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» Ancestry tests (Go to post)13-03-2019 @ 12:54 
I received an ancestry dna test as a gift and was very interested to see what would come back. Was expecting to see perhaps some percentage of Scandinavian or other European in addition to mainly Irish.

I got back a result of 100% Irish. Most boring result ever.
» Descriptively named medical products (Go to post)23-01-2019 @ 21:13 
» Singlet rules at local comp (Go to post)23-04-2018 @ 14:47 
Rick said:If it's one that goes past the shoulder, no. If not, much as Pete says.

That's actually a point, it does go past the shoulders, so not quite the same thing with a different brand.
» Singlet rules at local comp (Go to post)22-04-2018 @ 17:59 
The mrs might do a powerlifting competition this year, but it's likely to be a one off. She doesn't have an IPF approved brand of singlet but has an adidas weightlifting singlet and doesn't fancy buying a new singlet.

At local comps in UK, are you likely to be allowed to compete with such an outfit?
» Losing the chub (Go to post)01-02-2018 @ 20:21 
Has anyone here ever deliberately lost a significant amount of excess weight/flab (10ishkg or more) to lean down and been satisfied with how much strength they maintained? Did you do anything special (manipulating/cyclcing carbs, fasted morning cardio etc) or just eat less calories?

Also lets say over a reasonable timescale (e.g. 2-6 months, rather than a multiyear odyssey).

» Flexibility help (Go to post)13-01-2018 @ 20:06 
HeavySingle said:Some advice fellers, I'm sure the topic has been done to death, but would really appreciate maybe some personalised advice. I won't bore with the details, but after an ~18 month layoff, I have found upon returning to the gym that my flexibility is hindering any progress. If someone could advise maybe some daily stretches that I could go through to help, would be of great help.

Issues include;

I can no longer get my hands into a position I can squat conventionally at all. I assume a shoulder issue?
Tight hips
Tight hamstrings
Ankle mobility

I would also love to start working towards being able to rack the bar properly, I was unable to do this before injury also. It's worth noting that at no point in my training have I ever done anything regarding flexibility, and now it's caught upto me.

All advice is welcome gents, thanks in advance

Certainly not an expert, but I reckon frequent/daily practice of the positions you want to achieve can be useful i.e. sitting at the bottom of a squat for 4/5 rounds of 30/60 seconds (with or without some minimal weight just to feel the position).

For ankle flexibility, some sit at the bottom of the squat with a loaded bar across the knees.

For front rack, I found just frequently sitting at the bottom of a front squat holding the bar loaded to 60kg in rack position helped until I was flexible to comfortably squat in rack position. 60kg was enough to anchor my hands into position. In my case I was able to start off with the tips of two fingers on the bar.
» Reverse Grip Bench Press (Go to post)05-01-2018 @ 12:51 
hifilover said:
I bench normally with my index finger or 2nd finger on there marker ring on the mar; reverse grip, it's my little finger on the marker ring, it's just a touch wider, but obviously your hands are facing the other way.
You also need to make sure the bar sits across your hands at the right angle, otherwise it will slip! Either lots of chalk (if you're confident/strong bencher) or ideally, a spotter!
I tend to bench in the power cube so Im can set pins if I fail and no spotter needed, but I cannot reverse-grip bench in the cube as I can't get my hands to where I need them, fortunately the gym I train at has a very wide bench with 3 sets of pegs, so if I know I'm close to failing, I just drop the bar onto the lowest pins and crawl out haha Grin

I had a go at these with just a very light weight (no spotter) and even then it was very dificult to unrack. Feels nice once you get going.
» Reverse Grip Bench Press (Go to post)01-01-2018 @ 22:59 
hifilover said:
It's ok, 140kg isn't that strong really on these IMO
No issues with wrists/elbows, but getting grip width right is important, otherwise you will get sore wrists.

How does your grip width in these compare to your right way round gripth widths?
» Lumps and bumps (Go to post)31-12-2017 @ 23:58 
SteBennett said:
chubbman said:Speaking of limbs and bumps.... what the f**k is going on with Janashias back???

He looks like bowser from Mario karts haha

» Reverse Grip Bench Press (Go to post)28-12-2017 @ 14:49 
Does anyone ever do reverse grip bench? What's your thoughts on them?

I would previously have thought they were a bit pointless but Greg Nuckols seems to be a fan:
» Non barbell assistance work (Go to post)22-12-2017 @ 18:05 
I've recently started adding hack squats, leg presses and belt squats into my mix of exercises and am finding them to be quite nice additions to purely squat and deadlift variations. Also some kind of machine fly which seems to be rather pleasant.

What non barbell assistance work (if any) do people here like?
» Patella straps (Go to post)22-12-2017 @ 18:01 
My Mrs used them a fair bit during rehab of patella tendonitis/tendonopathy.

Her message was they work to reduce knee pain during use but they only mask pain. They would allow you to do more than you possibly should given you wouldn't have a realistic perception of pain (you'd know about it later though)

So they do work a bit, but should probably be used with a lot of caution.
» Blood Tests (Go to post)15-10-2017 @ 00:48 
Anyone here get comprehensive blood tests for reasonable cost? If so where and how much?
» Rolling around and limbering up (Go to post)12-10-2017 @ 22:57 
Henk said:Back in my youth when doing martial arts, I had a book that described an isometric stretching technique that shut down the golgi reflex - it worked for me.

More recently I've tried fascial stretch therapy, where the therapist concentrates on the fascia - that is also very effective, I got some massive increases in ROM in just a few sessions.

That's interesting. Do you think these two methods are more effective/efficient than static stretching?
» Rolling around and limbering up (Go to post)11-10-2017 @ 18:57 
Has anyone here managed to achieve lasting improvements in flexibility?

I've been trying to do splits (not even close), and while i notice an improvement over the first day or two, progress stalls rapidly over successive sessions. Also I notice that within each session, most of the time seems to be spent just trying to relax my adductors enough to be able to do something resembling splits before i can really get into stretching tissues. I notice similar patterns with other stretches (pidgeon pose or shoulder stuff). I'm presuming here that I am being limited by tightness/shortness of tissues rather than any particular joint issue, and that I probably just need to keep at it very regularly over a very long period. I also don't have a good feel for how much of inflexibility in individuals is due to short tissues, as opposed to muscle tension (and how much this is worsened by lifting).

So just curious if anyone has made substantial gains in flexibility that last longer than just the 1 hour gym session after whatever you did. Interested in all methods (stretching, foam rolling, acupuncture, hypnosis, sleeping pills, whatever)


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