon.

Negative bench press
180kg 2
Very easy, held for a slow slow 5 count on the descent.

band bench with green iron woody band
85kg plus band 5
85kg plus band 5
85kg plus band 5
85kg plus band 5

seated lateral raise ( no back support)
20s 12
20s 12
20s 10

Sin e. I'm now 12 days out.
» Lifting heavy things and eating cows (Go to post)06-01-2013 @ 21:04 
short easy session today. Couldn't box squat as only one leg works. hopefully will be fixed tomorrow.

Behind the back wrist curls
80kg 12
80kg 12
80kg 12

kirk rows ( pulled to just above belly button)
80kg 15
80kg 15
80kg 15
seated strict unsupported hammer curls
30s 12
30s 10
30s 10

sin e. Now 2 weeks out.


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